Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1673: Four hundred fifty nine

As soon as Chi Shuyan got out of the ward, she had a hard time sending Yuan Yuan’s Xia Mingcheng a face-to-face. Seeing Xia Mingcheng's gloomy complexion, her face was very ugly and air-conditioned. She also knew that the hostility on him was due to Yuan Yuan, a woman. Yan Liling's old hatred before, coupled with the fact that the other party attacked his brother this time, one can imagine how much Xia Mingcheng hates the woman surnamed Yuan.

The hatred in my heart is so bad that I have to do a show with this woman. I can imagine the sorrow in his heart. This can be regarded as the worst and worst peach blossom in history. Chi Shuyan's eyes sympathize with sympathy. You still have to ask, she asked, "How about? What about the woman surnamed Yuan? By the way, your parents and your brother are worried about you!"

Xia Mingcheng saw the visitor, his gloomy expression eased a lot, wiped his face, and immediately replied: "The man is gone, I'm fine, she didn't see Mingzhen just now, I don't know he is fine!" Mentioned this, Xia Mingcheng breathed a sigh of relief on her face and continued: "I deliberately revealed to her that Mingzhen is seriously injured and very likely to become a vegetative. She believes a little now, so she doesn't know when she will come back to the hospital suddenly?"

Speaking of this, Xia Mingcheng's heart became more irritable and anxious. He couldn't imagine that if the news of his brother's okay was revealed to a woman surnamed Yuan, he was even more worried that the woman suddenly contacted his parents. Now his parents know the woman's true face. What should I do if I be careful to show what is wrong and let the woman find that something is wrong?

Xia Mingcheng now really knows that the woman's life is really nothing to her.

I'm afraid that the woman will jump over the wall and do something to his family. Today is his brother's accident. What if it is his parents' turn the day after tomorrow? Xia Mingcheng didn't dare to imagine this scene, he was very anxious, and he wished that the master in front of him would immediately drive away the evil things that helped the woman harm.

Only in this way, his family and friends would have nothing to do. Xia Mingcheng's eyebrows were very anxious, and he thought so and asked what was in his heart directly.

Chi Shuyan was not surprised, his expression was still calm, and he said: "Before I came, I happened to discuss this matter with Brother Feng. At present, I have a solution, but you need your help!"

When Xia Mingcheng heard this, he was very surprised and pleasantly surprised. He immediately asked excitedly: "What is busy? What do I need to do?"

Seeing that there was no fear in Xia Mingcheng's eyes, she was more impatient. She breathed a sigh of relief and immediately took out a bracelet from her pocket. Although this bracelet was no different from a normal bracelet, the only difference was that she sealed the advanced tracking charm inside. , The sealed talisman in it is the advanced tracer she just painted before. This advanced tracer can not only trace the trace of the other party immediately, as long as the other party has an abnormality, she can immediately control everything clearly and facilitate the exploration of the other party’s bottom. She didn't talk too much nonsense about Fulu function, only asked Xia Mingcheng if she could give this bracelet to the other party.

Of course, she chose Xia Mingcheng because the other party was very defensive to other people, and she did not necessarily carry the things that other people gave with her all the time. Unlike Xia Mingcheng, Yuan Yuan's woman has always liked him, and so far, she has treated him too. There is no precaution and no doubt. This time it happened that the brother Xia Mingcheng’s accident was an opportunity. Based on her understanding of the woman surnamed Yuan, the woman surnamed Yuan would naturally not let the coldness and warmth take advantage of this time. The opportunity to enter.

But after some days, if Xia Mingcheng suddenly gave the other party something, the other party would not have any doubts, but thought that he was very moved and prepared to respond to her feelings.

It's just that these days I'm afraid it will be troublesome for Xia Mingcheng to play with Yuan Yuan's woman.

She also knows what Xia Mingcheng hates Yuan Yuan's woman now, and she doesn't want to embarrass the other party. She clarifies the matter a little bit and gives the other party the right to choose.

If the other party is unwilling, she can only follow the next one to find the other party's flaws and the evil things that have been hidden behind when the next person has an accident, but this risk is a bit big and time-consuming, and it is far from cutting the mess with such a quick knife.

After hearing Chi Shuyan's explanation, Xia Mingcheng immediately took the bracelet and nodded and agreed to act on occasion.

No one is more anxious or eager than him to let the master drive away the evil thing that has been helping Yuan Yuan's woman to be a torture, not to mention that the other party has now endangered his family.

"Master Chi, I will notify you immediately if I have news!" Xia Mingcheng replied after receiving the bracelet.

Chi Shuyan nodded and motioned for Xia Mingcheng to enter the ward to see his brother, but before he left, she suddenly remembered something, her face changed slightly, and she immediately shouted, "Since you are the same

"Husband, what do you want to eat tonight? I will cook it for you!" Lin Xunzheng called her relatives and her husband was very gentle and a little bit sly, but not polite, but very natural and soft, just follow She has a natural look like a coquettish bitch, and her voice is also naturally attractive.

However, no matter how coquettish and bastard, and no matter how good his looks, Lin Xun also consciously is an exceptionally qualified wife and mother. He doesn’t go for tricks at all. On weekdays, he not only enters the hall, but also the kitchen, and the bed is even better. Kiss your husband.

Otherwise, a man with a ‘frigid’ face is always tossing in bed, it’s called a dragon and a tiger, no matter how late you work overtime, you have to toss her at least a few times every night.

Isn't she serving well?

Lin Xun's thoughts didn't last long, and the man's deep, mellow and magnetic voice came from the phone's microphone. The man's voice was rather cold and clear, and the language was concise and not nonsense.

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