Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1678: Four hundred sixty four

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. These days, just like Xia Mingcheng thought, Yuan Yuan, this woman, contacted him almost every day, coming to the hospital from time to time, and asking for help. If he hadn't prepared for it, he had already arranged things so that the family would be wary of this. Woman, he was really worried about what his parents would leak out.

In short, Xia Mingcheng did not let this woman approach his parents as much as possible just in case.

However, since he agreed to Master Chi’s matter, he could only endure his dislike of having **** with women. I don’t know if he was talented in acting. In just a few days, this woman had never doubted him at all, and thought it was because of herself. Moved by sincerity.

Xia Mingcheng made up his mind to endure it for a few more days, and then pretended to give the opponent a hand chain with a touch. Such a gradual process, the other party would not think much about it.

Yuan Yuan did not think much about it. She also felt some differences between Mingcheng and her. Although Mingcheng's attitude towards her was still cold at first, it seems that now she is not repelling her approach, and she sometimes talks more with her. Yuan Yuan was very happy, and she was sure that the other party had gradually accepted her. As long as she continued to approach her in a gradual manner, Mingcheng would soon forget that Yan Liling's **** accepted her.

Thinking of this, Yuan Yuan was ecstatic. She was in a very good mood these days. She was about to make some soup and then go to the hospital. The phone screen flashed, the ringing sounded, Yuan Yuan's eyes flashed impatiently, waiting to see She just answered the call right away who was calling.

Speaking of it, the call from the other party is also considered an acquaintance. She was one of the people she helped to see the marriage a few days ago. However, the identity of the other party was somewhat special, and his family background was comparable to that of Xia's family. More importantly, the other party had a good relationship with Xia's mother. My girlfriend, Yuan Yuan thought that the other party would be beneficial to her marrying into Xia's family, so she spared some patience and said warmly, "Aunt Ni, hello!"

As soon as Yuan Yuan had finished speaking, there was a cry of crying and weeping over there. After a while, Yuan Yuanqiang resisted his impatience and continued to warmly and caringly said: "Mother Ni, what's the matter with you? What can I do to help? Are you busy?"

Hearing what Yuan Yuan said, the man named Aunt Ni stopped crying, but her voice was still a little choked. Thinking of business, she immediately said: "Master Yuan, you said that my son and his girlfriend are incompatible. It’s not appropriate, is there any way to resolve it? Master Yuan, please, no matter how much money I have in Ni’s family! The relationship between the two children is really good, and I can’t bear to beat the mandarin ducks. Think about how to resolve it?"

This Aunt Ni is also a reasonable person on weekdays. She was really not dissatisfied with the girlfriend his son was looking for at first. The two children are in good backgrounds and their relationship is very good. The two children can be regarded as childhood sweethearts. Since childhood, their parents have also By default, the two children are together, just waiting for the two children to reach the age before receiving the certificate.

But who knows that she helped Master Yuan to help the two children look at each other and wanted to set a good day for the two children to set up. I thought it was a match made in heaven. How could I know that Master Yuan said that the two children are unworthy, and even the little girl will do it? To kill her son.

Aunt Ni knew this Master Yuan for some time, and she knew that she did have the ability, otherwise she would not believe so. At the beginning, she really wanted to beat the mandarin ducks and separate the two children, fearing that there would be something wrong with her son.

But these days since she disagrees with the marriage of the two children, her son has been stunned with her as a mother and didn't go home. Her original intention was to make her son be well, but she didn't know that now she was left inside and outside.

In fact, she planned to let her two children stay together before, but yesterday she just learned that the girl was pregnant with her Ni family's grandson. Now she is also very tortured and unbearable with the two children of Bangda Yuanyang. The baby grandson was in that girl's belly, and she was even more reluctant to let the baby abort.

She is also worried now. She just wants to find Master Yuan to help resolve it. It doesn't matter no matter how much money she pays, she hopes that her baby grandson of the Ni family will be well.

After listening to Aunt Ni’s explanation, especially after hearing the other party mentioned that the couple was very close, Yuan Yuan’s eyes were a little gloomy, or she thought that Xia Mingcheng had treated her very well these days, and her face was gloomy. The color has faded a little, but she inexplicably hates the couple that Aunt Nee mentioned is very good. Of course, she doesn't just hate this pair, as long as it is a couple who thinks that they are true love, she subconsciously hates it. .

At the beginning, those other people did not fail to explain that the relationship between Cheng and Yan Liling's woman is really true. She ah, when she thought that Yan Liling's **** could not die anymore, now she is the only one with Mingcheng, Mingcheng may be soon Will accept her, Yuan Yuan feels a little cheerful in her heart.

She didn't hesitate, and said coldly: "There really is a child, that child is best to fight. I said that the woman does not match the character of Aunt Ni’s son. I really want to be together. Not only will you kill your son, but maybe even your Ni family. It's all gone, and your Ni family's best not to ask for that child. Persuaded the woman to go to the hospital for a beating. Besides, I have no other way!"

Yuan Yuan's tone was stiff, the listener named Aunt Ni was shocked and horrified, and stammered again: "Yuan...Master Yuan, that precious grandson...really...can't you want it? "

"I still said that, that woman will deny your son, and that woman really wants to give birth to a child, and the child will also deny your son and your Ni family, Aunt Ni, you can do it for yourself and consider it a lot. Besides, your son is young now. How many sons do you want in the future? You still have to persuade your son to take the woman to have a fetus, and then let the two of them be cut off."

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