Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1679: Four hundred sixty five

Yuan Yuan didn’t know that she had just hung up the phone here, and the Ni family immediately called the Xia family. Of course, the aunt Ni family cried out to Xia’s mother about the abortion and how her son and Ni’s family were unlucky. Can't keep your baby and grandson?

It is obvious that the two children have a good relationship, but why is the fate so twisted? What evil did her Ni family do to get such retribution. At the thought of hitting her baby Ni family grandson, Aunt Ni family was so sad that she cried more and more.

Xia's mother has been with her youngest son in the hospital these days, and her emotions have just stabilized, mainly because her own family is really not a big deal. If it hadn't been for the boss to say that a woman surnamed Yuan was eyeing her house, Xia's mother would have wanted to return to Xia's house.

Regarding what her youngest son said about Yuan Yuan’s woman before, Xia’s mother also completely believed. Whenever she heard that woman came to her boss, Xia’s mother was worried and panicked, or the boss comforted her and said that Master Chi was there. Coupled with the fact that Xia's father has been with her, Xia's mother has gradually become more stable in her heart. Who knows that her peace in her heart was broken by this call from the Ni family today.

And Xia’s mother never expected that Yuan Yuan’s woman would suggest to the Ni family’s future daughter-in-law to have an abortion. She also knew something about the Ni’s asking Yuan Yuan’s woman to calculate the marriage character for her son. Having said this, it's a pity that the Ni family boss has a good relationship with the girl, but the characters are not in harmony. It was a pity that she heard it at the time.

I didn’t know that today I learned that the girl was pregnant with the Ni family’s eldest child, and Yuan Yuan’s woman directly suggested that Ni’s abortion. Suggesting abortion, Xia Mu once again experienced the other's cruelty, an inexplicable chill in her heart rose up, and she felt that she hadn't seen the little girl surnamed Yuan at first.

The face is gentle and gentle, who knows that the heart is so cruel? Such a daughter-in-law didn't push her youngest son, she didn't dare to ask for it.

Aunt Ni over there also cried desperately to her friend: "Alan, why do you say my life is so terrible? I finally had a baby grandson about to be beaten, when the two children were separated, the boss of my family did not blame me. Next time I want to abort the child again. From now on, the child will not know how to blame me for being a mother, but if I don’t fight, Master Yuan said that not only the girl will defeat our eldest son, but even the child will also defeat our eldest son and Ni. Why is his life so bitter!"

Aunt Ni's cries became louder and louder, and Xia Mu hurriedly comforted others, but she could not help other than verbal comfort.

Aunt Ni was also very aware of this, and she cried to her friend soon after she found an excuse to hang up the phone, Xia's mother hurriedly stammered and asked: "Yachun, you really... plan to let your son take your daughter-in-law to abortion. ?"

In Xia's eyes, the Ni family's eldest girlfriend was almost the place of Ni's daughter-in-law. She had been accustomed to shouting early. If it weren't for this, the two children would have settled down now. Thinking of this, Xia mother sighed.

Before Aunt Ni hung up the phone, desperately replied: "I have no other way except abortion. Master Yuan also said that there is no other call!"

Having said that, Aunt Ni could not help crying again.

Finally, Xia Mu hung up amidst the cries and despair of Aunt Ni's, and she fell silent.

In the ward, Xia Ming really fell asleep. Father Xia came out of the bathroom after going to the bathroom and saw that Xia Mu's face was wrong, so he asked what was going on.

The Ni family's private affairs, Xia's mother is different from others. Even if this person is her own wife, Xia's mother is not a talkative person. She just wanted to find an excuse to perfuse her, she saw her boss push the door in. Xia's eyes lit up when she thought of something. She hurried to the boss and asked excitedly: "Boss, there is something I want to ask you about. Master Wei...Is he particularly capable and powerful?"

Xia's mother remembered that her youngest was saved by the master, and she felt more and more that she was capable and might really be able to help the Ni family. All in all, a little hope is better.

After hearing her mother's question, Xia Mingcheng was a little startled, but he didn't get confused for long, and immediately nodded and said, "Well, Master Chi is very capable!"

"That's great! Boss, Boss, can you do me a favor?" At this point, Xia Mu couldn't help mentioning the Ni family's affairs. She probably explained the Ni family's affairs clearly to her own boss. Mother Xia asked hurriedly: "Boss, can you say that the master can help the Ni family? Your Aunt Ni is really pitiful. She was a good daughter-in-law, but she didn’t know that this daughter-in-law is not worthy of the Ni family’s boss. The child’s horoscope is not very good. Originally because of the Ni family’s eldest and the two children’s breaking up, your Aunt Ni was not a human being inside and out. If I mention abortion this time, I’m worried that the Ni family’s boss will sever ties with your Ni’s mother. Boss, when do you want to be free, can you call and ask Master Chi about this? Ask Master Chi if you can think of any way?"

The Xia family has a good relationship with the Ni family, so Xia Mingcheng naturally knows the Ni family and is very familiar. After hearing the **** words, Xia Mingcheng first raised his brows. He was busy with his own affairs before and had not paid attention to the Ni family, so It’s really not clear about the Ni family and her mother’s introduction of a woman surnamed Yuan to look at the horoscopes and marriages for the Ni family’s boss, so the first thought after hearing his mother’s words he immediately asked: "Who counts the horoscopes? Aunt Ni is not afraid that the man is a liar? She dare to believe such words?"

Xia's mother was a little guilty, mainly because she was regarded as the matchmaker for Yuan Yuan to look at the horoscope and marriage for the Ni family boss. Xia's mother didn't dare to conceal much now, and immediately told her to her son, until Xia Mingcheng heard that Yuan Yuan's woman gave Ni to Ni. The horoscope marriage and abortion that the family boss saw were also said by the woman. Xia Mingcheng's brows were tightly twisted, and there were a few folds on the brows. Speaking of it, he did not believe in the woman's ability but in the character of this woman. He couldn't think of the woman's motive for harming the Ni family. Xia Mingcheng was silent for a long time before repliing: "Yes, I will call Master Chi immediately to ask if Master Chi can help the Ni family!"

"That's good, that's good..." Xia Mu said hurriedly!

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