Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1680: Four hundred sixty six

Xia Mingcheng is also a very mobile person. When her mother finished speaking, he immediately went out of the ward to find an opportunity to call.

Just after Chi Shuyan read the information her man had checked, Xia Mingcheng's phone number came over suddenly. She thought that Xia Mingcheng was because of the call from his brother. When he tried to tell about the Ni family abortion, Chi Shuyan frowned. With a frown, his complexion was somewhat solemn: "What did you say?"

Xia Mingcheng once again told the story of Yuan Yuan’s woman giving the Ni family an abortion. Although Xia Mingcheng knew Master Chi, she didn’t dare to keep an inch. His tone was very respectful and said: "Master Chi, the Ni family has a very good relationship with my family. Mom made a call, and my mother wanted me to ask you about this, and I would like to ask the Ni family if there is any other way besides abortion?" After a while, Xia Mingcheng quickly said: "If there is no way, it will be fine. Actually, Master Chi, I heard my mother say that abortion in the Ni family was ridiculous. In addition, it was a woman surnamed Yuan who ordered the abortion in the Ni family. I couldn’t believe in her character. I always felt that the abortion in the Ni family was not big. Normal, I'm afraid she has other purposes, so I want to ask you!"

If Xia Mingcheng told her about this before she got the information today, she might not be able to answer his question, nor could she immediately determine the other party’s purpose, but at this moment she had asked her man to replace the woman. The face-to-face thing and people have checked it out. The women surnamed Yuan generally look at face-to-face objects are almost all people who are either rich or noble.

As for the Ni family, she was somewhat impressed.

The family of Ni is in a good family. The aunt of the Ni family in Xia Mingcheng has a very good relationship with Xia's mother, but the aunt of the Ni family did say that Yuan Yuan's woman took the initiative to approach the first customer who pleased her.

After her ability to'look at the face', the aunt of the Ni family trusted her very much, and the woman in Yuan Yuan did help the aunt of the Ni family a few unlucky disasters, so the aunt of the Ni family trusted her very much.

Originally, the woman surnamed Yuan only wanted to please the aunt of the Ni family. She hoped that the other person would talk to Xia Mu more of her good things and help her introduce more customers so that she could enter the circle and gain both fame and fortune.

Only later, Ni’s aunt suddenly asked her to help her son and her son’s girlfriend read the eight characters and marriage relationship, and introduced them to a woman surnamed Yuan.

This was also the fuse that caused the incident. The Ni family didn't know the character of Yuan Yuan, let alone her dislike Yan Liling, and subconsciously rejected good lovers.

After she read all the information, she only commented on the woman surnamed Yuan "incorrect mind" and "the heart is still somewhat distorted", but Ni’s boss and the boss’s girlfriend have a very good relationship, which does not hinder Yuan. Yuan this woman's eyes, the Ni family's encounter with a woman surnamed Yuan is also unlucky for the Ni family, especially the Ni family couple.

She can almost be sure that the Ni family's pair is only in the eyes of the woman whose surname is Yuan, and it's ridiculous to say anything from the woman's mouth.

She originally thought that this woman was just breaking up a good couple. This time she learned from Xia Mingcheng that the woman Yuan Yuan wanted to have Ni's abortion. This woman was not only distorted in her heart, she was very distorted, she didn't care about anything. Life, Chi Shuyan’s eyes flashed coldly, and quickly replied to Xia Mingcheng: "If you believe me, you'd better persuade the Ni family not to have abortions, and don’t blindly believe in Kren. The Ni family really wants to have an abortion. I will definitely regret it!"

Xia Mingcheng naturally stood on Master Chi’s side and believed in Master Chi more. He immediately nodded and said: "Master Chi, I know, I will talk to the Ni family well."

Chi Shuyan's eyes flashed, and suddenly he decided to say: "I will go to the hospital tomorrow, you can let the Ni family come."

It is always one life, and Chi Shuyan still can't see that one life is gone. In addition to Xia Mingcheng's call to ask for a home, she is not good at all.

Her words made Xia Mingcheng very happy and excited. He also knew that it was impossible for the Ni family to stop having a baby based on his words. If Master Chi was present, of course everything would be different. He had a good relationship with the Ni family boss. Knowing that there was a problem with this matter, he couldn't bear to watch the Ni family's eldest child have an accident. Xia Mingcheng was very grateful and said many words of gratitude in his mouth.

But there was one thing he didn't quite understand. The Ni family had nothing to do with Yuan Yuan's woman. Why did the woman harm the Ni family for no reason?

Xia Mingcheng thought so in his heart, and asked, Chi Shuyan raised his lips and said, "You really want to know?"

Xia Mingcheng didn't think much, nodded and said that he really wanted to know, he was worried that this woman would harm Yang Ji and the others, and would harm other innocent people.

Chi Shuyan did not deliberately confuse his appetite, and directly told about the information she just read and the dozens of pairs of the woman who beat the mandarin duck. Seeing Xia Mingcheng's uncharacteristic silence, Chi Shuyan raised his lips and said: "To some extent Speaking of it, this matter has something to do with you. Generally speaking, the couple who can make this Miss Yuan hit the mandarin ducks have very good private relationships. Do you understand now?"

As soon as Chi Shuyan’s words fell, Xia Mingcheng was a wise man, and he understood immediately. His face was instantly as nauseated and nauseous after swallowing flies, and a strong disgust flashed under his eyes. It can be said that he had never been disgusted so much. A person, the object is still a woman.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, please contact the Ni family first, and then contact me if you have any specific issues!"

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