Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1695: Four hundred and eighty one

Chi Shuyan was also taken aback when she suddenly appeared in the wilderness inexplicably. She walked up the steps instinctively, and after walking for ten minutes, she suddenly saw a dilapidated temple in the distance.

She didn't intend to go toward the temple, but the temple seemed to be so attractive that she was attracted to it inexplicably, Chi Shuyan vaguely noticed something was wrong, but could not tell what was wrong.

She simply followed her instinct, and quickly walked to a dilapidated temple. This temple was not much different from an ordinary temple, except that it was very dilapidated, and there was nothing special about the tatters outside.

The only special thing was that she had just walked to the entrance of the temple, which attracted her to enter, Chi Shuyan subconsciously raised a bit of alertness and vigilance, but this alert, after she looked at the door of the temple's dense black hole, her head slammed. Inexplicably blank.

This alert disappeared in her heart inexplicably soon, and only a small movement swayed in her heart. Not only was there no alert in her heart, but she had a sense of intimacy and awe at this dilapidated temple, and wanted to go in and worship in a hurry. Even the two feet that she wanted to move away immediately followed and walked into the temple uncontrollably.

But as she got closer to the entrance of the temple, the strange sense of crisis in her heart became stronger, and her right eyelid jumped. She always felt that the temple was like a monster that devours people. Just as she stopped at the entrance thoughtfully, suddenly inside the temple door A bewitching and seductive voice came out: "Come in! Come in! Come in!"

Listening carefully to this voice is not pleasant. For a while, it resembles the sound of a baby and then like an adult woman's smoking voice. It is dull and rough, but it sounds like a natural sound in her ears, making her unable to control her steps and walk inside.

When she returned to her senses, Chi Shuyan realized that she had reached the temple lobby inside, and the strange voice just now disappeared without a trace.

Taking advantage of the gap, Chi Shuyan looked at the inside of the temple. The outside was dilapidated, and the inside was even more dilapidated. There were originally several Buddha statues inside, but this Buddha statue was deliberately destroyed by some means. The destruction was very thorough, or only one hand was left. , The other bodies were shattered, or only the body was left, there was mud everywhere on the altar table, and there was no tribute.

However, compared with several badly damaged Buddha statues, a new coffin on the side is very eye-catching. Chi Shuyan didn’t notice the coffin just now. Until now, I saw that the coffin was not the usual color. I don’t know. What kind of wood is it made of, with a bit of blood red on the surface.

The wooden cover of the coffin is empty. The inside is empty. The outside of the coffin is painted densely with faces close to each other. Each face is very hideous and terrifying, not to mention that the densely packed sides of the coffin are all these hideous faces. In the past, people who were timid or intensive phobia were really shocked.

Chi Shuyan saw the coffin subconsciously frowning, until the same bewildering voice heard in her mind again, she couldn't help raising a little guard, but her two feet still lost control and approached the coffin.

Chi Shuyan always felt that this scene was a bit familiar, where he had seen or heard it before, but he racked his brains, but his head was always blank. When he stared at the coffin, the guard in his heart was swept away again, only inexplicable. Being close and in awe, her eyelids became heavier and heavier at some point, making her want to immediately crawl into the coffin and lie down, thinking about a good rest.

Yes, she wants to take a good rest!

On the other hand, Feng Yuanlin waited in the car for a long time. He didn't wait for Shuyan's movement. Instead, he waited for Zhen Bai's call. The first sentence of his buddies was to ask him: "Where is my wife?"

"Husband, what do you want to eat tonight? I'll cook it for you!" Lin Xunzheng called her relatives, his tone was very gentle and a little bit sly, but not polite, but very natural and soft, just follow She has a natural look like a coquettish bitch, and her voice is also naturally attractive.

However, no matter how coquettish and bastard, and no matter how high in appearance, Lin Xun also consciously is an exceptionally qualified wife and mother. He doesn't go in for three ways. Not only does he enter the hall but also the kitchen, and the bed is even better. Kiss your husband.

Otherwise, a man with a ‘frigid’ face is always tossing about in bed, it’s called a dragon, no matter how late he works overtime, at least a few times every night.

Isn't she serving well?

Lin Xun's thoughts didn't last long, and the man's deep, mellow and magnetic voice came from the phone microphone. The man's voice was rather cold and cold, and the language was concise and not nonsense.

Lin Xun didn't care. She had long been used to her husband's cold and taciturn character, but she knew that her husband must have her in his heart, or she would not agree to marry her!

The two of them have a real relationship, and their marriage is a matter of course.

Lin Xun always thinks that her husband is handsome and now is more and more promising but she has always been the only one.

Even the crossing five years ago felt beautiful.

Yes, Lin Xun is an out-and-out ancient man, who came here five years ago.

On the night she had just crossed, her husband seemed to be drugged. When she first crossed, she always just pinched her neck and threw her out the window, but she was shocked.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly, decisively choosing the former among the two options of losing her life and losing her life, and directly threw her husband at first.

Then she and her husband were in chaos and passion overnight.

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