Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1696: Four hundred and eighty two

The blood-red coffin lid was instantly blasted into pieces with a bang, and sawdust flew around. Listening carefully, a dull wailing suddenly sounded. Chi Shuyan looked over and saw the hideous faces on the coffin lid. Trying to break free from the lid of the coffin, his faces were twisted and hideously, trying to gather together, suddenly a huge black air burst out around him, gathered together and quickly dissipated.

With a bang, Chi Shuyan's eyes shook again as the wailing became weaker and weaker, and when she recovered, she had returned to the room where Yuan Yuan was staying.

Chi Shuyan scanned the furnishings around his eyes. This time he was sure that he was indeed not in the illusion. He was out of the illusion. The curtains were closed, and the furnishings around him were dark but familiar. Although the surroundings were empty, the guard in his heart was not lowered. Rising backward, his eyes were as sharp as a scanner, sweeping around one by one.

At this moment, with a bang, something suddenly smashed down and hit the center of the room. Chi Shuyan glanced at it. It was not Gu Beizheng who appeared who appeared. It was obviously that she had destroyed the illusion and others had also left the illusion.

Chi Shuyan didn't pay much attention to Gu Beizheng, her eyes continued to sweep around.

Gu Beizheng just came out of the fantasy world with a dumbfounded look. He didn't know what was going on. He just felt that he had a dream of lying in a coffin. He had just enjoyed a rest and lay down for a while. Suddenly he lost weight, and waited for him to recover. At that time, he suddenly fell to the ground.

Seeing that I reappeared in Yuan Yuan’s room again, the surrounding furnishings were familiar, and Shu Yan was not far away. Gu Beizheng always felt something was wrong in his heart. The dream just now was too real. Before leaving, he heard countless screams. The wailing.

Gu Beizheng was also well-informed, and quickly guessed what illusion he should have just fallen into. Suddenly he had some goose bumps in his body. He first looked around carefully, and saw that there were only Shu Yan and himself in this room, and there was no third one at all. 'ghost'.

He was just about to remind Shuyan about this, and seeing his compass rolling to the corner, he simply walked over to pick up the compass and talked about it, and then talked about it with Shuyan.

Unexpectedly, he just walked over and squatted to pick up the compass, lowered his head to wipe the dust carefully, and suddenly felt an unusually hot look on his head.

When Gu Beizheng raised her head, she saw Shuyan staring at him without blinking. Her dark eyes were different from the gentle smile on her usual day. At this moment, she didn't have the slightest smile on her face, and her eyes fell on him like a sharp knife. He was very late, and for a moment, Gu Beizheng was inexplicably disturbed and scalp numb by Shu Yan's eyes at this time, thinking she was irritating him.

In fact, Xu Xudong said that he really didn't have the guts to let his boss get out of the car at his word.

As if seeing Xu Xudong's thoughts, Chi Shuyan reached out through the car window and twisted the car door, letting Xu Xudong get out of the car. Xu Xudong was eager to get out of the car at this time, for fear that the two quarreled, his little role would suffer.

Of course, he felt that quarreling with his own boss would definitely not quarrel. The cold war is possible.

But he did not expect that he would have such courage to look at the thin and weak **** weekdays, and look at her tone of voice to her boss!

This little girl is definitely not ordinary in the heart of her boss, but the little girl is not qualitative, see if this is not directly caught by the boss!

Seeing Xu Xudong staying silent and trembling at the opinions of the man behind her, she didn't even want to pull people out of the car. She was quite strong. She pulled the people out of the car accurately, got in the car by herself, and closed the door. , Roll up the window.

Before Chi Shuyan rolled the car window, he still did not forget to politely rush to Xu Xudong, who was standing sluggish outside the car, and said, "Mr. Xu, please take a moment. I invite you to the opposite side for a cup of coffee. I will settle the bill later. is you!"

The reason why Xu Xudong was sluggish at this time was first of all the strength of shocking his little proprietress. It didn't take a bit of effort to grab his big man and grab a duck. Would you like this strength?

After hearing the words of his little boss, Xu Xudong hated to run away and listened to the boss's personal feelings. He didn't dare to do it at all, but he had to ask his boss if he wanted to run away?

Xu Xudong immediately looked nervously at his cold, harsh and dignified boss. Because he was too nervous, he stammered a bit: "Old... boss!"

Qi Zhenbo's complexion remained unchanged, and he just nodded, his introverted emotions made outsiders unable to predict the slightest.

After Xu Xudong left, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief, rolled the car window, and turned to look at the tall man behind him.

At this time, the atmosphere in the car was strangely silent. She did not speak, and the man opposite did not speak too late. Her thin lips were tightly pressed into a line, and her face became colder and colder.

But Chi Shuyan thought about how to explain it again and again. She didn't want to misunderstand more and more with this man. Any misunderstandings should be explained immediately. What's the matter if you keep hiding?

At the same time, she made up her mind to explain clearly about the son-in-law's previous visit. For the past two days, she had been in a cold war with this man. No, even if it wasn't a cold war, the man ignored her all the time, and she was very upset.

Then he said: "The scene you saw just now was a misunderstanding. The other party was Feng's cousin. Yang Lan looked at Shang Feng's cousin and asked me to come over for dinner. , I really don't know if it is..." What happened.

Chi Shuyan sincerely wanted to explain it clearly, but the man in front of him did not give her a chance to finish the explanation. He raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "You don't need to tell me these things!"

Chi Shuyan:...

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