Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1701: Four hundred and eighty seven

The two went out of the community together. After leaving the community, Chi Shuyan stretched out his hand to signal Gu Beizheng to return the fragments to her. Gu Beizheng wanted to do more research but didn't want to do more research, so he could only obediently return the fragments to Friends Chi Dao.

The two walked for a while, and Chi Shuyan saw from a distance that apart from Feng's car, there was a familiar car in the distance. Who was it that was not his own man's car?

Chi Shuyan's heart tightened, and his pace couldn't help speeding up. Gu Beizheng also noticed the mood swings of fellow Chi Daoist. After walking for a short distance, the black car shook off not far away, revealing a very familiar and hard-faced man profile. Gu Beizheng realized that Just now Friends Chi Daoist suddenly fluctuated in mood.

It turned out that I saw my boyfriend... No, I saw my husband!

At this time, Chi Shuyan was very surprised and happy to see her man. She was a little bit overwhelmed to say hello to her fellow brother. Not far away, when the man in the car rolled the window to the end, he called her over in a low voice. Chi Shuyan immediately became angry. I walked to the car window and bent over to talk to the man, and his tone was a little colder than before, and he said in a soft voice, "Husband!"

Feng Yuanlin was on the side to Shu Yan and didn’t know when he had learned how to see Zhenbai. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes when he saw Lu Wangyou, and saw that these two men kept feeding his single dog with dog food. No, Zhenbai. This has never been a rigid and conservative person suddenly let Shu Yan bow his head, and the couple came to each other to touch each other's faces and kill each other in the public. It was the same as they hadn't seen him in ten or eight years. Feng Yuanlin was utterly unhappy.

Fortunately, there is another person at the moment, and he will not be left out. Because of this case, he is also familiar with Gu Beizheng. Seeing that the couple hasn't finished it yet, he simply took the initiative to speak with Gu Beizheng.

Of course, the topic is mainly about whether the matter is resolved?

Gu Beizheng was not in a hurry to reply to Feng Yuanlin's words, his attention was focused on Friends Chi and her husband.

Wait, my husband, when I remembered that friend Chi mentioned that she was married to the man in the car, Gu Beizheng couldn't help but look at people a few more times. At this look, Gu Beizheng couldn't help feeling that women were both looking at their faces and were not at the same time. Don't recognize that friend Chi Daoyou's face is really good.

Not only that, the whole body is noble and introverted, making people look like ordinary people.

It's true that it's not ordinary people, can ordinary people have such evil spirits and lifeless fluctuations?

Gu Beizheng approached and noticed the abnormality of Friends Chi Dao’s husband again, and saw the man’s suffocation and death inexplicably surging. His face suddenly sank with dignity, and when he looked at Friends Chi’s husband, his face was a little pale, like a serious illness. .

It can be seen that there is indeed a suffocating energy in his body, and he has been forced to suppress it for a period of time. I don't know if it is because the suffocating pressure in his body can't control it tonight, so some looseness and sudden riots, and then make the opponent weak, otherwise the opponent's face will not be so pale at this time.

Gu Beizheng's heart sinks as he sees it, and because of his friendship with fellow Daoist Chi, he becomes more worried. Of course, what Gu Beizheng is worried about is that fellow Daoist Chi is affected by this. You must know that the huge evil spirit or the death spirit is not only not good for people. , Especially for celestial masters and practitioners like them.

From the slightest it leads to the fact that the person’s cultivation base has not been promoted, and the serious is to take his life. I don’t know what is the evil spirit in the body of friend Chi Daoyou.


When Gu Beizheng was thoughtful, a pair of unusually sharp eyes from the opposite car swept over, restrained and compelling. Gu Beizheng was taken aback, and the other gentleman politely nodded and greeted him.

Gu Beizheng has learned the charm of Friends Chi’s family, and it’s no wonder why Friends of Chi Dao can see someone still marrying him. When Gu Beizheng was gossiping in his heart, he didn’t know that Feng Yuanlin’s eyes became more strange when he was watching him, especially It’s because he keeps his eyes on Zhenbai and Shuyan, wait, this kid doesn't want to dig his brother's wall, right?

Shi Ran was afraid that Chi Shuyan would not believe it, saying that he really saw a particularly terrible woman who was covered with corpses and was lying on Fang Yinglong.

Wei Panyang and Xiao Ningjin thought of one thing at the same time. After a few people came back from the Swan Lake trip for the first time, he suddenly expressed nervousness about changing cars halfway. Did he see Wang Yu also picking up a ghost?

The two of them also asked about this.

Chi Shuyan sat next to him and was curious to listen to them, while observing Shi Ran's face.

Soon, Shi Ran's face paled. He couldn't help thinking of Wang Yu's death and what happened at the time. His face was sad and terrified. He couldn't help but glance at the direction of Master Chi beside him. His expression was relieved. Shao, shook his head and answered the words of the two of them: "No, I couldn't see what was on Wang Yu's body at the beginning, otherwise, where would I dare to ride in the car with him?"

Wei Panyang and Xiao Ningjin looked surprised, but Shi Ran quickly turned around: "However, I had the best relationship with Wang Yu at the beginning. He usually likes to hang shoulders with him, but I put my arm on him that day. On my shoulder, I felt something weighing heavily on my hand!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Shi Ran's complexion turned pale again while shaking his body with Ji Ling, recalling what happened at that time, and continued: "At that time I just thought I was thinking too much or playing too crazy during the day. I thought, until I accidentally saw five pinched fingerprints on my arm! But Wang Yu clearly didn't pinch my hand. I also recognized that these fingerprints could never have been pinched by Wang Yu!"

Shi Ran was afraid that a few people would not believe it, so he rolled up his clothes and showed the pale and black handprints on his arms to everyone. He continued: "Although I didn't think about anything at the time, I saw that the handprints were scared, but My handprints were not so scary at the beginning, only a little red."

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