Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1702: Four hundred and eighty eight

After Feng Ge and Gu Beizheng drove away, Chi Shuyan got in the car and left with his man. Seeing that his man's face was not good, Chi Shuyan took the initiative to drive by himself. Qi Zhenbai did not refuse this time and gave the position to his wife. After waiting for Chi Shuyan to get in the car, he watched her man left and right, and saw that his face was much better than before, as if his pale face was just a conjecture.

Qi Zhenbai looked into his wife's worried eyes, and habitually touched the beads on his wrist with his right hand, and instead held his wife's hand, comforted and asked in a low voice: "Is it solved?"

Chi Shuyan said'um' and then did not say anything. She suddenly pinched the pulse of the man next to her, picked up aura to secretly observe the man's body, and when she did detect the fluctuations and disorder in his body, her face sank and she was not a fool. The man suddenly appeared outside the community and she suddenly became sober in the illusion, she always felt that he had the man's handwriting.

The woman surnamed Yuan is actually mediocre, but the illusion is very powerful. If it weren't for this man tonight, I'm afraid she would have been careless.

All in all, the evil spirit suppressed in this man's body has always been the knot in her heart, especially since she doesn't know much about this aspect, there is no way to help resolve it for a while, and she is not trying to find a solution to the evil spirit and death in the body in Xuan Yin Jue. Unfortunately, Xuan Yin Jue said in Xuan Yin Jue that there are not many in this area, only fur, and she has no perfect solution for a while.

Before, she was fortunate that the Buddha beads relics on the man’s wrists could keep suppressing the man’s evil spirits, but after seeing the man’s face tonight, her heart sank, pretending to be ignorant on her face, and deliberately asked: "Why are you here tonight Up?"

Qi Zhenbai had thought of an excuse long ago, saying that when Feng Yuanlin had heard of it, Chi Shuyan was speechless and could not continue to ask.

Qi Zhenbai held his wife's hand tightly, and at this moment, he held the person tightly, and he felt a little relieved. The reason why he came tonight was suddenly feeling a little uneasy before rushing over.

As for picking the Buddhist beads suddenly is also a subconscious action, he always has an instinct. If he doesn't pick it, his wife might be in trouble. He just hopes that he can help his wife if he doesn't hold back.

Before, he also trusted his wife's abilities very much, but he was inexplicably uneasy if he was in front of him, but now he feels a lot more stable and at ease.

Although he was calm in his heart, Qi Zhenbai's scorching gaze from the beginning to the end never concealed him. Chi Shuyan was very suspicious that if she hadn't been driving at the moment, this man would want to check whether she was okay.

Chi Shuyan's heart was warm and funny and speechless: "I'm really fine! Husband, you should believe in your wife's ability!"

Don't say being stared at by this man, she felt a little pressure in her heart.

Qi Zhenbai didn't worry about the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart anymore, now that she is intact in front of her.

However, although he did not struggle with the previous anxiety in his heart, he inadvertently inquired about what happened just now. Chi Shuyan didn't think much about it at this moment, and briefly recounted the matter, mainly emphasizing that the illusion is very powerful. Apart from this, the others are fine.

Chi Shuyan talked and talked endlessly, without blurting out, she also talked about all the things she had suffered in the illusion before, she said carefully and had fun, completely unaware that the man's face suddenly sank. , His complexion was a little dark, and his expression was particularly unhappy and sharp.

The man looked good, but he was particularly powerful and bluffing when his face sank and anger. He waited until Chi Shuyan drove a long distance and stopped in front of the green light at the crossroads before Chi Shuyan noticed the man's dark face. , Feeling guilty, immediately shut up obediently and quickly.

After going home all the way home, Chi Shuyan didn't dare to say a word, and the man beside him didn't say a word. Once back to the room, he found an excuse to go to the bathroom to take a bath.

Chi Shuyan:...It's over, I regret having too many words!

The words of Chi Shuyan in the ears of Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun made them feel that Master Chi was sincere. With a look of excitement, they immediately shook Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, and Cao Zhengsong, asking them to buy it quickly. It's not that there are not enough talisman in Master Chi's pocket, they both want to buy more just in case.

But it’s not the same thing in the ears of Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming and others. When I think of Song Yanru’s two million yuan to buy these broken charms, they also called out a sky-high price of one hundred thousand. Although Zhengming's few people are not short of money, they are really shocked by the'high price'. They can't believe they look at the little girl in front of them, and then look at Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun who have been encouraging them to buy some symbols. It's hard to explain in a word.

After all, no one's money came from the wind.

He usually takes a lot of effort to make a movie and occasionally wants to make millions and it is very difficult, and there is still a loss. On the contrary, the little girl in front of him has the same black method of making money.

Dare to call out two million for less than twenty pieces of broken paper?

Yan Zhengming didn't say anything, but his idea was similar to that of Director Wang, and he didn't want to buy a talisman at all!

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun didn't see the black faces of Director Wang, but they were anxious and forced to persuade them: "If you can buy more, you can buy more. Anyway, we are not short of money!"

Dao Wang, Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, Cao Zhengsong: ...what kind of ecstasy soup did this little girl give Shenglin and Yang Kun?

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