Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1704: Four hundred ninety

After lunch at noon, Chi Shuyan took a taxi to the police station. She paid and walked to the police station. She didn’t know if it was a coincidence. She actually met Yuan Yuan who was about to leave the police station. Seeing this woman again, this woman did not have the exquisiteness and superiority before, but was very embarrassed and was escorted out of the house.

Especially when this woman didn’t have the same delicate makeup as before, so her haggard and blue eyes and face couldn’t be covered at all, her hair was not combed, and she was draped on both sides, her face was embarrassed and distorted, her eyes were red, and everyone looked through. Resentment, Mo Yun stared at everyone fiercely, his verbal abuse never stopped along the way, and he kept muttering nervously: "Let go of me, let me go..., I want to sue, I want to sue!"

After a while, he shouted inside again: "Mingcheng, help me, Mingcheng, help me. They are all in the same group, they are all in the same group, they are not good people, they want to harm me..., they want to kill me..."

The woman yelled incoherently, her voice was exhausted, and she closed her mouth immediately after seeing someone at the door and calling for help, her eyes fixed on Chi Shuyan without blinking.

Chi Shuyan naturally noticed the other's gaze. To be honest, she didn't expect that she could be so fate with this woman and could still meet at the door.

Although she was very uncomfortable with this woman's selfish intentions, she had no grudges with this woman. She nodded coldly at each other as a greeting, and then beat the two boys who had taken Yuan Yuan out of the police station. With a hello, the two who happened to be the custody of the people were Feng Ge's men. Because of the lockdown, everyone had a good relationship and was quite familiar.

Tang Yunming's head turned fast, and he immediately said, "Master Chi, the office is closed inside. You can see people as soon as you enter."

"Sure, I'm going in, you guys are busy!" Before Chi Shuyan entered, he hurriedly glanced at the face of this woman Yuan Yuan. Sure enough, the face of this woman was beginning to change.

But at this moment, she still couldn't see the specific changes in the opposite aspect. After looking at it for a while, she didn't see anything, so she simply raised her foot to find Brother Feng first.

Before leaving, she inadvertently saw only two shadows on the ground. One was Tang Yunming, and the other belonged to Feng Ge and the other. The short hair was all men. What about the woman surnamed Yuan?

Chi Shuyan was afraid that she might be wrong, so she stopped and took a few more glances. Within a few seconds, the two shadows on the ground suddenly stretched out and stretched out half of the shadow, with only one long hair, half a body, and one. One hand and one foot are obviously the shadow of a woman surnamed Yuan.

The shadow was extremely weak. It stretched out and stretched out for a while, and it disappeared and reappeared after a short while, repeatedly, back and forth, but look carefully, the shadow of the woman Yuan Yuan falling on the ground is getting lighter and lighter, and she has a face Lustrously startled.

Tang Yunming and Chen Da originally waited for Master Chi to expel the woman surnamed Yuan. They didn't know that Master Chi suddenly stood still, with their eyes fixed at their feet from time to time, and their scalps were inexplicably numb.

The two of them were about to say a few words to Master Chi to remind people, how did you know that the woman surnamed Yuan was caught off guard by the two and broke away from the two, suddenly ran to Master Chi, her eyes staring at the person scarlet and bulging again, her eyes penetrating With full hatred and resentment, as if Master Chi was her father-killing enemy, the woman screamed with a twisted face and said, "Is it you? Did you steal my baby? Did you... Did you... …"

The words of Chi Shuyan in the ears of Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun made them feel that Master Chi was sincere. With a look of excitement, they immediately shook Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, and Cao Zhengsong, asking them to buy it quickly. It's not that there are not enough talisman in Master Chi's pocket, they both want to buy more just in case.

But it’s not the same thing in the ears of Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming and others. When I think of Song Yanru’s two million yuan to buy these broken charms, they also called out a sky-high price of one hundred thousand. Although Zhengming's few people are not short of money, they are really shocked by the'high price'. They can't believe they look at the little girl in front of them, and then look at Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun who have been encouraging them to buy some symbols. It's hard to explain in a word.

After all, no one's money came from the wind.

He usually takes a lot of effort to make a movie and occasionally wants to make millions and it is very difficult, and there is still a loss. On the contrary, the little girl in front of him has the same black method of making money.

Dare to call out two million for less than twenty pieces of broken paper?

Yan Zhengming didn't say anything, but his idea was similar to that of Director Wang, and he didn't want to buy a talisman at all!

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun didn't see the black faces of Director Wang, but they were anxious and forced to persuade them: "If you can buy more, you can buy more. Anyway, we are not short of money!"

Dao Wang, Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, Cao Zhengsong: ...what kind of ecstasy soup did this little girl give Shenglin and Yang Kun?

Chi Shuyan caught the expressions of a few people in her eyes. She really didn't mean to say that she didn't want to buy or sell. Since the other party is not like buying, she doesn't ask the other person to buy. She has other things and is too lazy to talk to other people. Nonsense, I rushed to Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin: "Since others don't want to buy it, just forget it,..."

Before Chi Shuyan finished speaking, Yang Kun hurriedly and excitedly said on behalf of Director Wang and a few friends: "Buy, buy, want to buy, Master Chi, other people want to buy, especially want to buy. I will do it for them first. Advance money,"

Ruan Shenglin has a particularly strong ability to act, and immediately and decisively transfer money to Chi Shuyan. He has transferred eight million in a row, completely cutting off the back of a few people!

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