Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1705: Four hundred and ninety one

Chi Shuyan entered Feng Ge's office lightly, and there was no one inside, so she found a place to sit down and wait for someone.

When Feng Yuanlin went into the office with her arms hanging on the gauze, she saw Shu Yan thinking about something, frowning, and she didn't know what to think about. Shu Yan looked like this, it's quite rare to see, Feng Yuanlin was curious, and walked over to Shu Yan. Yan Shun poured a cup of hot water in her hand and jokingly asked, "What do you think? You are so engrossed? Wouldn't you start thinking about people just after leaving your husband?"

Seeing that Shuyan noticed him, Feng Yuanlin continued to happily said: "You two will abuse my single dog despite showing affection! See if I will find a place in the future?"

Chi Shuyan ignored Brother Feng’s ridicule. She originally wanted to directly ask a woman surnamed Yuan about her, but when she looked up, she saw Brother Feng’s arm wrapped in gauze. She subconsciously remembered the car accident that Brother Feng had mentioned last night. His face changed drastically, he got up quickly, looked up and down nervously, and made sure that there was nothing else but one arm wrapped in gauze. Chi Shuyan's complexion only softened slightly, but his tone was full of concern: "There really was a car accident last night?" After speaking, he immediately asked nervously: "Feng brother, are you okay?"

I'm afraid he has other internal injuries.

Seeing Shuyan caring about herself so much, Feng Yuanlin was quite satisfied, waved her hand to indicate that she was fine, but was slightly injured: "Hey, let's not mention the bad luck last night, isn't it just a bad luck!" After talking, Feng Yuanlin continued to say without heart and lungs: "The hapless guy also said that I was troubled by Zhenbai, **** fucking, well, let's not mention this!"

Feng Yuanlin didn't mention it, but Chi Shuyan had to think again, and was very upset that she didn't pay much attention to Feng Ge last night and injured him, and she also knew that Gu Beizheng was not a nonsense person. I'm afraid that nine out of ten are related to her man. That's the way Chi Shuyan feels guilty and apologetic, and said sternly: "Brother Feng, after Yang Ji's affairs are over, I really treat you to a big meal, or a royal kitchen meal. Order as you like."

Feng Yuanlin was immediately attracted by Shu Yan's promised meal, and quickly nodded in praise: "Shu Yan, Brother Feng, the luckiest thing in my life is to know you as a good friend."

The more Feng Ge said this, the more guilty Chi Shuyan felt. Now she can’t talk about her man’s abnormal health, so she can only care about Feng Ge, and by the way, she will justify Gu Beizheng’s name. Unfortunately, Feng Ge seems to be following Gu Beizheng had any contradiction, believing that the other party was an unlucky person, Chi Shuyan raised his forehead, so he didn't mention it more, but went to the other topic and said: "I ran into Yuan Yuan's woman just now when I came in!"

Feng Yuanlin also wanted to complain with Shu Yan more about how difficult Gu Beizheng was to get along with. Suddenly hearing what Shu Yan said, he immediately attracted attention, and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Fate, I didn't expect Shu Yan to have a good relationship with that woman. It's fate, but Shuyan, honestly, what kind of'baby' did you take her last night, I see this woman again today, why is this woman a little abnormal?"

Fearing that Shu Yan was not clear, Feng Yuanlin continued: "You didn't know that this woman rushed into the police station early in the morning and not only immediately asked us to find her "babies", but also met Yang Ji in the middle and almost lost control. You have to do it. It is said that Yang Ji and the others moved her'baby.' It seems that this'baby' is not so important to her!"

Chi Shuyan didn’t halt people’s appetite, and immediately took out the Russian doll fragments from the Qiankun Ring. This Russian doll was not made of other wooden materials, but ceramics. She immediately put the fragments on the table and let Brother Feng observe. .

Feng Yuanlin had also seen the woman surnamed Yuan in Shuyan mirror before using this to curse someone. The prophecy was also due to this set of dolls, so now I see these fragments, Feng Yuan Lin didn't despise it either, but stared at these fragments dignifiedly for a long time but couldn't tell why.

Seeing that there was a talisman on it again, Feng Yuanlin just tore it open, and immediately heard a very pitiful and weird baby cry. Not only that, the tabletop suddenly trembled with the buzz of the tiles, and Feng Yuanlin was startled. , Hurriedly pasted the talisman, and after the talisman did not move, Feng Yuanlin frowned and said: "Shu Yan, this thing is not a good thing. Sooner or later it will happen if you keep it."

Chi Shuyan nodded, and agreed with Brother Feng's opinion: "Although I don't know how this thing fell into Yuan Yuan's hands, it is indeed destroyed as soon as possible."

As soon as the words fell, she suddenly pinched a string of light blue flames at her fingertips, and the flames rushed to the tiles, and the black shadows condensed in the tiles had time to sob and scream, and they burned clean together with the talisman. The remaining ashes fell on the table.

After doing business, Chi Shuyan clapped his hands: "It's almost there."

Seeing that Shuyan was able to solve this problem so quickly, Feng Yuanlin was completely relieved and said: "It's just ruined. Yang Ji and everyone stayed in the detention room for the same time. Later I will disband the people and let them go back to each house. , Find each mother, no longer have to worry about it."

Feng Yuanlin finished speaking for himself. Seeing that Shuyan's brows were not soothed, but slightly frowned, he felt a little bit in his heart. Chi Shuyan is so familiar with Feng's brother, where would he not know what he thought, and immediately explained: "No Yang Ji and the others, but Yuan Yuan’s woman, Feng Ge, do you remember that I told you before that I had a face-to-face with each other when I entered the door?"

Feng Yuanlin nodded immediately, Chi Shuyan pursed his lips and said: "I can see that the woman should not be so good. The accident happened only a few days ago!"

Feng Yuanlin heard that Shuyan said that it was not Yang Ji and the others that had an accident, but a woman surnamed Yuan. Her complexion changed slightly and she immediately calmed down. Speaking of which, Feng Yuanlin was also a little entangled whether she could save someone or not? If they save people, then where is the person killed by this woman before, but if they don't save it, I'm sorry for his uniform.

Chi Shuyan saw Brother Feng’s entangled mentality and didn’t intend to embarrass him. Besides, she really didn’t intend to save people. What she is most concerned about is karma. That woman deserves retribution and deserves her sin. She doesn’t deserve sympathy. Said: "I can't do anything, I can't save people!"

Feng Yuanlin: ...can't save people, he believes in an evil face!

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