Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1710: Four hundred fifty six

After Chi Shuyan tiptoed home and returned to the bedroom, she was relieved to see a man on the bed still asleep, otherwise she really didn't know how to explain.

To go unlucky, she went to the bathroom and immediately took a cold shower, then immediately climbed onto the bed and went to bed next to her man.

I don't know if the bed is too comfortable, the man's yang energy is strong and the temperature is high, Chi Shuyan fell asleep shortly after lying down.

At this moment, a man next to him suddenly opened his eyes and got up, his eyes were deep, faint and complicated, and he glanced at his wife next to him, got up and walked to the balcony.

Qi Zhenbai's mood is neither good nor bad at the moment. He unconsciously took out a cigarette and smoked a cigarette while sitting on a balcony chair.

After a cigarette burned out, the irritability on his face improved. He took out his cell phone and dialed a familiar phone. After a while, Feng Yuanlin immediately picked up the phone and called Zhen Bai suddenly. He was still a little flattered, because tonight's death of the woman surnamed Yuan, he is still busy until now, and he still rarely spares time when answering Zhenbai's phone call. At the moment, his tone is also a bit tired: "Zhenbai? What's wrong with me so late? "

Qi Zhenbo was silent.

Feng Yuanlin: ...he offended Zhenbai again?

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Zhenbai to speak out suddenly, but his tone was not very friendly, and he even habitually gave orders: "

I will not interfere with what you often find with my wife, but the premise is that you better ensure her safety. "

As soon as Feng Yuanlin realized that the brother Zhenbai was asking him to raise the teacher, he listened to the other side and said again: "There is a difference between men and women. My wife has forgotten this. You who are almost 30 years old should remember this. Point, keep some distance!"

Feng Yuanlin really smirked right now. Yes, he did smirk. Just now he thought that Zhenbai was asking the teacher for sin, and his heart was quite guilty. How could he know that he was just an excuse to ask for sin, and he was jealous. It's the truth.

When I thought that his brother now even eats the jealousy of his good brother, no, no, it should be said that the brother Zhenbai has changed a lot, and now he is just a bucket of vinegar, Feng Yuanlin only thinks it is very funny, if After changing the usual time, he had already laughed with his stomach, and by the way, he stunned the brother Zhenbai.

However, he was not in the mood to laugh tonight, but he did not miss the opportunity to make a man, and deliberately said: "What is the difference between men and women, Zhenbai, your feudal ideology is bad, or you can just talk to Shuyan right now. Tell me nothing!"

Qi Zhenbai:...

"And Zhenbai, when is your kid getting more and more like a vinegar bucket? My heart has become so small. I think you want to keep me away from Shuyan, do you want Shuyan to be like all other men? Keep your distance? It’s best to let Shuyan never leave your house."

The second half of Feng Yuanlin was actually ridiculing casually, but I didn’t know that Zhenbai seemed to have been poked by him and kept silent. Feng Yuanlin didn’t take it seriously, and deliberately exaggerated the words'Fucking' and blurted out: " I'm going, brother, don't you really dare to think that way?"

Qi Zhenbo didn't speak, and Feng Yuanlin continued to ridicule: "Why don't you consider buying a book of women's virtues with three obediences and four virtues for Shu Yan to see, and see if she continues to live with you or jump out of your fire pit immediately!"

Feng Yuanlin wanted to nag and irritate people a few more words, when he heard the phone beeping and being hung up, he curled his lips. By coincidence, he handed down to the office and informed him that Yang Ji and Xia Mingcheng had arrived.

Feng Yuanlin waved his hand to let people go out first, indicating that he would go out soon.

When his subordinates went out, Feng Yuanlin opened the phone screen again, and the phone received two text messages, both of which were from Zhenbai.

‘Come to me directly if you have something to do! ’

‘Don’t disturb late at night! ’

Feng Yuanlin grinned after reading the two text messages, really! His brother is jealous again, and this time he is very jealous!

He smirked and suddenly sent two text messages to Shuyan.

"How does it feel to have a husband in a vinegar bucket?" ’

‘If your husband doesn’t let you go out in the future, remember to tell Brother Feng! Brother Feng takes you out of the fire pit! ’

Chi Shuyan finished her breakfast in the morning, and her man sent her to school halfway before seeing the two text messages Feng Ge had given her in the middle of the night last night.

Just after reading it, Chi Shuyan's expression was a little inexplicable, she didn't know where Feng Ge was talking about?

As for whether his man was a vinegar bucket, Chi Shuyan couldn't help but glanced sideways at a man who focused on driving. He thought that this man was jealous occasionally. It's not really a vinegar bucket, it's quite reasonable!

She didn't even know how to seal her brother back, so she put her phone back in her pocket and didn't return anything. Then she glanced at her man and asked, "Is it almost time for school?"

"Hmm!" The man's tone was still concise and concise!

The man's words were still very convincing, and he quickly arrived at the school gate. Chi Shuyan greeted the man next to him and twisted the door to get out of the car, but the man next to him took her wrist first, moving very quickly and again. Hold her firmly on her lap and embrace the waist.

Because the two were in the car with the windows closed, Chi Shuyan also minded the sweet and affectionate little actions with his own man, besides, the man in front of him was still her husband!

Facing an extremely handsome face, Chi Shuyan felt sweet in her heart.

He heard the man next to him speak in a low voice: "Dad sent me a text message. He said that he can return to Kyoto in a few days, and then we will discuss the date of our marriage with the old man!"

Chi Shuyan was surprised that when the man in front of him had been so familiar with her dad, he still had contact in private? After being surprised, she is happy. She nodded: "Oh!"

Qi Zhenbo was not very satisfied with his wife’s answer and perfunctory attitude. His eyes were heavy and he looked at her seriously, not to mention that men are already strong and look at people so seriously, and most people can’t stand it. Chi Shuyan is also a little bit at the moment. Can't stand it, was bluffed by the serious expression of her own man, who didn't know, she thought she had offended him?

I heard the man continue to ask: "Are you happy?"

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