Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1711: Four hundred fifty seven

Since she had decided to get the certificate from this man, she had prepared for the marriage and acquiesced in her heart. Naturally, she was happy. The couple had been sticky in the car for a long time, and Chi Shuyan was able to arrive late for school.

The man in the car kept staring at his wife's back, and he drove away until people entered the school door and saw the back no longer.

After successfully attending a morning class, Chi Shuyan planned to go to the imperial restaurant for lunch. Unexpectedly, she would run into Xia Mingcheng when she left the school gate. Chi Shuyan was not surprised that Xia Mingcheng came to her specially, so she simply invited her. People go to the imperial restaurant for lunch.

Xia Mingcheng did not refuse either: "Okay!"

Chi Shuyan took people to the private room that Li Yuchu specially reserved for her in the imperial restaurant, and also specially took the menu to order the other party. Xia Mingcheng did not know if he was stimulated by the death of a woman surnamed Yuan last night, and his expression was always a little tranced. It's complicated. He was a little regained when he heard Master Chi let him order. He hurriedly took the menu and handed it back: "I'm not picky, Master Chi, you just order."

Seeing that Xia Mingcheng really didn't plan to order, she didn't intend to refuse to waste time anymore. It just so happens that Li Yuchu has a good cooking skills. All dishes are called signature dishes, full of flavors and flavors. It's a pity that Xia Mingcheng's face today is so delicious. , I'm not in the mood to eat anymore.

The food is served quickly after ordering at the Imperial Restaurant, let alone Miss Shu Yan who came in person. The dishes on the table are personally chef Li Yuchu. The dishes are just on the table, and the smell is full, Chi Shuyan was not hungry at first. Now I have an appetite, picking up the chopsticks and picking up dishes frequently.

Although Xia Mingcheng was also surprised by the smell of the restaurant's dishes, he really didn't have any appetite. Even if Master Chi persuaded him to pick up the food, Xia Mingcheng nodded only to eat for a while, but never moved his chopsticks.

Chi Shuyan ate half full, and she was not in a hurry to see Xia Mingcheng hadn’t talked about business. After a while, Xia Mingcheng said, "Master Chi, I came to you today for two things, the first thing. It was my brother who was discharged from the hospital today. My family is very grateful to you. Thank you for saving my brother's life."

Chi Shuyan interrupted humanity at this time: "Your brother's life should not be the most important thing is to thank you. When you asked me to buy talisman, we have both money and goods. I have at most a few words, you believe me. Fu Lu gave it to his family, it is your credit."

Xia Mingcheng shook his head quickly and denied: "If you don't have your peace charm from Master Chi, Mingzhen..."

Chi Shuyan continued to interrupt the other party's words: "This matter is nothing more than a simple effort. The one he should be most grateful for is your brother!" Seeing Xia Mingcheng still wanting to struggle with this, Chi Shuyan smiled and said, "Okay, don't talk about it. The most important thing is that your brother is fine."

Hearing what Master Chi said, Xia Mingcheng felt more grateful, and she was very grateful that he had believed in Master Chi at the beginning. If he did not believe in the Master but believed in Yuan Yuan's woman, Xia Mingcheng could not imagine the consequences, but occasionally thought, he panicked after being afraid of cold sweat.

Xia Mingcheng is also a decisive and unwinding person. After listening to Master Chi's words, he didn't bother with this matter anymore. He continued: "There is one more thing. Yang Ji and the others originally wanted to come and thank you in person, but Ting Feng The bureau said that you are still in class, and the final exam is approaching recently and it’s not easy to come to your door to disturb you, so they asked me to thank you personally for them. Thank you, Master Chi, for your willingness to help, otherwise I am afraid that everyone will have no good end."

Xia Mingcheng's eyes were really grateful, and she also mentioned the expenses, indicating that the remaining expenses and Fulu expenses will be settled and credited to her Alipay account together within today.

Chi Shuyan was accustomed to the gratitude of others, but this was not a transaction of reciprocating money and goods. The money arrived in the account. She changed the business, but listening to Xia Mingcheng's sincere gratitude, Chi Shuyan also appreciated and smiled Said: "Everyone is fine and safe, and live well in the future."

Xia Mingcheng nodded, his face still a little absent-minded, Chi Shuyan was a smart person, not only saw that the other party had something to say, but also saw what the other party wanted to say to her. She had always had a good impression of Xia Mingcheng, so her attitude was good at this time. With a friendly smile, he said, "Mr. Xia, if you have anything to ask, I will tell if I can answer."

As soon as these words fell, Xia Mingcheng also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't hesitate anymore, but went straight ahead: "Master Chi, Yuan Yuan died last night? The rest of us have seen her body!"

To be honest, when Xia Mingcheng saw the other party’s body last night, there was only joy and no sympathy in his heart. When he thought that several of his friends and even loved ones died in the hands of this woman, Xia Mingcheng had the urge to whip the corpse for a moment, and felt that the other party was dead. It was too easy. Fortunately, this woman died very miserably, no more than the few people who died tragically by her. This was the only thing that made him gratify.

In fact, he came to Master Chi this time to ask why the woman surnamed Yuan wanted to kill them, why did they offend her, and wanted her to kill her like this. She was jealous of Liling and he could figure it out for Liling, but also for other people. Hands, to be honest, he still couldn't understand.

Not only did he want to know the truth, but everyone else in Yang Ji wanted to know. Xia Mingcheng also asked this question directly.

After hearing this, Chi Shuyan's expression changed a little: "Do you really want to know?" Speaking of it, Xia Mingcheng knew that it was not good for him. Chi Shuyan deliberately said: "You should know that sometimes people deliberately pursue the truth they want to know. There is no good, you can think about it again?"

Xia Mingcheng refused directly and said without hesitation: "Master Chi, I want to know, others want to know too!"

Obviously, Xia Mingcheng wanted an answer.

Chi Shuyan sighed. She really thinks that Xia Mingcheng is better not to know the truth. After contacting these days, this young man is indeed a very good and very good person, and she does not want him to live in guilt all the time. In the middle, it is not a good idea to memorize several lives on the body, not to mention that there is also a person she likes. She wants to tell the truth, and I am afraid that this young man will find a target in the future.

And to be honest, the young man Xia Mingcheng did nothing wrong at all.

The fault is that the woman surnamed Yuan and her greed and viciousness are still indirect victims.

Perhaps what he regrets the most is to let a woman surnamed Yuan look upon him. The more Chi Shuyan wanted to sympathize with the young man in front of him, seeing that Master Chi hadn't spoken for a long time, Xia Mingcheng was very upset and wanted to know the truth, so he could only continue: "Master Chi, I want to know the truth!"

Chi Shuyan changed his heart and sighed, "Sure!"

She said so, but Chi Shuyan didn’t intend to say that. For example, a woman surnamed Yuan killed so many lives for him. She simply talked about another reason. Of course, this is also a reason. For example, the greed and **** of a woman surnamed Yuan.

To put it bluntly, it’s because of the greed and greed of this woman, Yuan Yuan, who wants to get things that don’t belong to her. She thinks too much, her mind is too narrow, her mentality is not right, and she wants to get something for nothing, and she uses other side-strips. The sorcery achieves the goal. As the saying goes, you can't live by committing sins. She is.

So Chi Shuyan put all the reasons on the other party’s greed, and took the initiative to unravel the other party: "This matter really has nothing to do with you. In the final analysis, it is mainly due to the other party’s greed and wrong mentality. Yan Liling’s death can be said to be jealous. Indirectly because of you, but the lives of other people are her selfish desires. I am afraid that all of you have offended her at some point before. You think it is a trivial matter, but they remember it in prison, always thinking of revenge, but the heart of a villain Now her tragic death is also her fate. As the saying goes, she will die if you do many unrighteous acts. Her tragic death has nothing to do with you or anyone else. As for the previous tragic deaths, it has nothing to do with you and other people. They are all surnamed Yuan. Woman’s fault. In the future, you will live with peace of mind. Don’t think about other things. As the saying goes, if you don’t die, you will have a blessing. Enjoy the blessing and look ahead. The past will be her.”

Chi Shuyan said quite painstakingly. Fortunately, this was very useful. Xia Mingcheng's gloomy and tangled eyebrows gradually eased, as if he had solved his heart knot. In fact, Xia Mingcheng had been accounting for the lives of his girlfriend and friends. On his head, his heart is heavy.

Although he didn't immediately let go of everything, but Master Ling Chi specially made him feel at ease. Xia Mingcheng felt more grateful to Master Chi before him, and thanked her again and again: "I know, Master Chi!"

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