Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1712: Four hundred fifty eight

After parting with Xia Mingcheng, Chi Shuyan returned to school. He didn't expect that before noon, he would encounter Zhen Yu, who had asked for leave. At this moment, many people were surrounded by Zhen Yu's table and she was talking to her.

When Zhen Yu was speaking back, she looked at the direction of Shuyan tables and chairs from time to time. Now she turned her head and saw Shuyan return to the classroom. Zhen Yu was surprised and excited. Regardless of greeting other students, she quickly got up and walked over. Shuyan approached, shouting happily: "Shuyan! I'm back!"

She took a lot of leave for Yang Zhi’s parents these days. It’s been a long time since I saw Shuyan. If it wasn’t for the wrong occasion, she would like to rush over to hug Shuyan, saying that she was excited and grateful even though she didn’t hold it. , The excitement in Zhen Yu's words increased unabated, and she held her hand for a long time.

Chi Shuyan was also very happy to see Zhen Yu. She has few good friends. Zhen Yu is one of them. At this moment, she couldn't help but smile and said, "It's fine to come back."

Putting Zhen Yu's expression into the bottom of her eyes, it seems that the Yang family should be fine. She has recovered well from her injury. Look at this ruddy complexion. Of course, she very much doubts that Zhen Yu's ruddy complexion is not only brought up, but it is probably given by love. Nourishing, it looks like good things are coming.

The more Zhen Yu looked at Shu Yan, the more excited and happy she became. Now she really felt that Shu Yan was the noble person she had hit. Not only did she save her safety several times, but now she also saved the lives of her boyfriend and parents.

At the beginning, her boyfriend didn't care and didn't take Shuyan's words at ease, but she took Shuyan's words to heart and asked her boyfriend to give the talisman to the Yang family's parents. Unexpectedly, she finally saved the Yang family's parents.

Yang Zhi was completely convinced by Shu Yan's ability because of this.

It was also because she repeatedly asked Fulu to give Fulu to the Yang family’s parents, and later saved the Yang family’s parents. After Yang’s father and Yang’s mother knew about it, she also attributed some credit to her. In the past, the Yang family’s parents did not agree with her. Now the Yang family’s parents like her very much. They treat her as their own daughters. They also acquiesce in her relationship with Yang Zhi. Everyone is very happy.

A few days ago, the Yang family's parents also planned to make the two be engaged earlier, and the old couple even urged Yang Zhi to be nice to her from time to time. They also took out some jewelry for the daughter-in-law of the Yang family and gave her first.

All in all, now she and Yang Zhi are all in their hardships. They have won the approval of both parents early, and they have avoided future disputes between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Zhen Yu always thinks of this and feels at ease and sweet in her heart. Of course, she is very clear that all this is because of her beautiful face. Help, so Zhen Yu now really waits to dig her heart out to Shuyan's friend, and she is so grateful.

Not only that, Yang Zhi’s attitude towards her is getting better and better these days. Although Zhen Yu used to think her boyfriend was kind to her, she was far from caring and caring as she does now. After all, the two had a good relationship at first, but she didn’t know. Can you make it to the end? Now that her boyfriend treats her completely as his family, Zhen Yu's face is full of gratitude, and she repeats again and again with excitement: "Shu Yan, it is really lucky for me to run into a friend like you in this life, you I don’t know how happy and grateful I am. Without you, Shuyan, I wouldn’t have everything I have now. My relationship with Yang Zhi is not so good. I also have a relationship with Yang’s parents. I don’t even know the future. Can we really go to the end, me..."

Zhen Yu's tone is too excited. When it comes to the excitement, her voice is a little dumb, and her eyes are reddish. It is better that Chi Shuyan interrupted her first, and patted her shoulder to calm her: "Speak slowly, don't get excited!"

Zhen Yu was a little calmer, but his eyes were still red, and his eyes were full of sincere gratitude. Chi Shuyan was so excited about Zhen Yu and a little helpless. There were many people in the class. Zhen Yu's excitement attracted many people's attention. Looking at the two of them, there was someone who asked Zhen Yu loudly, "What's wrong?"

At this moment, Zhen Yu also realized that she was a little gaffe. If others misunderstand Shu Yan to bully her, it would be no good. Zhen Yu quickly wiped a tear, and said with a big smile to the classmate who asked just now: "It's okay. Seeing that Shuyan is so happy, can't I help but give up a few drops of cat urine?"

Zhen Yu's remarks caused many people to laugh, and many people felt that the relationship between the two was really good. She didn't feel good at the moment anymore. She suppressed her excitement and turned to other topics and said, "That's right. , Shuyan, Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang said they would like to invite you home for a meal. When will you be free? I will pick you up with Azhi. You don’t know, now Azhi treats you like a'living god' Now he particularly regrets what he doubted and questioned you."

Zhen Yu said that she was gloating and laughing at her stupid man. Chi Shuyan saw that Zhen Yu was living a good life now, and she was also happy for her, but as for inviting her to eat at Yang's house, she might be really true these days. No time, not to mention that she was busy with her man’s marriage recently. She just said that she had dealt with Fan’s spiritual tea before, and she has not given an accurate reply to others. She had to resolve this matter first, so Chi Shuyan considered repeatedly rejecting it. Said: "Zhen Yu, it's really unfortunate recently. I'm afraid I can't go to the Yang family for an appointment. Besides, you and Yang Zhi still need to be polite with me? What is our relationship? But don't worry, I have no time to go this time. Yang Zhi gets married and treats, I promise to go there, and bring my man with me, will it work?

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