Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1715: Five hundred and one

I had already arranged an appointment with the Fan family to discuss cooperation, and Chi Shuyan didn't want to delay any more, and waited for the Fan family and his son in the box at noon and early the next day.

However, the Fan family’s father and son arrived earlier than her. As soon as she entered the box, she saw the familiar Fan Yin and an elder sitting next to Fan Yin. The faces of the two were very similar. She didn’t need to guess more, knowing that the other party should be. Father Fan, both father and son look quite good, because of their practice and temperament.

While Chi Shuyan was looking at the two fathers and sons, Fan's father and Fan Yin also saw her. When Fan Yin called out "Master Chi", Fan's eyes flashed with surprise, and he hurriedly got up, fearing that the slow shot would offend others, and the tone was respectful. Then cautiously shouted'Chi Gaoren'.

Chi Shuyan was startled to laugh when Fan's father shouted, and quickly waved his hand to signal Fan's father and Fan Yin to sit down, walked to his seat and sat down and said, "No, I'm not a master. Fan's master just called my name. Cheng, my last name is Chi, my name is Shuyan."

When Fan's father thought that the sixth-rank promotion pill was made by the little girl in front of him, even if the little girl in front of him was really too young, he did not dare to call her by her name easily. In the ancient martial arts world, they also practiced by the strong. Zun, it has nothing to do with age, so Fan's father is afraid to take a trace of Joe, and immediately introduces himself: "Miss Chi, my surname is Fan's name. You can just call my name." After a pause, Fan's father continued to be fine. He said with a good voice: "Thank you Miss Chi for the few promotion pills that I have given to the Fan family. I am not grateful to Fan. It is his blessing that A Yin knows Miss Chi!"

It was the first time for Fan Yin to hear his dad speak in such a low and good voice. His face was red and sullen. For the first time he realized that his dad had such a slapstick. Fortunately, his dad would please Master Chi but not too much. Too flattery, otherwise he really couldn't stay here.

Fan's father and Chi Shuyan naturally didn't know what Fan Yin thought at this time, but compared to Fan Yin's embarrassment, Chi Shuyan still admired the Fan Patriarch's ability to talk. Although the other party tried to please her, he was not too flattering. , The listener feels very comfortable and wants to get close to him, which can be regarded as the master of Fan's ability.

Everyone is smart, and Chi Shuyan naturally doesn't hate the master of the Fan family, so the two of them talked about Lingcha cooperation very quickly, especially the Fan family intends to please her. There are few requirements and conditions, and the price will follow her. Patriarch Fan, who knows the current affairs like this, is naturally not open to the lion’s mouth, let alone knowing her and Fan Yin, so the cooperation with Lingcha hits it off, and she has nothing to ask for. The only requirement is for Lingcha. In limited quantities, she could not provide too much spiritual tea alone.

In fact, although the spirit tea provided by Chi Shuyan is limited, there are still a lot, especially the quality of spirit tea is very good, Fan Fu has no opinion.

After all the conditions were negotiated, the Fan family subsequently drafted the contract and sent it to her to sign it directly.

Father Fan didn't expect this expert to get along so well and without airs. In fact, before coming, Fan Father had already prepared the expert lion to open his mouth.

Based on this expert's ability in alchemy, Fan's father made up his mind not to offend this person. Besides, experts generally have the temperament of an expert, but unexpectedly this expert is so easy to get along with, not greedy and cheap. To be reasonable, it's no wonder that his son kept saying good things about this guy. Fan's father looked at the expert in front of him, his eyes became more and more scorching and respectful, and he made up his mind to have a good relationship with him and maintain good contact.

So Fan's father took the initiative to put forward soon: "I wonder if Miss Chi is interested in the Guwujie auction house?"

He only heard what A Yin said before he knew that this expert is very concerned about the old herbs. Yes, after all, the expert is an alchemist and naturally loves all kinds of rare herbs. He wants to sell his face and let him go to Fan's house. Picking up the collection carefully can deepen the relationship with each other and even recruit people. Unfortunately, the method of directly sending things is too low. Fan's father took the initiative to propose an auction house in his ancient martial arts world, saying that there are many good products in it.

Not only that, he also introduced a market in the ancient martial arts that bartered things. Generally, practitioners who lack spirit stones, if they lack any herbs and treasures, the first place to go is the market, where there are many stalls. Practitioners of ancient martial arts exchange things for things.

Chi Shuyan's eyes lit up when she heard Fan's words. Compared with the auction houses in the cultivation world, she was naturally more interested in the bargaining market. She did not immediately decide, but accepted Fan's affection, revealing A faint smile said: "If I have time, I will definitely contact the Fan family first. I only hope that then the Fan family owner won't find me bothering me!"

Fan's father was already content when she heard this, with a smile on his face, and quickly replied: "Miss Chi's willingness to find the Fan family is my Fan family's honor. Where is the interruption?"

During a meal, the atmosphere in the box became more harmonious, and Chi Shuyan also had a better impression of Fan Fu, and the frequency of picking up dishes and chopsticks was much faster.

This lunch, everyone had a good time, and so did the Fan family and the Fan family. Not to mention that these delicious dishes are full of fragrant mouths. They are very suitable for the two fathers and sons. They still have a good time. Too much is not good for their practitioners, and both father and son want to report every day.

Before the father and son left, Fan Yin wanted to pack a table of dishes and go back to eat in the evening. He praised: "This dish introduced by the master is so delicious, I want to eat it every day!"

This is what Fan Yin said, but he was taken back to Fan's house decisively.

As soon as the Fan family and his son left, Chi Shuyan did not expect to encounter Jing Hengran, who had not been seen for a long time, at the door. At the beginning, the other party hinted and expressed that she was interesting to her, but she refused in embarrassment. Bai Lai asked her to get back together. The relationship between the two of them should be very clear to each other. Chi Shuyan did not think that as the other party, the other party would always be entangled. So when the two met, Chi Shuyan took the initiative to say hello: "Jing Shao, long time no see!"

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