Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1716: Five hundred and two

Jing Hengran saw that Shuyan was so generous and naturally greeted him, his eyes were very complicated, and he could see that the other party didn't have any thoughts about him, otherwise he hadn't seen him for a long time. If she was really interested in him, she would not be so calm at this time. She said that she hadn't seen her during this period of time, and she was still a little fatter. It can be seen that she had a very good time during this period, and she should have reunited with the Qi family.

The clearer the truth, the worse Jing Hengran's mood was. This was the first time he was interesting to a girl. He also hinted several times, but it was a pity that people didn’t even look at him and chose other men because of his arrogance and Jing Hengran naturally couldn't stand his identity at the beginning, so no matter how anxious about Lingcha matters, he didn't have a contact. Fortunately, Shuyan's cooperation with Fan's Lingcha didn't advance, so he was stable.

Jing Hengran replied with a complicated complexion: "Long time no see, Shu Yan!" After speaking, he tentatively asked: "Look at you in a good mood these days, how is it? You got back together with your ex-boyfriend?"

Chi Shuyan didn't know the grief in Jing Hengran's heart, and replied with a smile on his face: "Well, I have gotten back together, and I have received the certificate."

Chi Shuyan said as he raised his hand and showed him the ring he was wearing on his middle finger. Jing Hengran's face suddenly became stiff. Fortunately, he could hide his emotions, and his unnatural face quickly returned to nature. He wanted to squeeze a smile. It's just that I can't squeeze it out, and my heart is very empty and lost.

This sentiment was ferocious and quickly suppressed Jing Hengran, but he was very uncomfortable. He knew that he really had no chance this time. For a moment, he regretted his original interestism and failed to fight. , After all, even if the two were former men and women, they didn't get the certificate. If he hadn't escaped, he might have a chance.

It's a pity that he was thinking more about interests at the beginning, and he was afraid that going after him would destroy the cooperation between the two. He naturally felt that interests were more important than feelings.

Thinking that way back then, thinking about it now, he couldn't express regret.

Speaking of it, he has talked about feelings a few times, and he got along well a few times. Everyone is easy to get together and get together.

Like Shu Yan, I didn’t feel that Shu Yan is different from his girlfriends. Now he finally understands that he has a good affection for several girlfriends, but he has no enthusiasm. Yes, he was moved by Shu Yan from the beginning. The feelings are different from the previous feelings, which are menacing and unfamiliar.

Fortunately, the two have known each other for too short a time. He hasn't gotten to the point where he can't help himself. He was completely rejected before he could start loving. He is lucky to be able to find his sense now.

Since it was no longer possible, Jing Hengran naturally continued to pursue interests, so he immediately suppressed the complex and intertwined feelings for Shu Yan in his heart, and changed other expressions on his face. It seemed that the two had met and cooperated for the first time, and he spoke rationally. Said: "Shu Yan, you can't just bargain for the cooperation with Lingcha? After all, we have known each other for so long! I agree to your terms."

Seeing Jing Hengran's attitude, Chi Shuyan was also completely relieved, with a smile on his face said: "Jing Shao, your Jing family produces spiritual tea, do you really need other spiritual tea?"

Jing Hengran nodded immediately. Although he produces Lingcha by himself, the effect of Lingcha is really not as good as the one made by Shuyan. How could he and the Jing family be rare?

With such a firm attitude, Jing Hengran is not easy to refuse. After all, compared with Fan's family, she has more dealings with Jing's family and has known each other longer, and what she lacks most is tea.

Wait a minute, Chi Shuyan turned his eyes to Jing Hengran and suddenly said, "It's not as good as your Jing family provides tea. You can make half and half of the spirit tea that I refine with the Fan family? But the quantity is a bit limited here. After all, I only have One person cannot meet the needs of Fan and Jing at the same time!"

At this point, Jing Hengran also felt Shuyan’s sincerity, so he naturally agreed, but the details have to be discussed. Jing Hengran took the initiative to make an appointment with her for dinner. Chi Shuyan saw that Jing Hengran had nothing but There is no other special feelings for her, and she is completely relieved, plus thinking about the message that her man had sent her to work overtime tonight, she agreed to continue discussing the details with someone for dinner.

It's a pity that Chi Shuyan thought well, but something went wrong in the middle of their dinner.

At that time, she and Jing Hengran were discussing the details of the Lingcha contract at a restaurant. She gave the details to the Jing family and Fan family to resolve the details by herself, and then signed the contract for her, but she stated that she hadn't Time to refine Lingcha, Lingcha trading starts after the year.

Jing Hengran naturally had no opinion, and the Fan family should have no opinion either.

Then she received a call from Qi Zhenbai. The other party ended overtime early tonight and asked her where she was and he would pick her up.

Listening to the man's deep metallic voice, the man's voice is so nice, but Chi Shuyan was inexplicably guilty and lacking in confidence in her ears for his question.

Not to mention that he had misunderstood her and Jing Hengran, which is why she didn't want him to know that she met Jing Hengran.

She spent so long together, how could she not know Qi Zhenbai's possessiveness towards her? After the two reunited with each other, she cherished this relationship with each other very much. She also figured out that people care about how possessive they are, because they like her and care about her.

And she also reflected on Qi Zhenbai's previous relationship between the two of them, whether they did not do enough by themselves. Sometimes she did have some shortcomings. Now she is working hard to maintain this relationship, and she is afraid of something wrong. It's not that she had an appointment with Jing Hengran, she was really worried about whether it would irritate people.

After all, this man was very grudged Jing Hengran before. Before anything else, she really didn’t want Qi Zhenbai to see her and meet Jing Hengran privately. She should have explained it with others before she knew it. Then came out to have an appointment.

I don’t know if it’s a guilty conscience. Chi Shuyan stumbled in reply: ", I'll go back in a while? A friend of mine and I are outside. Have you eaten dinner? Don't be hungry and eat dinner first? "

The two talked for a while and then hung up the phone. Jing Hengran looked at her a few times. There was a bit of surprise in his eyes. Chi Shuyan didn't care about the other's eyes at this moment. After talking about things, he quickly broke up, fearing bad luck. Capture.

I don’t know if she was too unlucky tonight. She and Jing Hengran were just about to part in the restaurant. A black car stopped in the distance and the window rolled down. It was a man who was familiar with the cold and hard silhouette. At this time, the man’s eyes were sharp. Stopped for a long time on the men and women who were talking not far away, the dark pupils were deep and deep, and other emotions were revealed, and their faces were expressionless.

When getting out of the car, the man looked particularly cold, his thin lips pressed tightly, his jaw line became sharper, and the car door clawed loudly. The man strode over until the woman noticed him not far away, and the man’s thin lips were light. Qi sneered: "The friend you are talking about is him?"

Chi Shuyan:...

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