Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1725: Five hundred and eleven

The couple raised this question, of course, sincerely looking forward to Chi's father's good. Of course, Qi Zhenbai also has a little selfishness in his heart. For example, if Chi's father finds a partner, his wife will be completely alone in the future, and the father-in-law will be taken care of. , His wife is more at ease.

But this was like a thunder in the ears of Chi's father. Chi's father looked like a thunderbolt, for fear that the son-in-law of Zhenbai would be naive to introduce Qi's mother and several aunts of the Qi family. Chi's father hurriedly refused: "Don't …, don’t talk about this in the future, you couple will live your life, don’t worry about me, don’t talk about it in the future, if you let others hear it, what would it be like?"

Ever since his daughter-in-law left, Chi's father had never thought about finding a companion before, and now he has no plan to do so. Besides, he is also busy, what kind of companion is he looking for?

Fearing that his daughter still insisted on finding a partner, Chi's father waved his hand to let the couple rest earlier. He was also a little tired and wanted to rest.

Chi Shuyan was very helpless when he saw that his father was so repulsive to find a partner. She also knew her father’s character, and did not force him to look for it. She just asked him to think about it: "Dad, I didn’t have much to do as a girl. I don’t know how to mention it, but when it comes to this tonight, I don’t force you. I hope that if you come across someone who is destined to look right, don’t waste the opportunity to miss it because I am such a girl. Now, you are going to get married in a few days. You don't have to worry about me too much, you have to start working for yourself!"

Chi Shuyan said quite calmly at the beginning. As she said that she couldn't help but bring some emotions and her eyes turned red. Her dad's hardship in this life is also hard, and she has never had anything for her daughter. The hot days have always been people, especially the fact that her dad died early in her previous life has always made her feel obsessed, she hopes her dad can live better and happily, the conversation is slight, Chi Shuyan did not look at her dad’s expression to continue Said: "Dad, I hope you will think more about yourself in the future. Don't just look after me. I've grown up. I can take care of myself. Even if I can't take care of myself, I have my husband. I hope you can do more. For my own sake, this is my psychological word!"

His daughter is rarely sensational. Chi's father is also a little red after listening to his daughter's words, and his complexion is very moved. He says that the man bleeds without tears. Chi's father wiped his red eyes at random, and his lips trembled. He couldn't tell for a long time. A word.

At this time, Qi Zhenbai immediately echoed his wife’s words and said: "Dad, don’t worry, I will take care of Yan Yan in the future, as Yan Yan said, I hope you will be more considerate of yourself in the future, of course, even if your dad finds it in the future Companion, everyone is still a family and more lively!"

Qi Zhenbai said sincerely, his eyes were very sincere, and his father was very moved. He completely wiped out the prejudice of the future son-in-law before him. If it was for the child in Yan Yan's belly, then he is now I really feel that his daughter did not look at the wrong person.

Although this kid is too long to attract bees and butterflies, his personality is really practical and reliable, and he has a good appetite for him.

Chi's father really can't rest assured this time, no longer can rest assured, even if he hands his daughter to him now, he is not worried.

His daughter and son-in-law were so filial to consider him. Chi father was in a good mood, and his face showed a cheerful smile soon. This time he didn't immediately reject the two children, but said: "It's not urgent to see fate in the future, let me talk about Dad. I have been accustomed to one person for most of my life. Suddenly there will be one more person. I really can’t get used to it. All in all, if I really have fate in the future, I just listen to Yan Yan’s not to miss it!"

It's also a coincidence that when Chi's father had just finished speaking, his cell phone suddenly rang in his pocket. The ringtone was the national anthem. When the national anthem rang, it almost destroyed the sensational atmosphere before. Chi Shuyan has long been used to her father's ringtone, Qi Zhenbai. Looking at his father-in-law a few more times, Chi's father was a little embarrassed by the son-in-law's look. He quickly took out the phone and swiped the screen. When he saw the phone call, his face suddenly stiffened and was very unnatural, and he immediately returned to his naturalness. Hastily found an excuse to go out and answer the phone.

Chi Shuyan and Qi Zhenbai had put her dad (Chi's father)'s slight stiff expression into their eyes. Chi Shuyan always felt that her dad's expression was a bit wrong, and she didn't know if she was thinking too much. She simply asked the man next to her. Said: "Husband, do you think my dad's expression was a little... wrong?"

Qi Zhenbai nodded immediately and said: "There are indeed some!"

"Could it be that the fate of my dad has arrived?" Chi Shuyan became more excited and happy as he thought about it, but was afraid that the greater the hope now, the greater the disappointment in a while. Of course, if her dad is really in a situation, she still feels a little sad when she thinks about it. But it disappeared quickly.

In short, in this life, she really hopes that her father can live well, and there is someone who knows the hot and cold to accompany him for the rest of his life.

At the same time, Chi Shuyan is very fortunate to mention this topic to her dad specially today, and to show her attitude of approval, otherwise, given her dad's character, the best marriage will be missed because of her. Her dad is such a person.

Qi Zhenbai turned his wife's face to and fro into his eyes. There were only two people in the living room. He habitually held people in his arms and let his daughter-in-law lean on him, her face calmly pursing her lips and smiling: "Don't Urgent, when Dad finishes the call in a while, we'll know by asking a little bit!"

Chi Shuyan nodded.

Chi's father had been on the phone for a long time, ten minutes, and when Chi's father came back, he thought that the couple had gone back to the room to rest. How could they know that they were sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him. Chi's father saw his daughter Baba's eyes , Her eyes flashed, her instincts faltered, she looked away and immediately turned her gaze to look at her suddenly and asked, "Girl, which girl did you... call me before?"

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