Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1726: Five hundred and twelve

Hearing her father's words, Chi Shuyan was stunned for a moment, and quickly recovered, remembering that she had only given her father's phone number to her master before. At that time, she was looking forward to her master's good marriage, fearing that she would meet again. The scumbag, and then wanted her dad to introduce someone who is reliable. After all, her dad’s eyesight is accurate, and it’s okay. No matter whether it’s her dad’s good friends or optimistic juniors, generally speaking, her character is okay. Only then can I feel relieved to hand over the life-long events of her master to her dad!

Chi Shuyan didn’t return to her mind for a long time in contemplation, and blurted out to say that it was her master, but her master did not become her master in this life. If her master asks her dad anytime, her master looks dazed, and her dad is also the same. The face was dumbfounded, so Chi Shuyan said: "Well, I am a friend who is very good to me and very good. By the way, Dad, do you have any reliable and good character to introduce this friend to me? , My friend is very good, and he is very beautiful!"

After listening to his daughter's words, Chi's father immediately refreshed his loose heart, asking how old his daughter's friend must be?

Where did he get a middle-aged man?

As far as her dad’s face was disappointed, Chi Shuyan was also a little puzzled, but she didn’t think much about it, “By the way, my friend is a bit older than me, twenty-eighty-nine, but he is really good and long. It’s very beautiful, and its personality is very gentle. Dad, you can help me find a good guy who is about the same age to match my friend. "After all, it’s her master’s lifelong event. Chi Shuyan thinks very seriously and speaks very little. , She continued: "A few years older will be enough. Older ones are more caring and will hurt people. The most important thing is that the character is okay, and the best is also better." After all, her master is also very good. If you only find one grade She is also not satisfied with good **** and other poor conditions.

Anyway, in her heart, her master is good enough to be worthy of any man, and she is convinced that no matter how good a guy sees her master, she will like it.

Chi Shuyan was fascinated, but he didn't notice the stiff and awkward look of his own father. Qi Zhenbai's personality has always been deep, the city is extremely deep, and he is very good at observing words and expressions, and his calm complexion makes his father-in-law entangled and embarrassed at this time. The expression of the income in the eyes.

He did not interrupt the conversation between the two father and daughter. He listened quietly and carefully for a while before he interjected and tentatively said: "Actually, it’s almost the same for a few years old or a teenager, and maybe a man who is a teenager is even better. It's more reliable to hurt people."

When Chi's father heard the'big teens' at the beginning, he groaned in his heart, and subconsciously looked at his future son-in-law, for fear that he would see something, but his son-in-law's face was calm and calm, so he would understate it with drinking and eating. It is estimated that they did not allude to him because they thought that at all. Chi's father was very relieved.

When Chi Shuyan heard what Qi Zhenbai said, he immediately refuted, saying that she was a little too old to find someone a few years older for her master, let alone a teenager, but before she could speak, Qi Zhenbai took the lead. He opened his mouth and said: "According to me, good character is more important than age. Wife, don't you think? If the partner is older, good character and good enough family relationship is simple, isn't it good?"

Chi Shuyan wondered very much in her heart that this man suddenly robbed her of her words and said something else. According to the usual character of this man, where should he care about such trivial matters?

But what the man said is reasonable, but this situation is simply too rare. If it is possible, she would naturally want to choose a simple family from her master, or else her master’s gentle and indisputable character will definitely be caught. People bullied, Chi Shuyan nodded and said: "You are right, but there are too few men with simple family relationships, good character and good character."

Chi Shuyan still wanted to talk more about her master’s merits, and hoped that his dad could introduce her to her master. Unfortunately, the man next to him didn’t know what was going on tonight. He was not prepared to say these things to her at all. Let's take her back to the room first.

After returning to the bedroom, Chi Shuyan was a little dissatisfied: "I haven't found out who my dad called just now? Why are you pulling me back into the room in such a hurry?"

Qi Zhenbai was paralyzed and didn't say anything. He immediately lifted the person up, strode towards the bedroom big bed, threw the person away, and the other person undressed and pressed down.

Chi Shuyan was blackened by the weight of the man's body, and she fluttered for several times. She was suppressed by the man. She became more upset. Her father's matter has not been resolved. Why is she in the mood to sleep with this man? He lifted his foot while he was taking off his belt and wanted to kick someone out of bed: "Fuck, I have something to tell my dad, I'm not in the mood to go to bed with you!"

Qi Zhenbo unhurriedly pressed his wife's legs and attacked vigorously. Because he hadn't done it for many days, the man was quite excited, and his expression was not emotional, but his actions were a little bit eager and impatient, and he turned his face down. Tossing hard enough, her voice was a little dumb, and she was a little unwilling to say intermittently: "No... OK, I really have something... with my dad..." Said, the last word was blocked by Qi Zhenbai's lips, and her lips went crazy. Turning the side strongly suppresses people and makes people no longer have time to think about his father. For a while, the bedroom is full of moans and the creak of the big bed.

Of course, Qi Zhenbai thinks that his daughter-in-law should not intervene. Otherwise, if he asks his wife to talk to his father-in-law again, I'm afraid his father-in-law really has no idea to try to win.

According to what he has just seen, the person his father-in-law called should be the girl his wife introduced before. Let’s not say whether the two of them are in any place. So far, his father-in-law should have a good impression of each other. He may have been moved before, but Because his daughter-in-law was suppressed, and tonight because of his daughter-in-law's words, his father-in-law probably moved a little bit.

What Chi Shuyan didn't know at this time was that it was exactly as Qi Zhenbai thought. Chi's father did chat with her master. Speaking of which, the starting point of the initial fate between the two was also the phone number she gave.

In fact, Chi's father didn't quite understand. How the two talked later. Chi's father didn't have much time to pay attention to people at first, but later he thought that his daughter would ask him to help introduce each other, Chi's father naturally wanted to get to know each other. After actively asking about the information, he also introduced a few to the other party, but unfortunately the other party did not agree or refuse.

After that, the two people have been in constant contact. In the beginning, the two people did not exchange information frequently, mostly greetings. Later, somehow the information became more frequent. The other girl also mentioned him from time to time, and the meaning was more obvious, indicating that he was more satisfied. Ask him if he has ever been married or has a girlfriend. If not, you can try everywhere. If so, she won't bother.

At that time, when he learned the other party's meaning, his head was a little confused, but he was sure that the other party did not know that his girl was Yan Yan, and thought he was an unmarried young guy.

After that, he tactfully refused and said that he was married. Although he is currently single, he has a girl who is quite old. In order to let the other party give up, he also deliberately implied that he looked ugly. He originally thought that he would give these details. Retiring in the face of difficulties, how can I know that after the other party learned of his age, family and appearance, he sent him a message within a week saying that he does not care about his appearance, and he does not care if he has children and is married. It's not bad, it's quite topical, so I want to try everything.

Chi's father was scrupulous about his own daughter and never considered finding another one, so he refused without hesitation.

Later, the two of them broke off for a long time and didn’t contact each other until after he returned from a mission, he turned on his cell phone and found that they had politely sent a message to greet him during holidays. The others did not entangle much, and the two did not contact frequently. The phone call was also the first phone call from the other party, and she was very frank in saying that she still had a good impression of him, she wanted to work hard, and she really didn't mind his age and children, and would treat them as if they were her own.

Of course, if he refuses this time, she will not entangle herself in the future, and plan to listen to the family and find other marriages for blind date!

If he didn’t have his daughter tonight, Chi's father would naturally hesitate and immediately refused. But after listening to his daughter's words tonight, Chi's father felt a little moved in his heart, nothing else, but he did have a good impression of the other party. After getting along, Chi's father also felt that the other party was indeed a good girl, and her personality was also a type that he admired. The most important thing was that he was very comfortable with each other, so he was a little moved.

And he also thinks that the two are quite destined, and the other girl's personality is also reliable, otherwise he said that he is ugly and has no money, and people still want to be with him. What is it if it is not a solid eye?

Such a girl who doesn't like you with a solid eye is really hard to meet now, and Chi's father couldn't help but move once.

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