Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 827: Eight hundred thirty five

The next day, a major incident occurred in the military region, that is, the only daughter-in-law of Shen Jiazheng Committee's family suddenly disappeared. This incident naturally fell on her dad's group.

At noon, Chen Jing’s body was found in a far suburban area. She was bitten on her neck and her blood was sucked dry. It caused a sensation in the entire military area. At the same time, there were several cases of people being sucked dry inexplicably. Make the entire atmosphere of the military region very solemn.

When Chi Shuyan went out, he had seen many children playing outside before, but now it is estimated that they are all taken home by the family.

Because she was quite curious about Chen Jing’s corpse, she had been quite close to Shen Rongyin recently, so Chi Shuyan still went to the Shen’s house.

As soon as he arrived at Shen's house, there was indeed the cry of women and children.

Chi Shuyan walked to the door of Shen's house. The door of Shen's house was not closed. Shen Rongyin saw her sharply. His eyes were red and swollen and strode over with a bit of crying, "Yan Yan, why are you here?"

As soon as Shen Rong's words fell, Mother Shen immediately looked over, and when she saw that it was the little girl Chi Shuyan, she immediately looked away and sobbed and coaxed the child.

Speaking of which, Shen's mother is still very satisfied with this daughter-in-law, and gave birth to her family with a son and a daughter. It was clear that Ah Jing was fine last night, and she went to see Rong Yin. Why did she suddenly die when she said she was dead? Still dead so miserable!

Chi Shuyan was observing Shen Rongyin at the same time and said with a worried expression: "Aunt Shen, I heard that something happened in your house, and I am a little worried about you, are you okay!"

Shen Rongyin shook her head, but her eyes were red again. She wiped her eyes with a handkerchief and asked Chi Shuyan to come in.

People in the Shen family are crying. It’s not a problem for her to sit. She glanced around and did not see Chen Jing’s coffin. She retracted her gaze to comfort Shen mother and Shen Rongyin, and saw mother Shen crying and coaxing the child. Can't help.

One of the two children is a teenager, about the same age as her, an adult boy, and the other is only five or six years old.

The five or six-year-old is a little girl. When the governor was already at this age, she saw her brother crying terribly. Her voice was also very loud and she kept yelling ‘Mother’.

Mother Shen felt uncomfortable. Although she didn't like Chi Lingyan and his daughters, she couldn't make a face when she was busy coaxing the children. Besides, who would let her daughters and Chi Lingyan's daughters get closer these days!

In order to coax the granddaughter, mother Shen had to take her granddaughter upstairs, but she was worried about her only grandson, so she had to take her grandson with her. He also told Shen Rongyin not to cry his eyes and went upstairs.

After Chi Shuyan and Shen Rongyin were left in the living room, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Chi Shuyan saw that the handkerchiefs in Shen Rongyin's hands were soaked, and took a few pieces of paper and handed them over: "Aunt Shen, don't cry. What should I do if my eyes are broken when I cry?"

Shen Rongyin shook his head: "Rongyin, I just think of my sister-in-law, my sister-in-law," Shen Rongyin choked up again when she heard the word'sister-in-law', "My sister-in-law treated me very well before, and I got married and went home. She never said anything, and she always comforted me. Why is a good person not paying for her life? How could my sister-in-law die suddenly?"

Shen Rongyin whimpered and started crying again. Chi Shuyan narrowed his eyes and stared at Shen Rongyin's face with tears. Seeing that she was heartbroken, the woman in front of her was really sad. It's okay that if these tears were pretended, this acting would definitely be able Take the Oscar.

Not long after, her father and a few unfamiliar soldiers in camouflage came downstairs from Commissar Shen’s house. Commissar Shen’s face was very ugly and tired, and the man next to him who looked a bit like Political Commissar Shen also had a calm complexion, with all his eyes in his eyes. It's bloodshot.

Just as Chi Lingyan was about to say something, he vaguely heard his daughter's voice, and looked over subconsciously, and saw that his daughter was also sitting at Shen's home comforting Shen Rongyin. He stared blankly and shouted: "Yan Yan!"

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