Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 828: Eight hundred thirty six

Chi Shuyan also saw her dad at this time, got up and hurriedly went over and called out. Without waiting for her dad to ask questions, Chi Shuyan explained: "Dad, I heard that there was an accident in Aunt Shen's house. I was worried about Aunt Shen, so I came to see Shen. Auntie!"

Except for Chi Lingyan, everyone including Political Commissar Shen also believed her. Political Commissar Shen also knew that his daughter and Chi Lingyan's daughter were walking very close these days. The relationship between the two is very good, and it is normal to come here. Chong Chi said with emotion, "Good boy, thank you!" Chong Chi Ling Yan said again: "Ling Yan, you are a good girl!"

Chi Lingyan:...

Shen Rongyin also took the initiative at this time: "Brother Chi, Yan Yan is really worried about finding me, don't blame her!"

Except for Political Commissar Shen, several comrades on the side heard the word ‘Chi Ge’ and cast an ambiguous look at him, but the timing was wrong on this occasion and no one ridiculed.

Chi Lingyan was still a little worried about his daughters, and she didn't want her daughters to intervene in this matter. This matter was too urgent and dangerous. When he thought of Chen Jing's sudden death last night, he very much doubted whether something had entered the military area and was hidden in the military area. Where, he was worried about leaving his girl alone at home, letting her go out, he was even more worried, and he made up his mind to let the old Wei's daughter-in-law help take care of his daughter these days!

Chi Shuyan didn't stay much at Shen's house, and went out with her dad, but Chi Lingyan still had business affairs, so it was not good to take his daughter with him.

On the contrary, several comrades who are also the battalion commander and Chi Lingyan have been close to each other. They are very curious when they see Lao Chi’s relatives. They look at her young and beautiful. If it’s not for the time and the airport, they all want to propose a matchmaker. thought.

One of them said: "Lao Chi, there is such a beautiful girl who is still hiding, are you afraid that some stinky kid will give you this beautiful girl?"

One of them suddenly said, "Lao Chi, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful and blessed! Does that girl from the Shen family really like you?"

Her own girl was right next to him. Chi Lingyan hurriedly shut up a few people, saying that there was no such thing, and introduced a few comrades to his girl. He could see that his father had a very good relationship with several comrades, Chi Shu had a face. Behavely call uncle one by one.

The few middle-aged men who were also fathers with a crisp voice were in a soft heart. It was okay if there were girls in the family, but there were no girls. At this time, looking at the beautiful white and tender girl in Lao Chi’s house in front of me, I was really moved. A beautiful and energetic girl.

Chi Lingyan didn't have time to talk to his daughter, so she had to go to various counties and villages outside the military area to inspect. Before getting on the bus, she asked her to stay at Wei's house quickly. When he came back in the evening, he went to look for her.

Chi Shuyan nodded, thinking of the recent incident, she was still a little worried about her father, but seeing that he had been carrying the jade medal she gave on his wrist, Chi Shuyan was relieved.

At the same time, he asked, "Dad, did you bring the talisman I gave you before? Just give it to a few uncles!"

I really didn’t bring this talisman. There are very few feudal superstitions in such a place in the military area. He was too embarrassed to take it out. Chi Shuyan had to take out some talismans from his pocket. Most of them were given to his father, and the other uncles divided them twice. Three of them are middle-grade high-level exorcism charms.

The few comrades in Chi Lingyan who received the Fulu looked at each other, and Chi Shuyan was uncharacteristically serious and said: "A few uncles, these are given to me by my master. They are especially useful, especially for those evil people."

Chi Shuyan wanted to say something, when he saw a man coming from not far away, the yin and yang suddenly said: "Chi Lingyan, you are really good, you don't teach your daughters good, and you teach you all about feudal superstitions. I doubt you. I have a problem with my thinking, I have to report it to the head of the team in a while!"

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