Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 878: Eight hundred eighty-seven

Ever since he learned that the head of Qi is Lao Chi's future son-in-law last night, Wei's father has been frightened all night. Not long after this morning, he saw the appearance of the Qi family's courteous dogfight. Wei's father twitched his mouth severely. , And received a lot of stimulation.

Now he can hardly dare to compare the Qi family, who has offered up to the old and chis, with the majestic Major General Qi!

Wei Xiao is now throwing himself at the five bodies, whether Lao Chi or Yan Yan admires him. He has no idea how Yan Yan fell in love with the head of Qi, and even accepted him.

Wei Xiao thought he was dreaming when he thought of this man taking the initiative to speak to him diligently and leaving him to eat.

Chi Shuyan didn't think much about the shock in Wei's father at this time. Although Qi Zhenbo was surprised by Qi Zhenbo's diligent doglegs at her dad, Chi Shuyan saw her dad's face eased this morning, and Chi Shuyan was ruthless. With a sigh of relief, he took the initiative to serve his dad.

However, Chi Lingyan handed the food to Qi Zhenbai, knowing that Old Wei had something to tell him, so he went out with others. Before leaving the house, Chi Lingyan still looked sharply at the kid Qi Zhenbai and made sure that this kid would not dare to take advantage of his daughter when he was still at home, so Chi Lingyan was satisfied to go out.

When he left the house, Old Wei saw a ghost on his face and said: "Lao Chi, you know the kid who served food just now, no, who is the head Qi?"

Without waiting for his father to speak, Old Wei hurriedly said, "Does the largest family in Kyoto know? The only old general in China now? Does the Cheetah team, a particularly mysterious special force at the time, know? You always know the youngest Major-General Qi family born in the military region!"

Chi Lingyan learned about the identity of Qi Zhenbai from his daughter last night. At this time, her complexion quickly calmed down. If the brat didn’t abduct his daughter or come to be his son-in-law, it would be only for him to show respect. which performed.

Now even if he is a heavenly king, as long as he abducts his daughter, I want him to have a better attitude, no way!

Chi Lingyan said lightly, "I know!"

Wei Xiao's mouth was twitched fiercely by Lao Chi's indifferent look. He told Lao Chi about business, wondering what he thought the two of them were discussing for dinner? Do you want to be so calm?

Wei Xiao couldn't help wondering if he was too emotionally excited? Just thinking of the identity of the person inside and the old general of the Qi family, Wei Xiao couldn't calm down even if he wanted to calm down.

Without waiting for Wei Xiao to speak, Chi Lingyan directly said very clearly: "If the kid surnamed Qi obediently heeds about my girl, I can respect him no matter what, otherwise there is no way!"

Wei Xiao gasped. Generally speaking, if someone from the Qi family showed interest in someone, others would wait to post it up. Thinking of the old character, Wei Xiao was not surprised and calmed down. He was a little worried before. He regards Lao Chi as his own brother, and naturally to Lao Chi’s daughters, he is also a daughter of Lao Chi. The more he gets along these days, the more he likes the child Yan Yan. He hopes that the child will be well and worry about the identity of the Qi family. It’s too expensive. I just play around with Yan Yan. Now I saw that the head of Qi inside was very sincere and full. I didn’t see the old man who just told him to do whatever he wanted. He brought people into the kitchen early in the morning. Now Wei Xiao thinks about it and feels scared.

But the Qi family stunned that he didn't dare to show Lao Chi. What does this mean?

It means that the one who really cares about Yan Yan, Wei Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, feeling in his heart that if Yan Yan marries into the Qi family in the future, if the child will grow up, this is the good fortune of this child!

Just as Wei Xiao wanted to say something, one of Chi Lingyan's subordinates suddenly hurried over and said in a low voice: "Wei Tuan, Chi Ying, just now a few soldiers said that all the poultry in their family had sucked up their blood and died."

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