Wei Xiao and Chi Lingyan's faces changed first, and they looked at each other, and their faces were serious.

Wei Xiao was originally going to leave, but thinking about it, something happened in the military area. Wei Xiao felt more uneasy. Thinking of Yan Yan's previous method of detoxification, he subconsciously discussed with Chi Lingyan and frowned: "Lao Chi , Can Yan Yan look at this matter?"

Speaking, Wei Xiao talked about Chi Shuyan's corpse poisoning of the ticket inspector yesterday, and incidentally also talked about Fang Qingtian's dizziness to defend him.

Yesterday, Wei Ting had already told him that Chi Lingyan's face suddenly changed again when he heard what Lao Wei said. Wei Xiao didn't understand what Lao Chi was worried about, and quickly said: "Don't worry, the Fang family dare not embarrass. Now that Yan Yan has solved the corpse poison, how can Chief Lu and Political Commissar Shen look at Fang's family and find Yan Yan trouble!"

What's more, now Yan Yan still has a big mountain backing like the Qi family. If the Fang family dares to come to the door, the Qi family is on the road, and to see what storms the Fang family can make, it is estimated that the Fang family’s old man has to be polite immediately after turning his head. Yan Yan apologized.

Wei Xiao is not worried at all now.

He was only worried about the living dead.

Chi Lingyan breathed a sigh of relief. The matter of the living dead is not resolved for a day, and he is uneasy for a day, even more afraid of where the thing is hidden in the military area. In case of a sudden bite, people will be shocked and panic.

Chi Lingyan now also knows that his daughter knows something about the living dead and ghosts, and nodded: "Go in and talk about it first!"

The two went in. Because of the living dead, Chi Lingyan had forgotten to show Qi Zhenbai the man’s face. Qi Zhenbai saw his father-in-law, got up first, opened the chair and offered his father-in-law a bowl of porridge. Incidentally, he served Wei's father a bowl of porridge.

Wei's father looked flattered and frightened and quickly took over thanks: "Thank you, Chief Qi!"

Qi Zhenbai pursed his lips and said, "Head Wei will call me by my name from now on. It's all his own!"

Father Wei's lips trembled.

Qi Zhenbai saw that his father-in-law was having business affairs with the head Wei, and squinted his eyes and said: "Head Wei, don't worry about me, you treat me as if I don't exist, just talk about business!"

Qi Zhenbo said while seeing the porridge in his father-in-law's bowl, and immediately said: "Dad, I'll help you serve another bowl!"

After speaking, I took Chi's father's bowl and placed another bowl in front of Chi's father.

The face of Chi's father who was naturally familiar with the shout of "Dad" by the boy next to him couldn't help but twitch again. The hard-working boy in front of him who was surnamed Qi was really that unfavorable Qi family major general?

Chi's father also faintly saw that the man in front of him was not superficially looking at him to talk. In the final analysis, the other party was for his daughter. Chi's father couldn't help but glance at his own daughter who was drinking porridge. Chi Shuyan immediately rushed. His dad smiled a little.

Chi's father had to admit that his daughter had indeed grown up, and already knew to help other stinky boys please him.

Celebrating that his daughter is young now, even if she is really married, she would have to wait a few years. Thinking about this, Chi's father breathed a sigh of relief, and the look of the man next to her was also relieved.

Regardless of prejudice, the man in front of him is indeed a dragon and phoenix. Chi's father admits he has seen the world, but he hasn't seen a man so outstanding in these decades, but Chi's father still thinks that men are too good-looking and too irritating. , I was not very satisfied. At this time, I didn’t bother to think about the relationship between this kid surnamed Qi and his daughter. I went directly to the subject and said: “Yan Yan, just now there was another batch of poultry in the military area that had all been sucked up. Check it out later? See if it has something to do with the biting and sucking of human blood by the living dead before?"

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