Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 946: Nine hundred ninety-seven

Chi Shuyan's cheeky and calm stunned flushed red after hearing the last person's words, Qi Zhenbai changed his dark complexion on the contrary, his complexion was very beautiful, the two looked at each other, and Chi Shuyan couldn't help but look away. .

At this moment, she very much doubted that these boys were irritated by the talisman who was robbing her one by one. She looked at the man next to him frequently, but the man next to him was calm and did not say a word.

Chi Shuyan is ready to give up and ask for a while. Fortunately, she has painted talisman in the past few days, and she has painted a lot just now. It looks at the man Qi Zhenbai.

Chi Shuyan was very generous and immediately gave one an exorcism talisman and a peace talisman. Even one of them was vomiting and unconscious Tan Yecheng. After all, it was given to Yan Youwei in vain, and she was not good for the later Fulu. Collect money, only give it away.

After a few members of the Cheetah team greeted Qi Zhenbo and left, Chi Shuyan couldn't help but said, "What did you encounter when you went out this time?"

Qi Zhenbai did not hold anyone in his arms. He just held his wife's hand, and talked about the supernatural events encountered in Nanping Mountain and the **** between people and carrion corpses.

Qi Zhenbai squinted his eyes: "Nanping Mountain is indeed very evil, but the carrion is more like someone deliberately controlling that thing there, inviting people to mate and poison the corpse!"

The previous few people who were poisoned by corpse came back from Nanping Mountain, and the source of their poisoned corpse was **** with that carrion.

Chi Shuyan was ready to not be surprised at that time, but asked the man to tell her one by one what happened to Nanpingshan.

Qi Zhenbai said it again from beginning to end, the narrative was very detailed, and he sighed with emotion: "Daughter-in-law, fortunately there is a talisman you gave! Otherwise, it is not enough for us to come back this time!"

"Wait, you said just now that Yang Mu and Tan Yecheng saw someone in black beckoning at them, you also saw it, but the two of them are evil, you are not evil?" Chi Shuyan asked.

Qi Zhenbo nodded, he did seem to be naturally not afraid of ghosts and gods, and continued: "That thing has no face!"

Chi Shuyan nodded, guessing in his heart whether that thing was a blinding trick that Ah Yee had done or that Nanping Mountain itself was very evil.

After hearing the man in front of me say that Nanping Mountain is indeed evil, she thought for a while that there is something strange about Nanping Mountain, so Ah Yee chose the place there. As for the low-level living dead, don’t think too much about her now. Knowing that it was Aye's handwriting, the purpose was to cover up for him and Shen Rongyin.

Hearing that the man said that he had burned the low-level living dead and the corpse-poisoned man, and it was considered to have eliminated the source, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief: "Whether that place is different in the end is the same or not. It’s better not to go to this place in the future! I heard you say that there should be other dirty things. Your luck is not bad this time!" After a while, Chi Shuyan continued without waiting for the man to speak. This news tells my dad to let him go on patrols in the next few days. If there is no more biting, the matter should be resolved!"

Qi Zhenbai pursed his lips and nodded.

At this time, there was a familiar panic and horrified voice not far away. It was not Wei Sange or who was it: "Yan Yan, there is something wrong with my mother! Yan Yan, there is something wrong with my mother!" Wei Man's voice was still shaking now. , His face was pale, and his eyes were frightened.

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