Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 947: Nine hundred fifty eight

At this time, Chi Shuyan immediately changed his face when he heard Wei Man's words, and saw that he was pale and could not say a word. Qi Zhenbai motioned him to calmly say the matter.

Wei Man was about to cry right now, his face stiff and unable to squeeze a smile, he said, "Yan Yan, my mother just... just now suddenly fell from the third floor!"

As soon as Wei Man spoke, Qi Zhenbo and Chi Shu's expressions changed drastically. Before Wei Man could finish speaking, the two immediately let Wei Man lead the way, and they went to see.

Wei Man nodded: "Okay, okay, my mother is now sent to the military hospital by my brother!"

The military area hospital was in the military area, and it was only a few minutes away. When the three arrived, the Wei family's eldest brother was standing outside the corridor of the emergency room, his eyes were dull, his expression flustered, and he was hanging up the phone.


Chi Shuyan strode over: "Brother Wei!"

Because of Wei's mother, Wei Ting's face was stiff at this time, and he couldn't squeeze a smile. Seeing Qi Zhenbo and Chi Shuyan, he also twitched his lips stiffly: "Chief Qi! Yan Yan!"

Chi Shuyan patted the eldest brother Wei's shoulder and said, "Brother Wei, it's okay, did you just call Uncle Wei to inform you!"

Wei Ting nodded, talking absently to Chi Shuyan, and from time to time, he glanced into the door of the emergency room. When he thought of his mother's sudden fall from the third floor, Wei Ting did not dare to think about the consequences.

Wei Man is probably too scared at this moment, his legs have been soft, supporting the wall.

Qi Zhenbo and Chi Shuyan both wanted to ask what happened, but now is not the right time.

Within ten minutes, Wei Xiao rushed over. He was full of panic with a sturdy and savvy face. He didn't care to say hello to Qi Zhenbai and Chi Shuyan. He hurriedly asked his boss: "You How is mom? How is your mom?"

When Wei Xiao asked, his hands kept shaking, and he asked several times in a row.

Wei Ting and Wei Man's eyes were red at this time, indicating that Wei's mother was in the emergency room, and Wei's father's face was whiter.

Chi Shuyan lowered his head to see Uncle Wei's hand shaking constantly, and couldn't help but comfort him: "Uncle Wei, don't worry, Aunt Chang must be okay!"

"Accept your good words, your child's good words!" Father Wei suddenly choked.

Fortunately, not long after, the door of the emergency room suddenly opened and the attending doctor came out. The attending doctor was named Zheng. He was an acquaintance with Wei Xiao, and he was quite close to each other, so he shouted, "Wei Tuan!"

"How is my wife?"

"How is my mother?"

"How is my mother?"

Wei Ting, Wei Man and Wei's father asked almost in unison.

Military doctor Zheng did not rush to answer, but looked at Wei Man and Wei Ting very curiously and asked, "Are you sure your mother fell from the third floor?"

Without waiting for Wei Ting to speak, Wei Manxian nodded immediately. He saw with his own eyes how he could fake things like this. He grew up in the military region. The Wei family's family and the senior attending doctors in the military region hospital were very familiar with them. At this time, Wei Man immediately said: "Uncle Zheng, I saw my mother fall from the third floor with my own eyes, and I ran downstairs to find my mother immediately, and then my brother came back soon!"

When Wei Man said this, his voice choked and he asked Military Doctor Zheng in a flustered voice: "Uncle Zheng, how is my mother? Is it serious?"

At this time, Wei Xiao also solemnly looked at Doctor Zheng.

Army Doctor Zheng said with a complex expression: "Just now we took a closer look at your mother's body, and found that apart from minor abrasions, there were also minor concussions. There was no other major incident! When you first entered the rescue room, your mother woke up for a while and asked. A few words! It's just a slight coma at this moment and nothing serious!"

The three Wei family father and son:...

Before the three of the Wei family, father and son, could react, Army Doctor Zheng took a deep breath and asked Wei Ting again: "Your mother really fell from the third floor?"

It stands to reason that if Wei's mother fell from the third floor and didn't die, she would suffer a fracture. But what is this slight bruise now?

Military doctor Zheng doubts whether the Wei brothers are playing tricks on him.

However, looking at the anxious, horrified and worried look of the two children just now, it was not like telling lies at all. For a moment, Army Doctor Zheng's head was a little stunned, and he racked his brains to wonder why Wei mother fell from the third floor. A slight injury? At the thought of this, Army Doctor Zheng was very uneasy.

At this time, the Wei family father and son were really ecstatic and dumbfounded by Wei's mother's slight abrasions, but after ecstatic, the first thought was that since Wei's mother fell from the third floor, how could it be just a minor abrasion?

The most unbelievably shocked was Wei Man, because he really saw his mother fall from the third floor with his own eyes, bang! There was also a loud noise, which didn't scare him crazy at the time.

Qi Zhenbai vaguely guessed why Wei's mother fell from the third floor with only minor injuries. After all, his daughter-in-law saved Zhu Bocheng from the ghost gate, or Zhu's mother fell and rolled from the second floor. Was it just a slight abrasion in the end with my wife’s safety charm?

Chi Shuyan didn't want to let the Wei family father and son vent her secrets unintentionally. The noise was too loud and she was too lazy to bother. At this time, seeing the doctors and nurses in the emergency room pushing Wei's mother out, Chi Shuyan said: "Uncle Wei , Aunt Chang was pushed out!"


The attention of the three Wei family fathers and sons was all turned to Aunt Chang, and they were not able to respond to Military Doctor Zheng’s words. When they learned that these nurses and doctors transferred his wife (his mother) to the general ward, the Wei family father and son were completely relieved. Sigh, go to the ward together.

After the doctors and nurses left, Chi Shuyan finally asked Wei Man what happened, and why Aunt Chang suddenly fell from the third floor.

Wei Man stupidly said, "Yan Yan, do you believe I am not lying?"

Chi Shuyan said, "I don't believe in who Third Brother Wei believes? Besides, Third Brother Wei can't make fun of Aunt Wei's life any more."

Wei Man nodded, for fear that his father and his brother would not believe him, and said, "I saw my mother fall from the third floor with my own eyes." At this point, Wei Man couldn't help but look at Wei's mother who was in a coma and still looked awkward. He incredible: "But how could my mother fall from the third floor... how could it be just a minor injury? This is too incredible!"

Chi Shuyan looked down at Mother Wei and saw a corner of the faint yellow paper talisman on her wrist. Chi Shuyan lifted her lips, and said with a sigh of relief: "Aunt Wei, Jiren Tianxiang! It will be fine, don't worry!"

Having said that, Chi Shu's face was a bit more serious, letting Wei Man tell the story from beginning to end.

Wei Man nodded quickly, glanced at his father, Chief Qi and his brother and said: "Aunt Shen suddenly came to visit my house just now, I..."

Before Wei Man could finish speaking, Wei Xiao's expression changed at this time: "Who did you just say went to our house?"

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