Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

Such a thrilling and inconvenient, even if it is so, all the members of "Da Vinci Code", still shooting under pressure.

This is a small-scale confrontation and mutual compromise between modern society and religious groups.

Because the increasingly developed information society can no longer carry out any religious beliefs as hard as the Middle Ages.

This is the constant recognition of human self-thinking and the freedom of belief that everyone can enjoy.

Therefore, the Columbian film wage investment, director Howard turned on, Qin Guan did not hesitate to take the film.

Because China is not the birthplace of this religion, the church that has tried hard to send missionaries many years ago, and has not done it in the last, the most primitive sect in China.

Buddhism laughed, and the transcendental Taoism just swept with contempt.

In fact, this is not the main reason, because these alternative, speculative, or lines in the screenwriter of the novel are not Qin Guan said, but Ian McLean who played against Qin Guan said.

This name is no stranger to people who like American drama, because he is Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings and Magneto in the X-Men.

In order to make a good movie, his sacrifice is also huge. He has to bear more pressure than Qin Guan on the periphery.

Even after filming such a scene, after the group finished shooting, after rushing to the hotel in London, the old man did not forget to have fun and find some fun for everyone.

That's right, it is to **** the COHIBA cigars collected by the director, and then taste it with the little friends whom he has just met.

Otherwise, the cigar is the tough guy’s favorite. This commemorative version of the 1942 commemorative cigarette produced in the western Cuban plantation park was once pulled out of the cigar box by McLean, so that the entire cast of actors Crazy.

Let Renault, Paul Bettany, one by one, no longer have the demeanor of a tough guy killer and a crazy bitter monk, just like the most obedient and meek people in this world, waiting for the oldest qualified actor among them, dedicated to everyone A feast on cigars.

The Gentleman's match from the French Tobacco Company draws no more than three matches from this exquisite box that is slimmer and slimmer than China's thick and fat matchbox.

Using the other hand, which is still thin but still stable, put the top of the cigar down and bake slowly in the lit flame.

The first match is extinguished when it burns to one-third, the second match is ignited again, and it is extinguished when it is burned to half, until the third match is connected, a whole match, When the top of the cigar is completely burnt out, it is considered that the process of preheating a cigar is completed.

Qin Guan, who has quit smoking for a long time, stared dumbfounded at the operation of the trio.

For him, a ten-dollar cigarette is a good and deep-rooted idea, smoking was just a way to dismiss loneliness.

Who would have thought that people who play cigars have so many steps, and they contain so much knowledge?

When the three men solemnly cut off the eggplant hat, a faint green smoke, accompanied by an extremely list of tobacco flavors, drifted throughout the room.

It can be seen how the quality of this cigar is, and there are some greenish colors inside, and the green onion of the top tobacco is exposed in front of everyone.

‘Come to a non-Qin concept? ’

‘No, thanks, I don’t smoke! ’

‘No, no, cigars are not cigarettes, they are not smoked in the lungs, just a roll in your mouth, so that the taste buds on your tongue touch the most wonderful aroma in this ethereal world. ’

‘It’s a taste, it’s like enjoying food, do you want to try it? ’

"Who smokes a cigar and smokes from his nose..."

Don't say it, there really is...

Qin Guan felt that smoking cigars was completely a waste of burning money to play, but he firmly refused the invitation of the film's macho men. With this effort to waste cigarettes, it would be better to figure out the script.

Because the next play came to the climax of the play. When the killer of the ascetic monk and the bishop of the Catholic Association found out that they were betrayed and deceived, it was too late.

Because the man who caused all this is the old man who has been lame for many years, looking for help. He is an avid scholar of mortalism, and all he does is to find out the secrets of the Holy Grail Pull down the altar.

So, he held Qin Guan and the heroine in the Knights Templar Church in London, and wanted to keep this secret out of the day.

At this time, the money offensive of 100,000 pounds finally played its role. This church, which is full of tourists during the day, has completed all the clearances.

In the ancient hall inside the church that is not open to the public, all the lights and machines of the crew have been erected.

At this time, Qin Guan stood opposite McLean, the villain who turned everyone around in this play, and was holding a pistol at this semiotician who did not cooperate with him.

‘Kneel! ’

Although he is old, he is an imposing old man. The voice of this sentence is not loud, but it gives a gloomy pressure in the field for no reason.


Qin Guan knelt down without hesitation. Although his suit and leather shoes were the most standard blue gentleman's three-piece suit, he still couldn't hide the reality of his kneeling.

The heroine next to her is very clever, watching Qin Guan kneel, she also intends to kneel down.

But McLean stopped her: ‘You don’t have to. You are the key to unlocking the secret. Just open the archstone and I will let you go. ’

With this calm but fanatical voice falling, the director's lens turned to Qin Guan's direction.

The heroine stood side by side with him, one kneeling and the other standing, representing different statuses, and more of the inexplicable feeling of Qin Guan's grievances in the lens.

A little pitiful, with his messy hair hanging behind his head, wanted by the police all over the world, carrying the double black pot of the church and the old man, and now still kneeling on the ground, his fate is controlled by a madman.

The only thing that pleased him was that the heroine refused.

Just as Qin Guan was relieved for this, a gun hit his head.

‘Open the code bucket, otherwise it’s his death. ’

This has turned into a crazy threat, without any reason.

So, Qin Guan stood up suddenly at this time, and took over the password tube that the heroine was not willing to crack: ‘I’ll crack it, this is what you want. ’

Then, under the stunned eyes of the other party, a force was used to destroy this very delicate box storing the secret map.

There was a silver ray of light in the sky. The cipher tube, which was preciously treated by scholars, was thrown high into the sky by Qin Guan, which meant that he wanted to end the beginning of all these ridiculous wars.

Without it, there would be no source of disputes.

"Don't be..."

Looking at the cylinder of Qin Guan on the ground, his expression was so indifferent, indifferent, and there was only a little light in his eyes, but he could not see what the person thought.

The dark background light can only show half of the outline of his face. The combination of light and dark makes him generally bright in the lens and generally dark.

This very realistic shooting technique inexplicably brought the tension on the scene into the whole plot.

The oblique angle lens, which followed Qin Guan's long straight legs and pushed upward, was an unobstructed view of his firm determination at this time.

‘CUT! ! ’

The French police let Reynolds break in, and finally ended the plot of the most tense dispute in this episode, so that everyone who has been raising his heart to the throat with the plot has been falling down.

This relaxed shooting technique can easily give people in the audience a deep sense of substitution.

Even if there is a small shot in this movie that hasn't been finished, and the editing in the later period hasn't started, Qin Guan can feel that this is a wonderful and fault-tolerant movie.

This film, which withstood all the pressures and was finally completed, was finally drawn to a perfect stop in front of the Louvre.

Because of the filming, Qin Guan, who turned several major cities in Europe back and forth, was clapping with all the crew members who had just finished their work tonight.

At noon, everyone can have a good night's sleep at noon, and no longer need to play late at night because of the venue.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long. Just as everyone started to discuss what to eat, the crew with a good atmosphere was interrupted by unexpected events.

Several French policemen in black and white costumes drove the distinctive black and white police cars, slowly passing by the crew.

When passing by them, they also slowed down the speed deliberately, reminding them of the crew members who had already reported their numbers at the reception of the patrol police to remind them of the upcoming events.

‘You guys, immediately return to your hotel! Don't go out, close doors and windows tightly, and prohibit participation and filming of all non-film related shots. ’

‘If you understand, please evacuate immediately, now! immediately! ’

What's wrong?

After seeing the distance, the guard at the entrance of the Louvre received the news of the walkie-talkie, and entered the venue without hesitation, and then opened the toughened protection measures raised in the most stringent special period, All the crew members still standing on the street knew that something was going to happen.

At this time, everyone still listens to the police and obediently avoids these disputes.

In an unfamiliar country, human life cannot be guaranteed.

Qin Guan looked at the young manager beside him with some concern. As he has experienced several "big storms" in the United States, he was relatively calm about the unexpected situation.

The crew of the crew quickly assembled, and everyone drove desperately to the hotel where they stayed, but after driving along the avenue of the first district for a short time, they found a small alley that should be turned. (To be continued.)

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