Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming

Chapter 817: Please find your motherland if you have any problems

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

‘No way, this way doesn’t work! ’

Qin Guan, who was in charge of the local guide of the crew and the leader of the car leading the way, just sat down in the commercial vehicle, and found that three or four suspicious individuals with weapons were gradually starting to walk out of Hutong.

‘Notify the head car! Drive immediately! ! The driver informs the front and rear vehicles that they cannot stop! ’

'Oh! Oh! ’

However, in the effort to stop the throttle, the entire team found something strange in the urban area.

Those young faces, with their multi-ethnic skin tones, holding stones and steel pipes in their hands, like the most despicable robbers, are hidden in the darkest corners of the city.

The fire that started to burn everywhere was crushed by them and ignited roadside vehicles.

'boom! ''boom! ’

A few loud explosions were heard from afar. Presumably, these vehicles burned under high temperature, and it is the last splendor of this world that is going to die.

‘You can’t stay here, please pay attention to all the members. Personally guarantee a unified command. We will find another way to the hotel! ’

At this time, the French drivers who had been unscathed, the sweat on their foreheads came out.

What was originally said was just a small-scale disturbance on the outskirts? ?

How did it spread to the main street in the city center in an instant?

This is not like an armed riot that a chaotic mob can carry out, but rather an attack by an organized and purposeful group.

And now they are still driving in this dangerous city, which is the most embarrassing existence in Paris.


The harsh braking sound marked the emergency stop of the leading vehicle. Another entrance in front of the hotel was blocked by the crowd who were running against the armed police.

‘Turn around, back up, and you must not get involved! ! ’

These burning gasoline bombs, and the explosion-proof shields that are not long on the opposite side, they do not care whether you are a big star or a small citizen at the moment of waving.

'How to do? How to do? ’

All the way back is blocked, and if you try to continue from the entrance of the other street, you will have to go around a block, there is no guarantee that all over there have been captured.

‘M’s! The Frenchman is just too much! Let your self-proclaimed hypocrisy die! ’

Jean Renault in the car had no time to play with the British actors next to him. As a native of France, the district where they are located, this cultural center, is really not a good place to escape from temporary difficulties.

‘You said that we will retreat to the interior of the Louvre. Can they accept our request for emergency refuge? ’

'impossible. ’

Reynolds shook his head towards Qin Guan who asked this sentence: ‘When the Louvre’s emergency protective brake is opened, it means that the artwork is in greatest danger. ’

‘All people or things that are not conducive to the protection of works of art and threat to works of art cannot be released in an emergency. ’

‘It’s closed inside, and it’s martial law. We can't get in. ’

In this year, the living people have not been worth the dead. In the eyes of some Parisians, a precious painting is more valuable than a life.

In the first district, this last passage is just blocked by reality.

When the main actors in this luxury business car were caught in a repressed silence, Qin Guan, who had been struggling to find a safe way to escape, also expressed doubts in his mind.

‘But I see that the main road is still clear, can’t we just go down the main road and find a safe shelter? ’

‘Oh, you said this, this is for the police and army in the reinforcement city. If the main roads are blocked, it is estimated that Paris was captured. ’

‘What refuge can there be on this side of the road? Is this a route for tourists who come to Paris to see the scenery? ’

‘You can’t let us climb the Arc de Triomphe and hold the statue and fight with them! A group of people who turn our heads without weapons can be smashed down. ’

Well, making Renault look like an invincible ruthless man, in fact, is just the warmest French uncle.

Fighting power is a bit, but it is just a loss.

The appearance is harmful.

Sighing with a sigh, Qin Guan suddenly seemed to remember something, and thanks to his mouthful of eating, he had a basic understanding of the gourmet restaurants in Paris that he had been to several times.

‘Chinese Cantonese cuisine, right! How did I forget it! ’

‘We can go to the Chinese embassy along the main road! ! ! From here, only a short section of road runs from the main road to the iron fence gate leading to the Chinese embassy! ’

‘What’s more, from here straight past, you can reach the eighth district just by crossing a small half block! ! ’

‘Wang Liying, every time we come to film, we will leave the phone of the embassy, ​​hurry up and tell the director to go straight! ! ’

The French and British actors on the side are looking at Qin Guan who has begun to seek the help of the motherland with your crazy eyes.

As native French actors, they didn't say they wanted to take refuge in the city government and police station. You alone, outside, are you unprepared to go to the embassy?

Don't say, Wang Liying's movements are really fast. After three times, five divisions and two, they used Chinese that they didn't understand on the phone to get in touch with the Chinese embassy in France.

In the communication of three or two sentences, Qin Guan, who got all the answers clearly, and got an exact answer, reached a consensus with all members directly.

Head towards the Chinese embassy in downtown Paris.

At this time, there was no one to worry about speeding. The team only knew about acceleration, throttle, and even those sporadic noises were ignored.

The destination was getting closer and closer, and Renault said his last worry.

‘There’s about 200 meters from the main road, how do we get there? ’

‘Rush past? ’

‘What if the police and the mob are blocking the road over there? ’

'will not! ’

Why? This sentence hadn't been asked by Renault yet, and he looked in the direction Qin Guan suddenly pointed. There was a group of people wearing ordinary plain clothes who had used a surrounding obstacle to clear a smooth passage. .

It is very strange that the embassy, ​​which should have been in the downtown area, did not have the chaotic scene of other places, but instead brought a little tranquility.

And under the orderly command of the staff, the entire crew, with the help of the embassy's guards, stopped, got off, and arrived inside the embassy.

Until the moment when the gate symbolizing security is closed, all talents will instantly lift their hearts and fall into their stomachs. (To be continued.)

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