Both Dumbledore and Lucius Malfoy were stunned for a moment. They seemed very shocked by Hector's request.

"How do you know Dobby?"

Mr. Malfoy's face was full of confusion. He stared at Hector, who shrugged his shoulders in a relaxed manner, and even his tone of response was so nonchalant.

"Everyone has to have some secrets, don't you think, Mr. Malfoy?"

Mr. Malfoy was naturally very dissatisfied with Hector's reasons, and this condition was also quite harsh for him - a house-elf was nothing. In Mr. Malfoy's eyes, if he could use a not-so-precious commodity to calm the anger of the Dumbledore family, it would be a very cost-effective deal.

However, Hector wanted more than just a house-elf, he even mentioned Dobby's name, which was very different. How did Hector know Dobby, and for what purpose did he get Dobby? What did he want to do with Dobby? These were all the doubts that Mr. Malfoy had in his heart, and he was now He regretted very much the decision to take the initiative to meet.

However, there is no medicine for regret in the world, and this sentence is an irrefutable truth even in the magical world.

The situation is unforgiving.

Looking at the determined Hector, Lucius Malfoy can only look to Dumbledore for help.

He believes that Dumbledore also thinks that Hector's request is too harsh.


Malfoy hopes that Dumbledore can speak to mediate, but Dumbledore is watching his heart.

He picked up the teacup and pretended to know nothing.

If it weren't for the bright smile on his face, Mr.

Malfoy would really think that Dumbledore didn't hear what Hector said.

"My grandfather is very busy at work, and he needs help to deal with a series of things in the bar, so that he can free up his hands to deal with family education issues - after all, only in this way can we barely reach the level of good family education that Mr. Malfoy mentioned."

Hector saw Mr. Malfoy's embarrassment, so he was very considerate and made a more reasonable explanation for his purpose, and even combined Mr. Malfoy's previous remarks to make a reasonable response. Unfortunately, Mr. Malfoy did not seem to agree with Hector's words.

"Wouldn't an ordinary house-elf have the same effect? "

Mr. Malfoy still chose to make some appropriate struggles, and Ector naturally thought of the corresponding countermeasures.

"Don't I think the elves in Mr. Malfoy's house are of higher standard? After all, you are so confident in your family education, so I naturally want to improve my standards and learn from the noble Malfoy family? I think starting from the most basic time is the simplest and most direct way. What do you think, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Besides, are you afraid that Dobby will leak some of your information? You can rest assured about this - after all, those are just the words of a house-elf, just like you have always emphasized, without any evidence, how can people believe the words of a house-elf? Or you are not as great and arrogant as you portray yourself, and you have done many shady things behind the scenes - but I believe that you are an upright person, and the Malfoy family is also a just and great family.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to do such a thing.

Don't you think so, Mr.


While speaking, Hector secretly poked Dumbledore, who was sitting next to him, with his elbow. Dumbledore immediately understood. He put down the teacup in his hand, restrained the smile on his face, and looked at Mr. Malfoy very seriously and earnestly. Mr.

Malfoy's situation can only be described as a dilemma. He could not deny Hector's clumsy rhetoric, but the current situation forced him to make a choice - there were only two options: agree or refuse. As for delaying or not answering and other similar methods, Dumbledore had already used practical actions to make a reference for him.

Therefore, Mr. Malfoy could only snap his fingers. Almost at the same time, a very short house-elf appeared in the Three Broomsticks. He had bat-like ears and a thin nose. His eyes were green, and they protruded exaggeratedly because of his overly thin body. This was Dobby in Hector's mouth. His body was covered with scars caused by abuse. They could only see a part of it, and the rest was covered under the worn and loose pillowcase on Dobby's body.

"As you wish, Mr. Dumbledore."

Mr. Malfoy's voice was so faint that it was almost inaudible. He took off a glove with a look of disgust and threw it to the elf standing beside him, respectfully waiting for his decision. The elf was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he was so excited that his already protruding eyes almost jumped out of their sockets. The elf quickly caught the glove that Mr. Malfoy dropped, and held it in his palm as if it were a treasure.

"Is this true? Dobby couldn't believe it. The master gave Dobby a glove, the master gave Dobby a piece of clothing, and Dobby was free!"

Mr. Malfoy did not hide his disgust at all. He took off the other glove and threw it on the ground. After that, he rubbed his hands hard, as if something dirty had stained his hands.

"Plus a pair of dragon leather gloves, Dumbledore, I think I have paid enough for my words, right?"

Lucius Malfoy's tone was impatient. He looked at Hector and Dumbledore with cold eyes. What he wanted to do now was to leave this place as quickly as possible.

Dumbledore first looked at Hector, who nodded. Then he looked at Mr. Malfoy who stood up from the chair again. This time, Dumbledore's face was filled with his usual smile.

"Of course, Lucius, I hope you have learned enough."

Mr. Malfoy clenched his cane, and there was a hidden malice in his eyes, like a snake lurking in the shadows. Mr. Malfoy did not leave directly, he tapped the ground with his cane and asked Dumbledore the question that had been in his mind from the beginning.

"Your performance today is not like your usual style, Dumbledore,"

Mr. Malfoy stared at Dumbledore, as if he had gotten to know him all over again.

"I see the shadow of that person in you, you know who I am talking about."

Dumbledore's face was indifferent, his tone was calm, and he responded calmly.

"Lucius, for the sake of my child, I can become anything, and I believe you can do the same."

Mr. Malfoy nodded, then quickly opened the door and walked out of the Three Broomsticks.

"It's finally over."

Hector didn't care about his image at all. He slumped in the chair, gasping for breath. Dumbledore looked at him with a smile, as if he had always been that kind old man.

"Go find Harry, Dobby, and explain what happened. Then, if you want, you can return to the Hog's Head. I think Aberforth will be happy to offer you a job."

Dumbledore looked at Dobby. The elf seemed to be afraid of something, but when Dobby heard what Dumbledore said, he quickly raised his head, with a few tears in his eyes, and the expression he looked at Dumbledore changed from fear to gratitude.

"So, you know all about it, right? Malfoy's conspiracyBad Dobby, bad Dobby!"

The elf seemed to have not yet fully adapted to his free identity. When he mentioned Mr. Malfoy's plan, he still subconsciously wanted to punish himself. Dobby picked up Mr. Malfoy's empty teacup and swung it at his head. Fortunately, Hector stopped it in time.

"You are no longer the Malfoy elf, so you need to change some of your habits, Dobby."

Hector said, looking at the deep worry in Dobby's eyes, and then patiently explained,

"Don't worry, the crisis at Hogwarts has been resolved, Malfoy's conspiracy has completely failed, and even the diary has been"

Hector almost revealed all his secrets, but he stopped the leak in time. But Dumbledore obviously heard something, he put down the teacup in his hand, smiled kindly, and looked at Hector.

"Anyway, don't worry, Hogwarts is completely safe, you can go find Harry, by the way, he is not in Privet Drive now, Harry lives in the Weasley family's house."

Dobby nodded, he looked at Dumbledore, Dumbledore also smiled and nodded to him in a friendly way.

After a snap of his fingers, Dobby disappeared from the sight of the two.

"Is there anything you want to share with me, Hector?"

Dumbledore's tone was very gentle, and Hector nodded. He did not intend to give out the diary directly. Now Hector happened to have a big secret at hand, and he believed that this secret could well cover up his careless omission just now. Hector turned around, and the jar was still in its original place, including the unconscious beetle inside.

Of course, Hector still had some questions he wanted to ask Dumbledore.

"Grandpa Albus, when did you come?"

"A long time ago, even before Lucius."

Dumbledore looked at the puzzled expression on Hector's face and continued to explain.

"No one wants private conversations to be overheard, and I think you think so too, so I made some preparations in advance - some powerful Confusion Charms and Hushing Charms can make others ignore the noise here. Fortunately, there are not many customers today."

After Dumbledore explained to Hector, he changed the topic and repeated the previous question.

"Is there anything you want to tell me, Hector?"

"Oh, of course."

Hector immediately opened and moved the glass bottle away. He pointed his wand at the unconscious beetle lying on its back and said to Dumbledore,

"I think you must know this lady, Grandpa Albus"


Dumbledore was puzzled at first, but he soon showed an understanding expression. He tapped the beetle on the table with his wand, and the beetle's body swelled up. The beetle turned into a short witch with exquisite dress. She wore a pair of ugly glasses with the same pattern as the beetle's eyes.

"Rita Skeeter? I have to say, Hector, you've surprised me again."

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