Dumbledore did not let Hector participate in the affairs concerning Rita. According to him, the secrets of the wizarding world were not suitable for a young wizard of Hector's age to understand. Dumbledore also believed that the confrontation with Mr. Malfoy had already taken up enough of Hector's mind. What Hector needed now was to go back to the Hog's Head Inn to have a good rest. If he had extra energy, he could go and accompany Aberforth. After all, after school started, Hector would have fewer opportunities to see the old man.

It could be said to be a very far-fetched excuse. Hector had participated in Mr. Malfoy's affairs. Could Rita's affairs be darker than this? Hector said it was difficult to comment, but Dumbledore's attitude was very firm. Coupled with what he almost let slip just now, Hector easily accepted Grandpa Albus's arrangement.

Hector walked towards the door, and when he passed the counter, Ms. Rosmerta actually showed a puzzled expression.

"Who are you?"

The lady narrowed her eyes and looked Hector up and down. Before Hector could react, Ms. Rosmerta continued,

"If I remember correctly, you should be Aberforth's child. But why are you here? Does Aberforth have something to ask me?"

It seems that Dumbledore's Confusion Charm has taken effect, and perhaps it is also used with a certain Oblivion Charm. Hector thought so in his heart, he smiled at Madam Rosmerta, quickly opened the door and walked out

"What a strange child - just like Aberforth."

Ms. Rosmerta looked at Hector's back, shook her head, and then immersed herself in her own world.

Hector gradually moved away from the Three Broomsticks. He did not look back, and walked quickly towards the Hog's Head. After a while, Dumbledore and a lady walked out of the Three Broomsticks shoulder to shoulder. Dumbledore was holding Hector's glass jar in his hand, which contained a beetle.

"Thank you for your help, Nymphadora. Oh, sorry, I remember you liked the name Nyfa better."

Dumbledore said to the lady with a smile, and the lady nodded.

Her facial features changed significantly while Dumbledore was talking.

Of course, the changes in this girl named Nyfa were more than that.

Nyfa's height dropped significantly, and her figure became slimmer.

As for her blond hair, it quickly turned pink, which was about the same color as the bubble gum she was chewing.

Not long after, a young witch wearing a weird sister shirt, patched jeans, and a pale heart-shaped face appeared in front of Dumbledore.

"I'm happy to help, Professor Dumbledore, and thank you for remembering that."

Nifa put her hands in her pockets. Now she looked cool, no different from the famous weird sisters.

"Just call me Albus."

Dumbledore smiled and stretched out his hand to Nefa, who first high-fived Dumbledore mischievously, and then shook his hand with a smile.

The story returns to Hector. Dumbledore was right. Dealing with Mr. Malfoy was much more tiring than he thought. Hector finished his dinner early and quickly returned to his bed.

The summer vacation ended in his sleep, and when Hector woke up again, it was already noon the next day. Hector actually had no intention of getting up, so Aberforth came upstairs to pull Hector out of bed.

"If you don't live in Hogsmeade, you will definitely miss the train."

Aberforth directly lifted the quilt of Hector. Hector squinted his eyes and was once again roughly forced to turn on the computer. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and did not forget to defend himself.

"Since I live in Hogsmeade, it's no big deal if I wake up late."


Aberforth folded his arms across his chest, nodded, and continued,

"Don't you really want to experience what it's like to ride the Hogwarts Express? It's very different, I don't think you've ever felt it before"

"Indeed, I usually took the Harmony before, and I have never taken a train that runs so slowly."

Hector answered dazedly, sitting up from the bed, squinting his eyes, and using his feet to look for the shoes that he had thrown away last night.

"Although I don't know what the Harmony you are talking about is, it doesn't stop you from getting up and eating something - you haven't had breakfast, and if you don't have lunch, you'll be hungry."

Aberforth thoughtfully placed Hector's shoes, which were scattered all over the place, in front of him, and then walked out the door.

"Come down and have lunch quickly, Hector, and don't think about lying on the bed, or I won't just lift the quilt next time I come up!"

Aberforth seemed to see through Hector's mind, and his words directly dispelled Hector's idea of slacking off. Under Aberforth's threat, Hector put on his shoes very reluctantly and went downstairs. When Hector came to the first floor, Aberforth was standing next to the table with a smile on his face, and next to him stood a house-elf with his head held high and a smile on his face.

That's right, the house-elf was Dobby, and Hector recognized his identity the moment he saw him. But this didn't help, but made Hector nervous. Hector didn't seem to have mentioned this matter to Aberforth - thinking of this, Hector suddenly felt that the smile on Aberforth's face became creepy.

But Aberforth didn't look angry, and his tone was still so gentle when he spoke to Hector,

"Albus told me about the letter you sent to Malfroy and what happened afterwards, so I have a better understanding of the cause and process of the matter,"

Aberforth looked at Dobby, who proudly puffed out his thin chest.

"And the result - a Malfoy elf, why do you want such compensation?"

"Mr. Dumbledore, you are wrong. Dobby is no longer the elf of the Malfoy family. Dobby does not belong to anyone now. Dobby is a free elf."

"Yes, I almost forgot, a house-elf who advocates freedom - he is really an anomaly, and he needs ten Galleons a week."

Aberforth showed a painful look on his face.

Although he belongs to a rare wealthy family in the entire wizarding world, this does not prevent him from maintaining the habit of saving and being surprisingly low-key - Aberforth has always claimed to the outside world that the Hog's Head Inn is not his property, and he is just a waiter in the Hog's Head Inn.

Hector also thought so when he first came, until he saw Aberforth took the initiative to transform the Hog's Head Inn on the second floor into the third floor, and the general situation in Aberforth's vault, his concept was changed very directly.

When a waiter can earn so much money, Hector will not believe it.

At the moment, Hector still has to comfort Aberforth and make a full and reasonable explanation for his behavior.

"At least it's cheaper than hiring a wizard. Besides, a house elf is much more diligent than a hired waiter. He can save you a lot of energy, so you can do other things, such as meeting the person you've been writing to."

Aberforth's smile froze on his face, and he began to cough violently. Hector stood up and poured him a glass of cold water. Aberforth took the cup and drank a sip, then he recovered his breath.

"We are just doing ordinary business dealings. The ingredients purchased from her are of good quality and affordable."

Aberforth handed the cup back to Hector and thought of a fairly appropriate explanation for himself. Unfortunately, Hector obviously didn't buy it. He took the cup, shrugged his shoulders, and continued mercilessly,

"Yes, it's just a normal business transaction, so why did you choose a pink envelope? It must be an accident. Besides, why do they always give you good quality ingredients at a low price? Do you really think they are kind and honest?

Seeing Aberforth's increasingly embarrassed look, Hector stopped talking in time, but Dobby standing next to him was curious, his eyes widened and his ears pricked up, and he seemed to be very interested in the gossip about the Dumbledore family.

"Go and do your own thing, why are you joining in the fun here?"

Aberforth didn't dare to reprimand Hector directly, fearing that something outrageous would come out of this brat's mouth, so he vented his anger on Dobby, whose curiosity was almost carved on his face.

""Don't go, Dobby, I want to ask you something."

Hector sat down at the table, next to Aberforth.���Aberforth could only stop talking, and his eyes fell on Dobby.

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