Continuing from the last time, do you all think that Hector is going to track Wendell and the others?

Hector thought so at first. He found a secluded place, cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself, and then used the"Apparition" very carefully. He couldn't be more cautious, right?

Then Hector walked out of that secluded place, which was actually the boys' bathroom on the second floor. He was very unlucky and almost ran into Professor McGonagall head-on.

In fact, when Hector saw Professor McGonagall, he still had some luck in his heart. After all, after experiencing so many things this summer, Hector believed that he had made significant progress in both his magic level and spellcasting skills. Maybe Professor McGonagall would not be able to see through his tricks? Hector thought so, but he was still very cautious and stuck to the wall, holding his breath, and tiptoed as much as possible.

It was a pity. Professor McGonagall was a nobody. How could Hector's little tricks be shown off in front of him?

"Disillusionment spell?"

Professor McGonagall frowned, staring at the air ahead, obviously noticing something strange not far ahead.

"Class is about to start. I hope you can get to your classroom as soon as possible instead of doing boring things here.

Professor McGonagall tapped the magic wand lightly, and the cool liquid substance on Hector's body quickly dissipated as if it had encountered a natural enemy. After a while, Hector's figure appeared in Professor McGonagall's sight.

"Hector? Why is it you?"

Hector could see that Professor McGonagall's tense expression relaxed for a moment, but it was only for a moment. Her face was still serious. Looking at Hector who lowered his head in front of her, Professor McGonagall asked,

"Why are you here?"

Professor McGonagall looked at the History of Magic classroom not far away, and then asked Hector,

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Dumbledore, your first class this afternoon is Defense Against the Dark Arts, correct?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall."

"That's good, I thought my memory was wrong."

Professor McGonagall's tone was stern. She looked Hector up and down and then said,

"I don't think this is the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, am I right, Mr. Dumbledore?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall."

After hearing what Hector said, Professor McGonagall took out her pocket watch.

"I think there is not as much time as you and I thought, right? So you'd better hurry up. I don't want to lose some points for being late on the first day of school. I think you think so too, right?"

Hector nodded. Professor McGonagall looked at Hector, a little angry and a little funny, and said,

"So you should set off instead of standing here and watching the time go by? Time waits for no one, Mr. Dumbledore, don't waste it."

Hector nodded, and he had completely given up the idea of continuing to search. Under the gaze of Professor McGonagall, Hector quickly turned around and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"I have to say, he has mastered the Disillusionment Charm quite well."

Professor McGonagall looked at Hector's receding figure, and finally showed a kind smile on her face. Her steps were brisk, even a little hopping, but she returned to her original serious and dignified appearance at the junction of the corridor and the staircase.

The corridor was completely quiet.

Where Hector and Professor McGonagall were talking, the air near the corner of the wall produced very obvious fluctuations, and the figures of three little wizards emerged from nothingness.

It was Wendel and the other two.

"So, was it him who followed us last night?"

Albus asked, looking at Panzhu and Wendel beside him. Panzhu shook his head, but Wendel, who was still fiddling with the hourglass, responded.

"It should be, at least that's the case now - I thought he was a senior at the time, after all, the Disillusionment Charm is not an easy spell to learn, but I didn't expect that he had already mastered it in the second year."

(Hector: Actually, he is a first year)

Albus nodded, but compared to whether Hector was following them last night, he was more worried about the problem with the time converter.

"Now is not the time to sigh, Wendell, we have stayed here long enough, why can't we leave? Our presence has aroused your father's vigilance, maybe he will find Professor Dumbledore at any time - I dare not think about what the consequences will be."

"It's no big deal, Albus. We'll just tell them our identities and then everything will be fine. There's no need to worry so much."

Compared to the nervousness on Albus's face, Pan Zhu looked much more relaxed. He didn't show any worry about the identity leak, but spoke of his countermeasures very easily.

However, Pan Zhu's countermeasures were quickly denied by Wendel. He raised his head from his busy work and looked at Pan Zhu very seriously.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think, Pan Zhu. They may not believe us. After all, we don't have any strong evidence to prove our identity."

Wendel paused, and the hourglass in his hand suddenly began to beat, accompanied by a dazzling golden light.

"I hope this will work. We have already far exceeded the time range that theoretically does not cause harm to the time traveler and time itself. If we stay any longer, we really don’t know what will happen."

Wendell's voice was very small, as if he was talking to himself. He raised his head and saw Pan Zhu and Albus standing beside Wendel, one on the left and one on the right.

"I hope this old guy can be useful,"

Albus said to Wendell, and Wendell nodded. He motioned for Panzhu and Albus to hold his arms.

"In fact, we can wait for a while. After all, the current energy reserves can only support us until one year later."

Pan Zhu had some doubts about the decision of Albus and Wendel. He thought that there might be some problems with the arrangement of the two leaders. However, Albus and Wendel shook their heads firmly, and Wendel, who was in charge of technology, explained.

"You can't stay too long at each time point, Pan Zhu, otherwise it will have an uncontrollable impact on the future."

Wendell stopped and looked at Pan Zhu. He continued to explain quickly before the countdown ended.

"We have stayed here for a very long time. Even my father has begun to doubt us. If we stay any longer, I don’t know what will happen.

However, Pan Zhu did not seem to be convinced. He then asked the question that he was very curious about but had never said.

"Why did we travel back so long in time in the beginning? I clearly remember that the original plan was to go back one day to deal with the homework left by Aberforth."

Faced with Pan Zhu's question, Wendel shrugged his shoulders, and it can be seen that he was also very confused about this.

"I don't know, Pan Zhu, I remember that there was no problem with my settings at that time, but I don't know why I traveled back so long ago."

Before he finished speaking, the three figures disappeared in the corridor. When the noise completely subsided, another figure emerged from the air.

It was Albus Dumbledore.

"Children from the future, very interesting."

Dumbledore held the Marauder's Map in his hand, and on the Marauder's Map, in the Ravenclaw dormitory, three familiar names reappeared out of thin air, just as they had disappeared before,

Albus Evans

, Panju Prewett, and Wendell Flamel.

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