Let's go back to Hector.

Hector would not attend Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He thought it was a waste of time to act with such a guy whose fame far exceeded his ability. Besides, Hector had obtained permission from Dumbledore during the summer vacation. In this way, Hector had no psychological burden to skip Lockhart's class.

So Hector did not go to the fourth floor, but returned to the eighth floor in one breath. Of course, Hector would never use this good time to catch up on sleep (although he did it a lot during college). He could spend some time on studying deep magic - Tom Riddle's diary had not been used since he got it.

Hector naturally could not carry Tom Riddle's diary with him, and of course he did not arrogantly put it in the dormitory. Hector chose a relatively safer place. First of all, this place cannot be easily discovered, and even if it is discovered, it will take a while to find it. I think everyone should know that this place is the famous Room of Requirement, or the Room of Coming and Going in the mouth of the elves.

As mentioned earlier, on the first day of school, which should be full of hope and joy, Hector was very unlucky.

He came to the tapestry of"Trolls Beating Foolish Barnabas" on the eighth floor. According to the regulations, Hector passed the wall opposite the tapestry three times, and said to himself:"I need a place to hide things."

However, there was no arched door on the wall in front of him as usual. Now, the wall in front of him has not changed even slightly.

Maybe the door today looks similar to the wall? Hector pushed the wall in front of him tentatively, but the solid feeling told him that his previous idea was wrong.

Hector repeated the relevant process several times, but the door of the Room of Requirement was still closed, or rather, the door of the Room of Requirement had never appeared.

It seemed that it was not his problem. Hector finally confirmed this after repeated experiments. Since it had nothing to do with him, it must be the problem of the Room of Requirement. Hector simply sat down facing the mural and carefully recalled the setting of the Room of Requirement in the original book.

Strong need?

Hector had ruled this out. Passing the wall opposite the painting three times?

Same as above.

The Room of Requirement in idle time?

Hector found a more reasonable explanation. Indeed, it is easy to understand by making an analogy - if the girl you are flirting with does not reply to your message immediately like you do, but replies to you after a period of time, this may mean that she has more than one flirt with you, rather than the situation that the other party falls into intermittent sleep as you think.

Hector is not a fool, so he quickly figured out the reason why the Room of Requirement could not be used. After knowing the reason, Hector could almost guess who occupied the room. Apart from Wendell, Albus and the little guy named Panju, Hector couldn't think of anyone else who knew about the Room of Requirement and used it during the first day of school.

Hector was somewhat glad that he chose to go to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor instead of using the note with Dumbledore's name to find some banned books from the restricted area. The current situation was a blessing in disguise. Hector found the whereabouts of Wendell and the others, but he had not yet decided what to do next.

Waiting was a good idea. After all, now that Hector had discovered their whereabouts, there was no reason to give up the tracking plan. But Hector had no idea what the significance of such tracking was. It had no other effect except increasing the risk of being suspected by Dumbledore.

Hector found that he seemed to be unable to do anything other than listen to their conversation.

Direct questioning was very stupid and would not have any effect.

Indirect questioning did not require such a step-by-step tracking.

After re-weighing the pros and cons, Hector found that tracking was meaningless, and he seemed to have discovered this last night.

However, this gave rise to a new question, that is, why did he subconsciously follow them when he saw them at noon today, as if he was following some kind of order?

Thinking of this, Hector's brain suddenly felt clear, as if he had broken free from some kind of restraint and breathed again. Then, the feeling of being dazed completely dissipated. Faced with the current situation of choosing between two options, Hector, who was previously extremely entangled, made a very quick judgment - give up the tracking plan and wait until the right time to return to the Room of Requirement.

The reason for making such a judgment is also very simple, and the reason is basically the same as what Hector thought. There are three obvious debuffs in front of him, no benefit, waste of time, and increased possibility of exposure. There is really no reason to continue the tracking plan. The more important thing is in front of him now - what drives Hector to do this series of incomprehensible and unprofitable things?

It doesn't seem to be that power. This is Hector's first reaction. Hector had felt the power of tampering in the bookstore before, but the traces of his actions were not only very obvious, but also very rough, and not as subtle as today, making continuous but subtle changes to his own ideas without Hector's awareness.���He couldn't think of any other power that was so powerful, so hostile to him, and always wanted him to expose his identity as an outsider.

Perhaps his power had increased, and he had learned from previous lessons? This was possible, but Hector couldn't see what the purpose of doing so was.

After all, tracking three first-year wizards under the premise of using the Disillusionment Charm didn't seem like something that would make Hector famous and become the target of public criticism, not to mention that there was a better opportunity to be a hero just now - to rescue Harry like Lockhart did, fast, convenient, and effective.

This was Hector's current understanding of that power.

Although it was a bit inappropriate, Hector still thought about it - if that power was assigned to a house, according to its behavior, Slytherin would be its best destination.

(No ill will),

Hector had just stood up when he saw Dumbledore passing by by chance from the other side of the corridor.

"Oh, I was just looking for you, I didn't expect you to be here."

Dumbledore showed a surprised look on his face. From his performance, it seemed that Dumbledore really didn't expect to meet Hector in this place - it would be even more perfect if he could put away the Marauder's Map more secretly instead of putting it in his arms in front of Hector.

"Hector, I have something very interesting to share with you - if you have time."

Dumbledore glanced at the wall behind Hector with a gentle smile on his face.

——————still me——————

Inside the room, three little wizards sat around the hourglass. The sand in the hourglass, which originally emitted dazzling golden light, turned into a gloomy gray. Only when it was shaken, it still emitted tiny dots of light.

"Why did you fail?"

The silence was broken by Albus, his voice trembling a little.

"I don't know."

Wendell's voice was also very low. He responded truthfully, his eyes still fixed on the hourglass.

"We have been here long enough. Just like you said, if we stay any longer, unpredictable changes will happen! So do something. I don't want to travel to an era controlled by Voldemort!"

This is Pan Zhu's voice. He couldn't control his emotions. Albus stopped him in time.

"I feel the barrier of time,"

Wendell, who was staring at the hourglass, spoke as Albus comforted Pan Zhu.

"Some unknown force prevents us from moving forward, no matter how strong it is."

"Then why were there no problems when I used it before?"

"Because there has never been such a barrier before."

"So, we can't go back?"

The tremor in Albus' voice became more obvious.

"After we enter the barrier, maybe we can."

Wendell's voice was similar, but he still remained as calm as possible.

"Where exactly is the barrier you are talking about?"

"Or what time is it?���

First Pan Zhu, then Albus, all of them looked at Wendel, and Wendel also raised his head.

"I don't know either."

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