"You mean, they are from the future?"

Hector's face was full of surprise, and his tone was no different.

Dumbledore nodded, and waved his hand, and the empty golden cup in front of Hector was refilled with pumpkin juice. Hector picked up the cup and drank it down very quickly for the third time.

"So, where are they now?"

Dumbledore shrugged his shoulders, thought for a while, and gave an ambiguous answer.

"I should go back. After all, I have been here long enough. As they said, it may have unpredictable effects on the future.——"

As Dumbledore spoke, he took out the Marauder's Map from his pocket.

"I solemnly swear that I have done nothing wrong."

Hector looked at the white-haired Dumbledore and thought his behavior was very strange. Dumbledore winked at him and gently tapped the Marauder's Map on the table with his wand. Everything that happened before his eyes was completely different from the solemnity that Dumbledore always showed.���The image was extremely inconsistent, but Hector felt that it was all surprisingly reasonable.

Under the correct command, the Marauder's Map responded quickly. It was originally spread out on the table and continued to spread out, almost to the size of occupying the entire table. In addition, criss-crossing lines quickly appeared on the originally blank parchment, outlining rooms of various sizes and shapes, followed by many footprints with names.

The map covers almost the entire Hogwarts, as well as the names of most students and their corresponding footprints. Unless your name is cast with a very powerful Confusion Charm, it is difficult to escape the tracking of the Marauder's Map.

Now is class time, and basically all students are staying in the classroom corresponding to this course. There are very few footprints wandering in Hogwarts. Based on this, Hector first turned his attention to the History of Magic classroom. He saw several familiar faces, including Ginny Weasley, the little brat with a camera at noon, Colin Creevey, and Miss Lovegood from Ravenclaw College. However, there were no footprints representing Wendell and his friends in the classroom.

Then Hector turned his attention to the Room of Requirement. Unfortunately, the area of the Room of Requirement was conspicuously blank on the Marauder's Map. Hector then turned his attention to the Ravenclaw Tower, the people wandering around Hogwarts, and even the bathroom on the third floor at the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. But Wendell and his friends seemed to have evaporated, with no trace of them at all.

"Maybe they succeeded this time?"

Dumbledore held the familiar sugar jar and stuffed a lemon snowman into his mouth. He didn't look that nervous, and his tone was very calm.

"After all, the commotion this time was quite big. If I hadn't anticipated it and made arrangements in advance, I don't know how big a mess it would have caused."

Hector nodded and agreed with Dumbledore's idea - after all, their magic level should not be strong enough to cover their tracks with the Confusion Charm, otherwise they would not have failed to find him who used the Disillusionment Charm. Not to mention that the invisibility cloak can cover up one's tracks. Hector was very clear about this. He had done tests and found that the invisibility cloak can only achieve optical invisibility, and there is still no good way to locate and track it.

However, the ideas of the two Dumbledores were soon strongly refuted - the names of Wendell, Albus, and Pan Zhu appeared in the corridor on the eighth floor, as if they appeared out of thin air, without the slightest sign.

"It seems that I was wrong. The time travel of these children is not as smooth as I imagined."

Dumbledore was stunned at first, but soon regained his composure. Hector did not answer. He quietly watched them walk towards the stairs.

"Grandpa Albus, do you know their identities?"

Hector asked abruptly, and Dumbledore nodded and responded.

"I'm not sure, but I can roughly infer it from the details."

Dumbledore didn't continue, he looked at Hector quietly. Hector noticed that Dumbledore was hesitant to speak, he raised his head and looked at the old man in front of him

"I heard them mention Aberforth, and it sounded like they were pretty close - so"

Dumbledore's meaning was clear enough, and Hector naturally understood it very quickly, but this did not prevent him from looking at Dumbledore with shock in his eyes.

"he's mine"Son?"

Hector couldn't explain his inner feelings, but the abrupt feeling was the most obvious. Dumbledore's emotions were also quite complicated, but he accepted reality much faster than Hector - this was easy to explain. After all, he had only known this nephew for a short time. With the previous experience, it didn't seem so difficult for him to accept a great-nephew.

The air in the principal's office froze for a long time. Neither Hector nor Dumbledore could find a point of entry for the topic at the first time. But they were not idle either. After all, the footprints belonging to Wendel and others on the Marauder's Map were still moving continuously, and the direction seemed to be very clear - Wendel and his friends rushed towards the library, or to be precise, the direction of the restricted book area.

"So, do you want to stop them?"

It was Hector who broke the silence in the principal's office, but it was obvious that he hesitated for a long time before saying this. Dumbledore shook his head and kept stuffing the lemon snow in the jar into his mouth.

"Don't worry, Hector, I can probably guess what they are looking for. Nothing serious will happen."

Dumbledore had a faint smile on his face. He didn't look as worried as Hector imagined. Of course, Dumbledore's abnormal reaction puzzled Hector. He looked at Dumbledore's face and asked,

"Will Madam Pince agree? She is a very competent librarian.

Dumbledore smiled but said nothing. Did Hector react quickly?

"By the way, Madam Pince might not be able to see them with the invisibility cloak."

Dumbledore also added to Hector's statement,

"There are also blank notes signed with my name. Those little guys have a lot of them. They asked Cuthbert for leave in my name. I think it shouldn't be a problem to go to the library and borrow one or two banned books."

Dumbledore said as he showed the note in his hand to Hector, and then continued,

"So, now we just need to figure out who the two people next to him are."

"I have some ideas for this."

Hector took out a yellowed piece of paper with three names written on it,

Albus Prince Evans,

Panju Patil Prewett, and

Wendell Brian Flamel, and tapped his wand. The names on the paper immediately changed to Albus

Prince Potter,

Panju Patil Weasley, and

Wendell Brian Dumbledore.

Hector thought about it and made some changes to the first name,

Albus Severus Potter.

"Now it's much clearer, Hector,"

Dumbledore stared at the three new names on the paper, the smile on his face gradually faded, his eyes revealed an incomparable seriousness,

"I think I can get a lot of information from it."

"Lots of useful information."

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