Hector didn't know what Dumbledore was thinking, but he knew Dumbledore's decision very clearly - that is to stand aside and watch, and to remain unchanged in the face of all changes.

"Hector, I have to admit that your prediction is accurate, and we have taken corresponding measures in response to your prediction,"

Dumbledore explained his decision. His face was solemn, and he could only force a stiff smile when looking at Hector.

"However, as things stand, no matter what measures we take, Hogwarts will inevitably face unknown risks every school year. What's worse is that these risks seem unavoidable, and there is a situation similar to"the stronger the intervention, the worse the consequences.""

Dumbledore pointed to the basilisk skull that he treasured, and then to the paper that Hector showed him.

"Compared to the mystery of time, I would rather deal with even a mature basilisk."

Hector held his chin and nodded in support of Dumbledore's remarks. Dumbledore continued,

"I didn't detect the existence of Wendell and others from your prediction, I am sure of this. But I also believe that the problem should not appear in your prediction - so the conclusion is very obvious."

"The future has been changed, Hector. But there is a force that tries to prevent the future from deviating too much, so it creates new troubles - the children from the future are undoubtedly its masterpiece."

Dumbledore stared at Hector, and Hector's face was filled with undisguised shock.

How did he know about the existence of this power? This is the question that keeps repeating in Hector's mind.

"But from the new prophecy about Sirius that you showed me last time, it seems that the future can be changed, so, to be honest, I haven't figured it out, I just have such a guess."

Dumbledore smiled lightly, then waved his hand, and his expression became relaxed again.

"This is just an old man's guess. Maybe there is no such power at all? All of this may be a coincidence. After all, we have too few reference objects, right? As for Wendel and the others, Hector, don't worry, I will pay attention. They are safe in Hogwarts and will not cause any bigger trouble."

Hector has very strong doubts about this sentence, but he will not question it in person. At the moment, Hector has a more important problem.

"So, Grandpa Albus, if a prophecy like this appears later, what will you choose?"

After hearing Hector's question, Dumbledore pondered for a long time and slowly gave an answer.

"That's a good question, Hector,"

Dumbledore put down his beloved sugar bowl and looked at Hector sitting on the chair seriously, his expression was particularly solemn.

"If there is a prophecy like this again, I will definitely do something, Hector. Although I know that once I make a change, the outcome of things will indeed fall into the quagmire of the unknown again, but this is better than standing by and doing nothing."

"Although the result may be worse, it may not be worse. If the ending is acceptable, it is okay to be a bystander. But if the direction of things is not what you want, instead of watching the inevitable tragedy, it is better to try to change it. At least when you recall it in the future, you will not beat your chest and stamp your feet because of today's choice. This is enough."

Dumbledore did not stop talking. He looked at Hector and continued,

"The reason I came to you today is not to ask you to give up interfering with the content of the prophecy.

I want to tell you not to rely too much on the so-called prophecy, Hector.

When the prophecy appears, the future has already changed.

If you still follow the routine and continue your actions unchanged, isn't it absurd? The prophecy is just a reminder for us, so that we can have a general understanding of the direction of things in advance, have a clearer understanding of the opponent's ability, and then make corresponding countermeasures.


Dumbledore's tone is sincere and his emotions are quite high. His words are not only a warning to Hector, but also seem to contain self-reflection.

"Hector, the gift of prophecy is valuable, but over-reliance on it is foolish. I hope you can remember this."

Hector nodded, and Dumbledore was relieved when he saw his reaction. The expression on his face gradually relaxed, and his tone gradually became gentle.

"My words may be a bit harsh, Hector, but there are many people like you who are gifted but fail because of over-reliance on their talents. Aberforth and I are already at this age, and the time we can spend with you is really limited, so"

"I understand, Grandpa Albus, I understand."

Hector's tone was sincere, not fake, and Dumbledore's face finally showed a relaxed smile.

"That's good, Hector."


When Hector came out of Dumbledore's office, it was almost time for dinner. However, Hector did not go directly to the hall on the first floor, but walked towards the Room of Requirement.

‘I need a place to hide.

Hector repeated this sentence and passed the tapestry wall three times. This time he was much luckier. As expected, an arched door appeared on the wall in front of him.

It seems that there is no one this time, Hector thought to himself. After confirming that there was no one around, he quickly pushed the door open and walked in.

Inside the door were thousands of books piled together, as well as a dazzling array of broken bottles containing solidified potions. Hector skillfully shuttled through the small mountain of books, passed a large cabinet with bubbles on the surface, as if it had been splashed with strong acid, and finally stopped in front of a huge giant monster specimen. To be honest, Hector was shocked when he first saw it.

This giant monster specimen looked like it had been dried for a long time, but it still exuded a faint smell and the smell of sherry.

That is why Hector chose to hide the dangerous Tom Riddle diary here.

To be precise, Hector hid the diary under the troll's grass skirt.

It was a very unethical choice, and it was also very hidden.

So to be fair, Hector was not very worried about the diary being stolen.

He spent a lot of effort to fix the diary stably in that corner.

It would be more troublesome to take it out.

After all, almost all magic will lose its effect when it is close to the troll.

Even the trolls who have been dead for a long time have such strong magic resistance that is almost weird.

As for how Hector stuffed it in, I will not go into details here.

Anyway, it is very difficult.

However, it is much simpler to check.

Hector only needs to choose the right angle to lift it up, so that he can see the corners of the diary while avoiding more smells and excessive contact.

(Those who have seen the cadaver teacher should have an impression of this.

Thanks for their dedication.


Do you think the diary is gone?

Then wouldn't the previous foreshadowing be in vain?

The diary was still quietly there, without any changes - except that the smell was stronger.

But of course, a peaceful story development was impossible for Hector.

"What are you doing here?"

A clear voice sounded from behind Hector.

To know what happened next, please listen to the next episode.

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