After saying goodbye to Luna, Hector planned to go to the Ravenclaw Dean's office, which was also on the eighth floor. On the first day of school, he had to say hello to the respected Professor Flitwick. After not seeing him for a whole summer vacation, Hector was still looking forward to meeting his duel guide - it would be even better if he could have a quick meal there.

Of course, Hector did not go to Professor Flitwick's house for dinner empty-handed.

In exchange, Hector specially selected the most exquisite-looking can of pumpkin juice from those beautifully packaged and tightly sealed ones - Hector found that Nicolas Flamel's pumpkin juice was so popular that at this consumption rate, the reserve that Mr.

Flamel gave to Hector might be used up before next week.

Professor Flitwick entertained Hector very warmly, and it was obvious that he was still very happy to see Hector.

Professor Flitwick readily agreed to Hector's request to have dinner with him, and he also specially arranged some delicacies that Hector had never seen last semester.

"You know, professors at Hogwarts always have some privileges, such as the hidden menu.

Professor Flitwick looked at Hector, obviously a little surprised.

"I thought you knew it, but it's not too late to know it now. You can experience it today and celebrate your first day back at school."

Hector nodded, took out the pumpkin juice he had prepared, and first poured a full cup into Professor Flitwick's cup.

"This is pumpkin juice?"

Professor Flitwick looked at the golden liquid in his cup, which was still steaming and fragrant, and asked Hector. Hector nodded.

"Yes, Professor Flitwick, you can try it, it tastes very good.

Professor Flitwick seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it. He carefully picked up the cup, tried a sip tentatively, and then showed a surprised expression.

"There is always something unexpected about you,"

Professor Flitwick smacked his lips. At first, he just wanted to give Hector's pumpkin juice a try. After all, in terms of cooking and other related aspects, Professor Flitwick believed that no one could do better than the experienced house-elves in Hogwarts. Until his lips touched the pumpkin juice that Hector had poured for him, Professor Flitwick's eyes immediately lit up.

"The euphoria is almost a must, and there are many things added to it that I don't even know about, and it seems that there is also some bispy brain stimulant. For a glass of pumpkin juice, it is really luxurious enough."

After making his evaluation, Professor Flitwick quickly drank the remaining pumpkin juice in the glass. He looked at Hector who was sipping it, and Hector poured him another full glass.

"This can be said to be my favorite drink, Hector. I have never thought that a glass of pumpkin juice can be so delicious - even more charming than a glass of sherry juice soda with ice and conch. Can I ask where you got it from?"

Professor Flitwick showed a comfortable look on his face. He was very interested in the delicious pumpkin juice in Hector's hand.

"Oh, it was given to me by an old friend of Grandpa Albus, Professor, if you like, I can leave some for you."

"Oh, thank you for your kindness, Hector, but I think you should keep it for yourself - after all, it is a gift from an old man, and it is best to treasure it."

Professor Flitwick had already seen the fancy cursive signature on the jar. He gently patted Hector's shoulder, his eyes filled with emotion.

"Come on, Hector. After dinner, I have to test your progress this summer.

Hector nodded. He was also very curious about this.

——————Happy New Year——————

Professor Flitwick and Hector stood face to face, and the office had cleared enough space for the two to duel.

"As is customary, we bowed to each other."

Professor Flitwick still adhered to the usual process, and Hector had already taken the initiative without any martial ethics.

He fell unconscious, and the light of"Disarmament" was quickly emitted from the tip of Hector's wand. Professor Flitwick used his wand to lightly pick up the two consecutive spells, as if he had expected it.

After all, it was not the first time that Hector had acted unethically. Since he realized the importance of taking the initiative, he racked his brains to take the initiative. It was unrealistic to defeat Professor Flitwick in terms of spell casting speed. Professor Flitwick started much faster than Hector. If he wanted to take the initiative, he had to abandon martial ethics. Faced with such a choice, Hector would not hesitate.

Martial ethics, what is that? Can it be eaten?

Professor Flitwick did not care about Hector's unethical behavior. Before each duel, he would still explain the standards of the duel as always. Even if Hector's unethical behavior became more rampant in the later period, it did not have even the slightest impact on his persistence.

After all, whether it was first or second, it didn't affect the final outcome. Professor Flitwick was happy that Hector could fight more and gain more duel experience.

However, this time was different from what he expected. After a summer of growth, Hector's strength had been significantly improved. Professor Flitwick had a very clear understanding of this when they first fought.

"Have you made a lot of progress, Hector? I see you haven't slacked off this summer, that's good."

Professor Flitwick became more serious, his eyes waving with excitement.���mango,

"That will make me feel relieved."

Professor Flitwick began to increase his intensity.

Disarming spells and stunning spells were fired from his wand at a rapid speed as if they were free.

The occasional tripping spells made Hector overwhelmed.

Then there were the bat spirit spells and the flocks of birds that dazzled Hector.

But what worried Hector the most was not the series of actions in front of him.

So far, Professor Flitwick's offensive had only made him lose the initiative again, and it was only a little more troublesome to deal with, and it was far from unstoppable.

What really made Hector uneasy was that Professor Flitwick took out sunglasses from his pocket and put them on his face.

Hector thought that he had no signs of using his trump card, so how could he learn to predict in advance? But soon he was entangled by the big bats that rushed towards his handsome face one after another and the birds that were summoned by thousands of bullets (more like thousands of arrows) and flew around in the classroom. Hector was no longer thinking about these things.

Something was wrong, and Hector knew this very well. Professor Flitwick's style had always been neat. He always advocated a combination of obstacles and flying sand and rocks. Professor Flitwick might use such a scattered attack that had almost no lethality except for the momentum, but it would definitely not be as frequent as today, and it seemed a little too frequent.

But there was nothing wrong with this. After all, Hector had gained enough breathing space. When Professor Flitwick changed his attack method, Hector was confident that he could give him a big surprise.

But Hector should have thought that he was not the only one planning a surprise. Looking at Professor Flitwick's abnormal behavior of wearing sunglasses, he should have thought that Professor Flitwick had a big one for him.

The volley of bullets and the bats were just the products of his wandless spellcasting. What was gathered in the other hand was the big move that Professor Flitwick had carefully prepared.

"Ultimate Flash!"

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the fire!

This is the gift that Filius Lux Flitwick prepared for Hector at the beginning of the school year.

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