The duel with Professor Flitwick came to an end very quickly. As expected, Hector still lost the game. Professor Flitwick's hidden trump card was indeed too amazing. Hector, who was completely unprepared, was really tricked by him. Professor Flitwick wore sunglasses and looked at Hector, who was sitting on the ground with his eyes covered, with a smug look on his face.

"You didn't expect this, Hector? I've been preparing for this surprise for quite some time."

Hector didn't reply. He rubbed his eyes and blinked carefully, then slowly came back to his senses. Professor Flitwick was standing opposite him, smiling at him. Seeing that Hector was almost recovering from the dizziness caused by the strong light, Professor Flitwick continued,

"But I still want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I would never have thought that the Luminescent Charm could be used in such a clever way."

Hector's smile was a little bitter, but he quickly adjusted himself and showed an expectant expression.

"Could you teach me, Professor Flitwick?"

"Of course, Hector, I believe this spell is especially suitable for you."

Professor Flitwick was right. After he taught him the spell and the corresponding wand-waving movements, Hector felt like he had an epiphany. He mastered this 'Flitwick special' Luminescent Charm without spending much effort. As for learning the corresponding silent spell, it was a natural process. It was just a simple practice. Professor Flitwick, the founder of the spell, witnessed the amazing speed of progress from unfamiliarity to proficiency.

"It's really hard to imagine, Hector,"

Professor Flitwick thought he had a detailed enough understanding of Hector's talent for spells, but the facts before him forced him to readjust his understanding.

"I have always believed that learning this spell is not a difficult thing for you, Hector, but I really didn't expect you to learn it so easily - this spell is like it was tailor-made for you, and the compatibility between you is really too good."

Hector nodded. He has already felt the power of this spell, but there is one thing Hector is very sure of - this spell not only has an extraordinary luminous intensity, but at the same time, the magic power consumed by using this spell also increases exponentially.

For most young wizards studying in school, and even those adult wizards who have magical talents and do not have such outstanding magic reserves, it is almost impossible to fully exert the power of this spell.

The light that bursts out from the tip of their wands is not much stronger than the fluorescent flash.

In addition, the consumption of this spell is as much as the former.

The Ultimate Flash is just a useless trick for them.

However, every coin has two sides.

For a wizard like Hector who is gifted with the luminous spell and has abundant magic power, the useless trick that is useless but a pity to discard becomes an extremely powerful and deadly trick.

Anyway, Hector can feel the power contained in this spell. In addition to being more powerful and invoking magic more gently, its controllability is also what Hector has always wanted to pursue - it would be even better if it can be used daily, so that Hector doesn't have to prepare an oil lamp before night tours. Unfortunately, the Ultimate Flash doesn't sound like the name of an everyday spell.

"It looks like you have almost recovered, Hector.

Professor Flitwick's words woke up Hector, who was daydreaming. He smiled at his proud student who had grown up a lot, waved his wand,

"Today's course still needs to be completed, what do you think?"

Hector nodded and responded,

"Of course, Professor Flitwick,"

Hector paused, looking at Professor Flitwick who was still wearing sunglasses, and asked tentatively,

"Um, professor, can you give me a pair of these eyes?"

——————I'm home——————

The first day of school passed like this, and then the second day, the third day, and the third day were just like usual.

Hector felt that his life was so comfortable, even more comfortable than at home, and there was almost nothing that could bother him. The identity issues of Wendell and the others had been completely revealed. As for how to deal with the subsequent matters, Dumbledore did not tell Hector, and Hector simply put it behind him.

Let's take it one step at a time. If you worry about this and that every day, can you still live? This is what Hector thought, and he really didn't know how to face the child who was said to be his future child.

Embarrassing, yes, but more of it was at a loss. After all, in his two lives, Hector had no similar experience, and his experience as a son was not that rich, let alone the feeling of having a son (By the way, Hector had a lot of experience as a grandson, but it was a pity that the one who traveled through time was a son instead of a grandson).

Apart from that, it was hard to say that there was anything that seriously troubled Hector. Neville spent all day with Professor Sprout. Longbottom was no longer the opinionless slug in the first grade. He no longer stayed with Hector all day, and regarded Hector as his backbone. Instead, he spent more time on his favorite subjects.

Then there was Hermione, who was busy with her own things.

The little witch seemed to realize the gap between herself and Hector.

The proud her naturally did not allow such a situation to happen, so Hermione spent a large part of her time in the library, wandering between the bookshelves.

The reading materials in the little witch's hands also changed significantly.

Since Lockhart's first class ended in a farce, Hector found that the book"Traveling with Vampires" in Hermione's hand had become a brand new"Transfiguration Today", and of course there would also be academic magazines on spells such as"Spell Innovation".

Although the little witch still insisted on her initial opinion of Lockhart verbally, it was easy to see that Hermione also began to doubt the authenticity of Lockhart's experience.

As for Harry and Ron, they seemed to have no desires and were quite free compared to Neville and Hermione. It would have been even better if Gilderoy Lockhart, who seemed to be following Harry, and Colin Creevey, who was obviously following Harry and the others, were not there.

Lockhart's purpose was very clear. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to take advantage of Harry's title of"the Chosen One" to enrich his teaching career and accumulate materials for his next novel.

As for Colin, the first-year Gryffindor just wanted to see Harry. This little guy with a Muggle camera seemed to have memorized Harry's entire schedule. Before almost every class and in every corridor that Hector and Harry passed by, there was Colin holding a camera. For him, being able to see Harry and say hello to him seemed to be the most exciting thing in the world.

So Harry's life was not very smooth. He felt that there were always one or more pairs of eyes staring at him in Hogwarts, which made him very annoyed. This feeling of annoyance did not spread to Ron, who was always with him. On the contrary, he seemed to enjoy the feeling of being the center of attention.

In short, the new school year has come, and everyone is busy with their own things.

There is an inexplicable sense of unfamiliarity between friends.

However, both Hector and Harry seem to have gotten used to this strange feeling.

Everyone's conversation has not decreased, but the need for private space has gradually increased.

This can also be seen from one point - the velvet curtains that were always hung high beside the bed in the previous school year are now mostly hung on both sides of the bed.

Everyone has grown up and seems to have understood some truths more or less. The wind from the future brushed their cheeks, making them feel a completely different atmosphere. Boys think about how to be cool, they pretend to be calm, and always like something unique. As for girls, they are the most difficult to understand, aren't they?

Hector thinks so anyway.

The familiar friends around him gradually became strangers. The way they looked at Hector gradually changed to the way the seniors looked at him last semester - deliberately distant, even with a little, slight awe.

This might be Hector's illusion, just like all children of this age, sensitive and suspicious.

But this did not hinder friendship. On Friday morning, Harry, as usual, made a very sincere invitation to Hector.

"What do you think of Hagrid inviting us to his cabin tomorrow morning?"

"Of course, Harry, I'm very���To know what happens next, please listen to the next episode.

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