To continue from the previous article.

Friday's classes were insignificant and passed in a flash, and Saturday morning arrived as scheduled.

But something went wrong with Hector's plan, or to be more precise, something went wrong on Harry's side.

Hector was awakened by a series of heavy and noisy footsteps. A reckless big man pushed open the door of Hector's dormitory with great force. His voice was unfamiliar, but it sounded very mature and tough, and his style of behavior also revealed a reckless temperament.

He was a Gryffindor, which could be heard from the sound of the door opening. He opened his eyes, pulled open the hanging curtain, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and a tall man wearing a Gryffindor Quidditch training suit rushed in.

It was Senior Wood. Hector was a loyal fan of Quidditch after all, and Hector naturally knew this captain of Gryffindor and the most trusted goalkeeper.

Then Hector looked out the window. A thin layer of mist covered the entire sky, and the vigorous rising sun delicately painted a pink and light gold skirt for the mist. Wood first opened the window, and the warm wind poured in through the gap, gently caressing Hector's face, bringing a fresh and beautiful breath.

However, such a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere was soon disturbed by the loud voice of Senior Wood. His intention was obvious, and he came directly to Harry's bed.

Then there was a series of warm wake-up services. Harry was soon pulled out of his dream by Wood's"gentle shaking" and"soft calling".

""Get up, Harry!"

Wood's voice was full of enthusiasm, and the expression in his eyes was no less enthusiastic.

""What's the matter?"

Harry's voice was a little hoarse. He looked like he hadn't woken up yet, which was in stark contrast to the extremely excited Senior Wood beside him.

"Quidditch training!"

Wood said, he stopped what he was doing and lowered his voice deliberately. Unfortunately, it didn't have the expected effect, and Senior Wood's rough voice still echoed in the dormitory.

"Get up quickly! We have a new training plan!"

I have to say that Senior Wood's morning call service was very thoughtful. After all this commotion, Hector was completely awake. He changed his clothes, completely opened the bed curtains, and walked towards the sink with a frown.

Harry's bed curtains had been completely opened by Wood. The tall, muscular senior was sitting beside Harry's bed, speaking in an anxious tone and looking excited. He didn't show any fatigue from getting up early.

But Harry, who was forced to get up, was not so good. He sat up from the bed shivering, searching for his team robe while dealing with the chattering captain Wood.

Seeing Hector, who always liked to sleep in, passing by, Harry seemed to realize something, and an apologetic look appeared on his face. Harry motioned to Wood to speak softly, and Wood nodded and lowered his voice even more,

"Good man, see you at the stadium in a quarter of an hour."

After saying that, Wood stood up from Harry's bed, nodded to Hector, whispered an apology, then quickly closed the door and left.

"I'm sorry, Hector, for waking you up."

Hector had a toothbrush in his mouth. When he heard Harry's voice, he waved his hand generously, and after spitting out the foam in his mouth, he responded,

"It's okay, Harry. After all, you were woken up by the noise. Besides, I should be up by now."

Hearing this, Harry didn't reply, but looked at Hector with a surprised look. Hector naturally knew his habits this semester, so he scratched his head embarrassedly and changed the subject very naturally.

"So, the plan to go to Hagrid's house has to be postponed?"

Harry nodded. He had quickly changed into the bright red robes of Gryffindor and picked up his own Nimbus 2000. Hearing Hector's question, Harry nodded, and apology appeared on his face again.

"I'm afraid so, Hector, please tell Ron and the others when they wake up. If we're lucky, we should be fine this afternoon."

Harry thought for a moment, then said to Hector,

"You can go to Hagrid's place and wait for me first. Of course, it would be even better if you could come to the Quidditch field and watch us train. I have to go first. Hector, please!"

Harry ran out the door with his broom, but Hector seemed to remember something and took out a blank note with Dumbledore's name on it and quickly stuffed it into his hand.

"What is this?"

Harry's face was full of confusion. He stopped and asked Hector,

"A blank note, Harry."

"Is this why you can skip Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

Harry's face showed a hint of understanding, but doubt soon filled in that blank.

"But what use do I have for it now?"

"You will know when the time comes."

Hector said mysteriously, and Harry took the blank note with Dumbledore's name on it with doubt. Hector also carefully put a delicate pen into the cloak outside his robe. Harry nodded to Hector, opened the door of the dormitory, and ran out quickly. Hector closed the door, and he had heard footsteps that did not belong to Harry appearing further up the stairs.

"Harry! I heard someone calling your name on the stairs"

Hector slammed the door shut. He didn't want to get involved in this mess because Harry's helpless but loud voice came through the crack in the door.

"No, Colin, sorry, I have something urgent to do.���"

——————Dividing line——————

Hector didn't change his clothes, but that didn't stop him from falling asleep on his bed. To be honest, he still hasn't gotten used to the custom of changing into pajamas before going to bed. Hector couldn't fall asleep in pajamas, but he could always find the most comfortable sleeping position in casual clothes, just like now.

""Hector, wake up,"

Neville's voice said. Hector opened his eyes. His neck and waist were aching because he leaned against the bedside cushion inappropriately.

""Do you know where Harry went?"

This was Ron's voice. His first thought was to check on his good brother.

"Harry went to Quidditch practice, the first time in the new school year."

Hector stretched his body and stood up from the bed. His neat appearance made all the wrinkles on his clothes disappear. Ron next to him asked,

"So, when do we go to Hagrid's Hut?"

"Just go now, Ron. If you go to Harry first and then go to Hagrid's hut later, that's fine too."

Hector stopped talking here, because he knew what decision the people around him would make, and he knew that his decision was almost the same.

"Let's go?"

The three people said this in unison, with bright smiles on their faces.

——Interval -

Albania, hunter's hut, untouched jungle, three voices in the hut, cold, hoarse, and hissing, like the sound of a snake spitting out its tongue,

"So, what preparations have you made?" said the cold voice.

"Giving you a body is not an easy thing. I hope you can make something real."

"A muggle, dirty shell?" the hoarse voice said.

"What do you expect me to do with this useless body that is no different from an animal? The blood in this body makes me sick, I wish I could kill myself"

"Why not?"

The cold voice asked, the hoarse voice could not answer.

"Dumbledore is right. In the final analysis, you are just a poor guy who is afraid of death."

"You don't understand anything!"

The hoarse voice revealed obvious anger, but he was greeted by the same cold, emotionless voice.

"What do I not understand, death, or you?"

"You don't understand Dumbledore, no one understands Dumbledore."

The hoarse voice was very soft, but for the first time, the cold voice had emotional fluctuations.

"I don't understand Dumbledore?"


"Interesting statement."

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