By the time Hector and Ron walked onto the long covered bridge leading to the Quidditch field, half of Saturday morning had already passed, as evidenced by the sun hanging high in the sky. The morning mist had almost dissipated, with only a small part floating above the lawn. The huge Quidditch field was empty. There were no hard-trained players as Hector and his team had expected. There was only a first-year student standing in the stands holding a large gray camera - it was Colin. When Ron saw the boy, an unnatural look appeared on his face.

""Come on, Hector, let's go to another place."

Ron pulled Hector's sleeve, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and he hid his body behind Hector as much as possible.

Hector also noticed the young man who was looking around with a camera, and he agreed with Ron's suggestion. Colin's clinginess was really admirable, and his extraordinary ability to create encounters was also amazing - if you want to find Harry in Hogwarts Castle, just follow Colin, because he will always meet the boy with the lightning scar on his head in a corner,"accidentally".

Hector, who often walked with Harry, was naturally very clear about this. In order to avoid possible entanglements, Hector and his group quickly walked to the other side of the stands and found a place to sit as far away from Colin as possible.

"Has the training finished? Are we late? After all, it is late and there is no one in the stadium."

Neville, who had been separated from the main group this semester, was puzzled by Hector and Ron's series of actions. After everyone sat down, Neville looked at the empty venue and asked tentatively. Ron responded to his question very straightforwardly.

"Don't worry, Neville. I don't know whether the Quidditch training is over or not, but I'm sure Harry hasn't gone far.——"

Ron carefully hung the camera on his chest and pointed to the little boy who was always leaning towards the player's tunnel. After making sure that he had not been discovered, he deliberately lowered his voice and continued,

"Do you see him, Neville? As long as you can see his figure, or his Muggle camera, you can be sure that Harry is either here or will be here soon - like now."

Seven players in fiery red Gryffindor robes walked out of the corridor, each of them holding a new or old broom in their hands. At the front of the team was the sturdy young man Wood who broke into their dormitory this morning, followed by the Weasley twins side by side, and the short man sandwiched between them was Gryffindor's seeker, the famous Harry Potter.

The moment he saw their figures, Ron stood up, so fast that even Hector didn't react. Colin took two pictures and had moved to another place that was higher and had a wider field of view - looking at the thick roll of film in his hand, I guess today's shooting task must be very arduous.

"Haven't you finished training yet?"

Ron's eyes widened. He looked at the exhausted Harry and the players behind him. Except for the captain Wood, everyone looked exhausted.

Harry shook his head, covered his mouth with his hand, and yawned exaggeratedly.

""It hasn't started yet, Ron."

Harry's eyes quickly shifted to Hector and the others behind Ron. He smiled and nodded as a greeting. Especially when he saw Hermione holding the jam bread, Harry's eyes were filled with undisguised envy.

"Wood has been talking about the tactics for the new school year - I think I have to join the training as soon as possible."

Wood's stern eyes, which were quite similar to those of Professor McGonagall, cast over Harry, and Harry subconsciously shrank his shoulders. He rode on the Nimbus 2000, tapped the ground lightly with his toes, and flew up with a whoosh.

"I really envy them."

Ron's eyes were filled with undisguised yearning. He watched his two brothers and good friends flying freely in the sky on their brooms, and murmured:

"Who isn't?"

Hector's voice was low, his eyes fixed on the fiery red phoenix-like figures flying freely in the sky. To be honest, from the beginning Hector wanted to feel the feeling of flying in the sky on a broomstick, and this desire became stronger after Aberforth gave him a brand new Silver Arrow.

But Hector, who learned everything very easily, suddenly became completely clueless when it came to riding a broomstick. It was as if he had no talent for this. The Silver Arrow, which was extremely docile in Aberforth's hands, suddenly became a wild horse in his hands. It seemed to be deliberately making trouble for him. Hector was like a rebel and didn't listen to his instructions at all, which made Hector very distressed and helpless.

But he didn't give up practicing after all. After all, learning to ride a broom can save a lot of trouble, and it is also very important for participating in some future plots. So Hector found Aberforth, thinking that his knowledgeable grandfather might be able to help.

There has been some progress, but the speed of progress is too slow. It will take time to do the fancy moves like Fred and George in the sky - a very long time. As for Harry's set Hector probably couldn't learn the silky and smooth sudden stop, tumbling and falling leaves.

Back to the point, Harry's training was in full swing, but it wouldn't last long, because Hector had seen a group of seven wizards wearing green robes and holding flying brooms in their hands quickly walking into the field from the other end of the player tunnel.

It was obvious that the Slytherin Quidditch team was walking into the Quidditch field with arrogant steps. They were naturally spotted by the sharp-eyed and sensitive Gryffindors in the air. Seven red figures swooped down from the air and landed steadily on the group of people with long hair and leather boots. In front of the equally sleek Slytherin nobleman.

Wood was the fastest among them, and he landed heavily on the ground at lightning speed. Wood looked very anxious, and his landing was obviously much heavier than he expected. Wood staggered off the broom and came in front of the Slytherin captain at the speed of a charge, roaring something loudly.

Following closely behind them were Fred and George, and then a group of chasers led by Alicia Spinnet. As for their seeker Harry, he was left at the end of the team. He held the broom with one hand and fumbled for something in the pocket of his robe with the other hand.

"It's the Slytherins, and it looks like a conflict is about to happen."

Ron frowned at first, revealing a look of disgust, and then worry also appeared on his face.

""Do you want to go over and help?"

The question was unnecessary, and Ron also noticed this. Everyone stood up and walked onto the grass.

To know what happened next, please listen to the next episode.

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