It didn't take Hector and Ron long to walk down from the stands. The first to greet them were not the Gryffindor players, but the Slytherin Quidditch captain, the sixth-year Marcus Flint, who looked even more burly than Senior Wood. He said coldly and contemptuously,

"Look here, everybody,"

Flint pouted in the direction of Hector.

"Someone has entered the field - I think Wood, they are not from your Gryffindor Quidditch team, right? But it doesn't matter, they will leave the field in disgrace just like you."

Flint said the rest of the sentence to Wood, with a teasing smile on his face. Wood's face was already red, his fists were clenched tightly, but he couldn't even say a word of rebuttal.

""What happened, Harry? Why are they here? What are you writing, Harry?"

Ron did not choose to confront Flint directly, but asked Harry who was standing at the end of the team. However, Harry did not reply to Ron. He was hurriedly writing something on a small piece of paper.

Ron, who did not get a reply from Harry, could only look for the answer himself. His eyes fell on the group of Slytherins opposite, and the seven exquisite and even gorgeous flying brooms in front of them naturally focused Ron's attention.

"Very good, isn't it, Weasley?"

Draco Malfoy, who stood at the front of the team, shoulder to shoulder with Captain Flint, smiled warmly at Ron for the first time, which formed a very sharp contrast with the sarcastic words he said.

"The latest model of flying brooms, the Nimbus 2001, a total of seven, far exceeds all previous Nimbus series. This is a simple gift from my father to the Slytherin Quidditch team. I guess even if you sell your old house, you can't afford the cost of a Nimbus 2001 - look at those old sweep series in your hands. To be honest, compared with the Nimbus, this kind of stuff can only be used to sweep the floor."The

Slytherin team immediately responded with violent and exaggerated laughter, while the Gryffindor players on the opposite side kept an awkward silence.

"It seems that Mr. Malfoy still has plenty of spare money,"

Hector, who was standing next to Ron, spoke up. He stopped Hermione from responding and looked at Malfoy with a teasing look in his eyes.

"I thought what happened recently was enough to make him anxious. After all, there have been so many targeted surprise inspections. If something is really found, Malfoy, your father might have to stay in Azkaban for a while."

Almost at the same time as Hector opened his mouth, Malfoy's face showed a very complicated expression, first disgust, then fear. He wanted to say something to sarcastically, or even to refute, but Malfoy did not choose to speak. He restrained the expression on his face and tried his best to make himself look calm and indifferent, just like his father.

Hector watched Malfoy suppress the desire to speak with difficulty and retreated behind Flint. Mr. Malfoy must have told him something before the school started, maybe not to have a conflict with Hector. It must be said that Malfoy still listened to his father's words. Except for the unfriendly look, when facing Hector, Malfoy still chose to avoid his sharp edge.

Of course, the matter was not resolved. Flint, who was holding the so-called special approval note from Professor Snape, saw that Malfoy was defeated, and then began to expel the Gryffindor team members who arrived first in a rather rude manner.

""Okay, now the Slytherin Quidditch team is about to start training, and those who are not involved should leave quickly."

Flitt said so, and he had already begun to lead the other Slytherin students to push the Gryffindor players to the outside of the field. Even when pushing and shoving, the Slytherins' hands made those unpresentable little moves one after another. Not only that, Flint's sarcasm did not stop for a minute,

"If you have any questions, you can consult Professor Snape. As for now, please hurry up and get out of my sight, otherwise I will suspect that you are trying to spy on my tactics - but it's useless. Nimbus 2001 will tell you that the generation gap in equipment cannot be made up by your so-called tactics."

The Slytherin team was more direct.

Compared with Flint's long speech, those foul-mouthed little snakes simply and crudely summarized it with"leave" and"go away".

The Gryffindor team members did want to do something in revenge, especially when facing these dirty guys who were not only talking but also taking action.

Fred and George clenched their fists, their bodies were stretched straight, and the anger in their eyes was almost impossible to suppress.

This behavior also appeared in other Gryffindor team members, including Ron who was filled with righteous indignation.


Snape's note still calmed them down, especially when Malfoy, who had run to the back of the team at some point, raised his hand high for public display. Most of the Gryffindor team members gave up the idea of taking the risk of fighting.

Looking at the mortal enemies in front of them who were dejected and seemed to have given up the will to resist, the Slytherins became more and more emotional, and naturally they acted very quickly. The situation seemed to be one-sided until Harry, who was at the end of the team, finished the last stroke.

"What a hassle."

Harry muttered, he put away his pen, looked up and met Hector's eyes. Now he finally understood Hector's intention. Harry went against the crowd and met them. A note appeared in his hand.

""Wait a minute, everyone. I have the teacher's signature too."

Fred, George and Wood stopped moving backwards, followed by the other Gryffindor players. Hector could see that everyone's eyes lit up at the same time.

"I have Professor Dumbledore's signature."

Everyone's eyes were focused on the signature. The handwriting on the signature was crooked and the ink hadn't even dried yet, but the fancy signature at the end couldn't be faked.

I, Professor Albus Dumbledore, allow Gryffindor House to occupy the Quidditch pitch today to practice and practice new tactics.

"It's really ridiculous,"

Flint showed a mocking look on his face. He wanted to snatch the note from Harry's hand, but fortunately Harry was quick-witted and didn't let him succeed. However, Flint, whose plan failed, didn't intend to let him go verbally. This guy who looked a bit like a troll said,

"This is such a poor forgery, it looks like it was just written. You don't think you can fool us like this, do you?"

The Slytherin players also started talking at once. It can be seen from the previous moment that the other team's quality is generally not high. Sarcasm is rare, but direct insults are handy. Harry also argued with reason. He pointed in front of Dumbledore and argued with them as loudly as possible. Fred and George also joined in at the first time, and then Wood, Katie, Angelina, Ron and others naturally joined in.

The quarrel between Gryffindor and Slytherin will never last long, because the fierce collision and the tense atmosphere will always be completely ignited by a muffled sound and a cry of pain, and the situation now is similar. Either the annoying Flint, or Fred and George blew the horn of attack first, and the players of both sides immediately wrestled together.

Goyle and Crabbe rushed out from some corner and quickly joined the battle, which allowed Hector, who was standing by to watch the battle, to witness Neville's heroic scene of one-on-two; the same is true for Ron. His goal is also very clear. He waved his fist and rushed towards Malfoy.

The scene quickly unfolded. The female members of both sides of the battle did not participate. They were still exposing each other's past and scars. The hot-tempered boys directly chose to use their fists to make sense (as for why they didn't use magic, it's hard to say, maybe they don't like magic?).

Of course, Hector is also indispensable in the fierce battle. To be honest, only Hector is very loyal in roaming and finishing off, or taking the initiative. At times like this, a well-aimed leg-locking spell always has a very wonderful effect.

Of course, the fight will not last forever, especially with Hector's assistance. When the situation is already bad enough for Slytherin, the group of shrewd little snakes will still return to the negotiation table.

"You said you had Professor Dumbledore's signature,"

Flint, who was a little out of breath, put on a cunning smile. He tried to calm his breathing and then continued,

"Where is it now? Can you show it to me? Or are you just using a random piece of paper to trick me? ?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Harry. After the fight, the legs of Harry's glasses were all crooked and his robes were wrinkled. Although Wood and the Weasley twins were faithfully taking care of the injuries in front, Harry, who was the focus of attention, was still in a very embarrassed state. As for the piece of paper in his hand that was regarded as the turning point of the game, it was now nowhere to be seen.

""Look at Goyle! What's he eating?"

Neville's voice rang out, and everyone's eyes shifted to Goyle, who was chewing something with great effort. When he saw everyone's gaze, his rough chewing immediately turned into stiff swallowing. Malfoy was standing next to Goyle, his eyes were provocative, and his words were naturally full of sarcasm.

"What does it have to do with you? Why, you can't get it out, so you want to frame me?"

Malfoy showed a cunning smile, and the same thing happened to Flint who turned around.

"If not, I will go to Professor Snape to complain, gathering a crowd to cause trouble, fighting, interfering with normal training, and forging the professor's signature - I dare not think how many points Gryffindor will lose, or whether it will be directly disqualified from participating in the Quidditch Cup."

All the Slytherins showed malicious smiles on their faces, but the smiles soon froze on their faces.

"How come no one remembers that I am actually a Dumbledore?"

Hector opened his carry-on bag, took out a blank note from it, and wrote a new note in front of everyone.

"How about this sign? Want more? Don't worry, I have enough for you."

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