To continue the previous article.

Seeing the freshly baked note in Hector's hand, the reactions of the people present were naturally different.

(I'll use more space to make it more exciting)

First of all, it was Harry. His eyes were originally filled with regret, but after seeing the brand new note in Hector's hand, the disappointment on his face was quickly replaced by surprise, accompanied by unconcealed joy.

Such a change of expression did not only happen to Harry, all the Gryffindor members around him and Ron had similar reactions. Especially Senior Wood, his eyes were fixed on Hector, or rather, on the precious note in Hector's hand.

The burly senior's eyes were too eager, and Hector, who was being stared at, was really not used to it.

Then let's turn our attention to the Slytherin members who were confronting them. Standing in the front was the captain Flint. The captain, who looked a bit like a troll, had an expression on his face that changed at an incredible speed, and the general expression was red and white, and the blue veins on his neck did not go down for a minute.

Then it was Malfoy.

The young master's face was more red, and even his neck and ears turned bright red.

Especially when he saw his younger brother Goyle actually expressed his intention to taste the saltiness of parchment again after hearing Hector's"invitation", the"blush" on Malfoy's face never subsided.

As for the supporting roles, I won't go into details here.

In short, the scene was changed, and the smile never disappeared, but it was transferred from the faces of the Slytherin team members to the faces of the Gryffindor lions.

""Any questions?"

Hector broke the silence that had lasted for quite some time. Fred and George, as if they had received an order, immediately changed their roles from expelled to expelled. They used the same moves that the Slytherin team had used before and started to expel the Slytherin Quidditch team.

"We have the signature slips now, so I'd like to trouble you irrelevant personnel to leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will complain to Professor McGonagall and say that you are interfering with the normal training process."

The Weasley twins said in unison, with bright smiles on their faces and their hands moving more swiftly than ever before. Flint was the focus of their attention. Even if he had put on a resistance posture, he still couldn't change the current situation of being pushed down.

Although Flint's current situation was so embarrassing, he still whispered in a low voice,

"That signature is fake. Everyone can see that he just wrote it. It can't be counted."

"If you have any doubts, you can go to the headmaster to ask. Besides, we don't know if your signature is real."

Hermione choked Flint without hesitation. The little witch had shown extraordinary eloquence and a conversational suppression power far beyond her age in the previous confrontation with the Slytherin female team members. She was eloquent and eloquent, and the seniors who were much older than her were dumbfounded and ran away. After hearing Hermione's words, Flint's face darkened obviously. Then, his brows squeezed together very ferociously, and his eyes were full of vicious light.

It seems that the"stinky mudblood" originally from Draco Malfoy's mouth is now going to be grafted onto this"troll senior"?

It seems so, at least there is this trend. It's just that Flint didn't succeed. Before he opened his mouth with that dirty personal attack, Hector, who had anticipated it, quickly and fiercely"locked his tongue and throat" on his fat face. This spell of Hector But he showed no mercy. The light that shot out from the tip of his wand whizzed through the air and cleanly knocked the burly big man in front of him to the ground, unconscious.

While eliminating the sound, it also gave him a sleep-inducing effect. It can only be said that Hector was too conscientious.

After the backbone fell, the Slytherin team members immediately scattered.

Basically, everyone chose to protect themselves and had no intention of continuing the stalemate.

It was still the two sturdy guys under Malfoy who took Flint's journey from the Quidditch field to the school infirmary.

Otherwise, according to the style of the Weasley twins, Flint might still be lying there when he opened his eyes tomorrow morning, or even worse, it was not impossible for him to appear in a girls' bathroom in Hogwarts.

Hector did not speculate too much about this, but when Flint was carried away, the undisguised loss on the faces of the Weasley twins was really too eye-catching.

""Keep training!"

Wood almost cheered as he said this. He asked the Gryffindor players to get back on their brooms and continue their tactical drills. Before he left, the tall and burly senior gave Hector a big hug with gratitude on his face.

""Thank you, Hector."

Wood's face was filled with a bright smile. He patted Hector's shoulder heavily, then got on his broom and left. Fred and George raised their eyebrows and hugged Hector on the left and right.

"Thank you for helping us vent our anger."

As if following some kind of convention, Fred always spoke first, and George always took over. Now it was the same. George continued with Fred's words.

"Professor Dumbledore's note is really useful - can you give us one?"

Hector's refusal was naturally expected by the two brothers. There was no disappointment on their faces, and their smiles remained as usual.

"Thank you, Hector, for helping us vent our anger."

Fred imitated Wood and patted Hector's shoulders very hard. Then it was George's turn. While doing so, he still picked up Fred's words very accurately.

"If Flint and his men had succeeded, I couldn't imagine how devastated Wood would have been - and how inhumanely we would have been 'tortured' by him. Thanks to you, Hector."

"It would be better if Flint hadn't been carried away."

Hector muttered quietly, and the eyes of the Weasley twins beside him immediately lit up. They hoped that Hector could continue the topic. At this moment, Wood's voice sounded out at an inopportune time.

"Fred, George, you better hurry up, our tactics won't work without two batsmen!"

Wood shouted in the air, and the Weasley twins shrank their necks at the same time, then looked at each other and stepped on their brooms at the same time.

"This idea is very tempting and deserves further discussion. Wouldn't you, George?"

"Great minds think alike, Fred."

Just like that, the two cheerful figures soared into the air and joined the bright red team in the air.

Hector and the others watched the Quidditch players flying freely in the sky. They talked loudly and laughed. The smiles on their faces were extremely happy and unrestrained. The early autumn sun was a little hot, and it poured its warm breath on everyone. The sun was so bright, and so was Hector and the others' vibrant youth.

Hector suddenly asked Hermione who was standing beside him,

"Do you think Harry can remove the Leg-Locking Curse?"

Hermione was stunned for a moment, then nodded and asked Hector in confusion,

"I think so, right? But why do you ask?"

"He'd better know how to do it."

Hector pointed cryptically at Colin, who was taking a picture of himself with a camera not far behind him, and took out his wand from his pocket again.

""My legs are frozen and I am dead."

Of course it was a silent spell. Colin, who was holding the camera, lost his balance and fell to the ground with a thud.

"We will meet at Hagrid's hut. It looks like he has set his sights on me."

Hector whispered something and ran away, leaving Hermione and the others at a loss, staring at each other.

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