Hector and his friends had a very pleasant time in Hagrid's hut. Hagrid prepared plenty of food for them. Although it was not delicious, the softer rock cakes showed that the half-blood giant had really put a lot of effort into preparing the food. Of course, it would be better if the tea he brewed was a little lighter.

The atmosphere in the hut was particularly harmonious, just like the blazing fire in the fireplace, full of warmth. Everyone gathered in a circle and chatted casually. The little wizards always had a happy smile on their faces, and of course Hagrid's face was no exception.

This happy atmosphere reached its peak after Harry arrived after training. Hagrid welcomed Harry with freshly baked, steaming food, just like he welcomed Hector and his friends. Harry must have been starving. He ate two ferret sandwiches in a row today, which he usually tasted only politely. As for the softened rock cakes, he didn't let go of any of them. Hagrid looked at him wolfing down his food, and his smile became even brighter.

""Oh, Harry, Quidditch training must be hard. You look really hungry. Eat more. I'm glad you like my food."

Hagrid smiled and stood up from the big chair. He tied the funny apron again and went back to the kitchen to start working again. While Hagrid was busy, he kept chattering.

"It was Héctor who gave me suggestions and asked me to improve the rock biscuits - it seems to be quite effective and everyone likes it very much."

Yes, it was Héctor who made the suggestion. The softening spell is indeed very effective, especially in terms of the taste of the rock biscuits. But the softening spell acts on the texture after all and will not change its essence, so digesting the rock biscuits becomes a very difficult task.

Perhaps there is a difference in the digestive system between the half-giants and wizards. After a long time after consuming a large amount of rock biscuits, Héctor could feel a fierce struggle between his stomach and the real rock biscuits. And this struggle soon spread along the digestive system, and in the end even going to the toilet became a very serious problem - it was very laxative, and don't ask Héctor how he knew, anyway, this is the situation.

Of course, it is completely fine to use the softening spell with a small dose of rock biscuits, Hector can guarantee that. But for gluttons like Ron and Neville who have no concept of small doses, it would be most appropriate to let Hagrid make some improvements.

Back to the point, Harry didn't even have time to nod. He rushed to training without eating breakfast and was already starving. He just wanted to fill his stomach as soon as possible. When Hagrid came out with a plate of rock biscuits and a pot of hot strong tea, the huge tray of food on the coffee table was basically cleared out by Harry alone.

Hagrid put down the new tray and sat back in his armchair with a cup of hot tea. Looking at Harry who couldn't wait to reach out his hand, he seemed to suddenly remember something and asked with a smile,

"Harry, I heard you started distributing autographed photos? I have to settle accounts with you. Why don't you have my copy?"

Upon hearing this, Harry's face suddenly turned red. He seemed to be choked and then he coughed violently. Ron, who was sitting next to him and was not disturbed by the slug, patted him on the back very considerately. After Harry recovered, he was very eager to protest.

"I didn't post the autographed photo. This is a rumor. If Lockhart continues to spread it without any basis,——"

Harry hadn't finished talking when he noticed the bright smile on Hagrid's face. Hagrid carefully drank a sip of the scalding hot tea in his cup and then said,

""I know, Harry, I was only joking. I know you didn't, and I told Lockhart you didn't have to do that, you could be more famous than him without any effort."

Hagrid paused, a curious look on his face.

"How did you know that it was Lockhart who told me about the autographed photo? I never said it was him."

Harry looked a little angry, his words were unclear because of the food in his mouth, but you could tell he was angry.

"Who else could it be besides him?"

Harry swallowed the ferret sandwich with great effort, and his voice became much clearer.

"I just saw Lockhart on the Quidditch field. He was holding his books and preparing to go to Hogsmeade to hold a book club meeting."

Hagrid showed a look of disgust when he heard Harry's words. He rarely criticized the professor of Hogwarts in harsh words.

"A complete idiot."

Hagrid put down his teacup, drove away Fang, who was standing beside him and drooling at Harry, and then criticized Lockhart.

"He also wanted to teach me how to prevent water monsters from getting into the well, as if I didn't know, and how to deal with female ghosts. He said all kinds of things - I guarantee that if his method had any feasibility, I would have eaten the teapot directly."

Hermione, who was sitting next to Hector, naturally expressed obvious objections. She wanted to say something to refute Lockhart, but Lockhart's terrible performance was so vivid that the little witch gave up the idea of speaking. But Hagrid had no intention of stopping. The forest ranger, who was full of the color of an old friend in his words, continued,

"There is really no one else to take the place of Professor Dumbledore. The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher position has been vacant since Quirrell's incident. Everyone thinks this job is unlucky and no one can stay in it for long. Lockhart is probably the only one willing to take this position. Otherwise, we have to let other teachers take over."

"I would rather have another teacher take over the class, at least I can learn something."

This sentence came out of Ron's mouth, which was naturally very abnormal, but he looked very sincere. Hagrid raised his eyebrows, he didn't say anything, just refilled himself with a cup of strong tea. It was Hector who spoke up and took over Ron's words.

"If Lockhart doesn't attend, Dumbledore can only arrange for a substitute teacher, and that is Snape, and he is the only one willing to serve as the substitute professor of this course."

Hector turned his teacup and added,

"To be precise, he was very happy to do it. He was more interested in Defense Against the Dark Arts than Potions."

Ron was a little skeptical about what Hector said. He cast a questioning look at Hagrid, who nodded. Ron shrank his neck and whispered,

"Well, I guess Lockhart has some redeeming qualities, at least he's funny and he doesn't have much homework."

Hagrid changed the subject very quickly. He didn't want to continue talking about Lockhart, so he talked about something else - pumpkins for Halloween.

The atmosphere became harmonious again. Everyone sat leisurely in Hagrid's soft armchairs, chatting about this casual topic in a relaxed and pleasant manner. Suddenly, Harry stood up and walked towards the door.

"What are you going to do, Harry?"

Hagrid asked very puzzled. Harry opened the door, looked at the door, and then shrank back, his face full of confusion.

"Didn't you hear someone coming? There was clearly someone talking outside the house just now."

Everyone shook their heads after hearing Harry's words, which made Harry's face more confused.

""Maybe you heard it wrong, Harry, please sit down quickly. Would you like some more schist pie?"

Hagrid asked Harry to sit down. Harry nodded, took a piece of schist pie and sat down silently.

"Maybe not."

Hector's voice was so low that only he could hear it.

————Dividing line————

"Is there no way to integrate magic power into my body?"

It was the hunter's hut that had been idle for a long time, and it was the familiar voice again. The response to his words was as cold as always.


"Aren't you omnipotent? The so-called world controller."

The hoarse voice revealed a hint of sarcasm, and the owner of the cold voice showed obvious emotional fluctuations for the first time.

"It's more complicated than you think, you idiot, and these days I can only do so much without drawing attention!"

"Whose attention?"

The hoarse voice found the loophole and asked,

"It's none of your business"

"It seems that things are indeed more complicated than I thought."

The hoarse voice said so.


Indifferent���The sound speaks again,

"It has nothing to do with you. All you have to do is find a way to recover."

"Just based on this?"

"This body can preserve the last bit of your soul. If your Horcruxes are destroyed, you will not die directly. It will provide you with a final resting place."

"If I lose all my magic power, it will be the same as death."

The hoarse voice muttered, and the cold voice answered,

"As long as you are alive, there is still hope." said the cold voice,

"This is a complete shell, I think you understand."

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