Finding the classroom No. 32 on the note was not as complicated as Hector had imagined. He found the classroom with the door open without much effort. Coincidentally, the distance between classroom No. 32 and the forbidden book area on the fifth floor was the closest among all the abandoned classrooms. It only took a simple turn to reach another ocean of knowledge.

Hector looked inside through the open door, and what caught his eye was a dark passage with a star-like light at the end of the passage. Hector poked his head into the claustrophobic tunnel, pulled out his wand, and tapped on the walls on both sides of the passage. As he expected, the several re-lit candles hanging on the wall provided quite good light.

Hector did not let go of the wand in his hand for a moment. He first carefully looked around the situation, and then after making sure that no one was following him, Hector's body was tightly pressed against the wall, and he walked slowly and cautiously along the passage.

Fortunately, the passage was much wider than he had imagined, and the distant light soon appeared in front of Hector.

The passage is connected to a spacious and bright classroom, which is more like a secret library of Hogwarts than a classroom.

The expected classroom facilities such as chairs, tables, and blackboards used by professors are nowhere to be found here.

On the contrary, most of the space in the room is occupied by library-style bookshelves and a large number of books.

The main theme of this room is books.

Books are everywhere as far as Hector can see.

The windowsills, the aisles between the bookshelves, and even the open space behind the bookshelves are filled with books of varying thicknesses and yellowed pages.

These books have been carefully maintained, the covers are spotless, and there is no dust on the bookshelves.

The air in the whole room is filled with a unique scent, and the smell of ink, parchment, and grass are intertwined, bringing joy and satisfaction to Hector's soul.

""Nice to meet you here, Hector."

A familiar voice rang in Hector's ears. It was Luna. Her clear, singing voice was very easy to recognize. He turned around and saw a little girl with silver pupils and airship decorations on her ears sitting on a hill of books.

"It's you, Luna. I'm glad to see you too - but what are you doing here?"

Hector greeted politely, then looked at the mischievous little guy on the hill with a puzzled look on his face.


Luna showed Hector the open book in his hand, and then continued,

"There were no books about Scimitar-Horned Snorkellers in the library, nor in the Ravenclaw Common Room, so I wandered around, hoping to find some."

""Did you find it?"

Hector asked. Luna shook her head, but Hector didn't see even a trace of disappointment on her face.

"Not yet, but there are many interesting books here, just like the famous saying goes,"

"Immeasurable wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind."

The two said this in unison, and the little girl's face immediately broke into a bright and beautiful smile.

"You know, it's such a coincidence."

Luna jumped down from the top of the book, her figure was light, as if she had no weight. The little girl quickly came to Hector, with a smile on her face.

"This is really a great place, isn't it? It's just a pity that the books here are much more profound than those in the library. I think it will take me some time to understand them."

Luna stood on tiptoe and put the book in Hector's hand. Hector's hand sank suddenly after taking it. The weight of this book was much heavier than expected, and the cover of the book was unprecedentedly simple - to be precise, there was only a hasty writing of"About Transfiguration" on the cover of the book, without any other patterns or handwriting. The overall look was so ordinary, without any characteristics.

"This is a very good book, at least it's interesting."

Luna's clear voice echoed in the classroom. She put on the shoes placed next to the hill and hopped towards the door.

"It's almost time for class. See you later, Hector."

The little girl disappeared so quickly, and the room returned to its initial silence, as if she had never been there.

If Hector hadn't been holding the heavy book in his hand, he might have thought so too.

Luna left so quickly that Hector had no time to say goodbye.

He just found a solid place to lean on, opened the book and read it carefully.

With such an awkward plot, Hector thought so when he opened the book.

This book must be a very remarkable secret book, but it just looks a little inconspicuous.

No one has seen it before, or they didn't care after seeing it, or they saw it and cared about it, but it was very tasteless for the supporting role, and only the special ones on the pig's feet were mentioned.

Only when the quality is improved can it be utilized, etc.

However, when Hector read it in depth, he was very embarrassed to find that the content of the book perfectly matched its cover, which was so mediocre. As for the content, such a thick book naturally has content, but these contents are completely copied from the textbooks used in daily classes, without any innovation or extension. In other words, this"About Transfiguration" is a collection of all textbooks, one book includes six or seven books, which is why the weight of this book is so heavy.

This made Hector a little unwilling to give up.

He kept flipping through the book, and the four words"It shouldn't be" kept echoing in his mind.

But the reality still disappointed him.

This book is just a simple...

This is not just a collection, the kind of completed edition that is shared with the Imperial Temple on the Internet.

Not to mention extended thinking, summary and expansion, even the basic content and illustrations are omitted and deleted wherever possible.

So to be precise, this is not a collection, this is a condensed version.

Now there are two explanations in front of Hector. The first is that this book was just handed to him by Luna on a whim, and the second is that he is just a supporting role, and the protagonist is someone else. The second idea only flashed through Hector's mind, and then he erased it very rudely. Not the protagonist? This idea is really ridiculous. (Right?)

After denying the second idea, the third idea immediately popped up in Hector's mind-or did he open it the wrong way?

There is a secret Code spell? Or a password like the Marauder's Map? Or a location restriction? Hector has tried many ways, including but not limited to turning the pages of books with magic, recreating the scene (yes, Hector also climbed the pile of books), and trying various passwords (the first sentence was"immeasurable wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind"), and the results were all surprisingly consistent - no effect.

As for the method of blood dripping to recognize the master, Hector did not try it. The first reason is of course that the Western magic world is unlikely to use the Eastern fantasy system. After all, the two systems are very different. As for the insignificant secondary reason, it is that Hector is afraid of pain, especially for this kind of pain that is predictable and avoidable but cannot be avoided for some reason, which can be compared to an injection.

So Hector���Hector quickly came to the conclusion that this book did not have the magical features he expected. It was just a relatively ordinary series. As for Luna's evaluation of it as"very good and interesting", Hector really couldn't find the reason. Why was he interested in a concentrated product of a textbook? Maybe she and Hermione would get along well.

However, Hector did not intend to continue to waste time on this book"About Transfiguration". He tiptoed and put the heavy and plain book back on the bookshelf, and chose another book"Today's Transfiguration" to read.

This place is quite good, and there are many interesting books. Staying here for a while is very suitable for Hector's plan. He picked up a few more books at once and sat on the windowsill. After tidying up a space, Hector took out his treasured pumpkin juice and tasted it carefully while reading the book with relish.

The heavy and plain book stayed there, motionless.

Is it really an ordinary, mediocre book?

I'm afraid not.

If Hector had been more careful and read the book more carefully, he would have found the following words written on the title page:

"Those who desire power, please do not open this ancient book, it will not open its heart to you.

Those who desire knowledge, please enjoy the treasures hidden in the characters, it is the precious wealth you seek."


Rowena Ravenclaw.

There is another sentence after this,

"The knowledge is in the book, but the way is not."

The signature at the end is even more interesting,

Tom Riddle.

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