When a person is deeply immersed in the ocean of knowledge, he will not feel the passage of time at all.

Just like Hector now, while enjoying the delicious pumpkin juice, he flipped through the previous issues of"Transfiguration Today" and only came back to his senses when he heard Professor McGonagall's voice.

""Hector, you're here earlier than I expected."

Professor McGonagall waved her hand gently, trying to attract Hector's attention. Hector raised his head and happened to meet the warm smile on Professor McGonagall's face.

This was really rare. Professor McGonagall's face was always tense, and it was obvious that she was a strict teacher. A smile like this rarely appeared on her face.

"I'm reading"Transfiguration Today". How is it? What have you learned?"

Professor McGonagall always had a satisfied smile on her face. As a teacher, she had no reason not to like a diligent student, not to mention that this student was diligent and talented.

"Some, but I haven't fully understood most of the articles."

Hector put down the book in his hand. He was somewhat glad that he had packed the pumpkin juice into his bag in advance for the sake of saving money. Professor McGonagall's smile never disappeared. She patted Hector's shoulder and continued,

"It's okay, Hector. The articles in Transfiguration Today are indeed profound, but it is good for you to be exposed to these cutting-edge views on the development of Transfiguration early. When you have laid a solid foundation, Hector, you can read the articles of these cutting-edge scholars again. You will definitely have a different understanding, and I believe that as long as you don't waste your talent, this day will not be far away."

After a simple comfort, Professor McGonagall paused for a moment, and then smoothly continued her expectations for Hector.

"Just like your seniors, the threshold of"Transfiguration Today" is not as high as you think. As long as your ideas are interesting enough and your basic knowledge is solid enough, it is definitely not difficult to publish one or two articles on it. I can assure you of this - after all, I also have a share of editing work."

Hearing Professor McGonagall's words, Hector immediately cast a curious look. Professor McGonagall naturally noticed Hector's eyes, and her expression became serious almost in an instant, and she continued righteously,

"But I will never be partial or corrupt, I can assure you of that."

Hector then retracted his gaze, he was also very sure of this.

"So, can you share your findings with me? Or any interesting ideas?

Professor McGonagall saw that Hector was"ready to learn" and a gentle smile returned to her face. She spoke softly, with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Of course."

Hector nodded. He had carefully read the previous issues of"Transfiguration Today". Although the articles were a little difficult for him to understand, as a title party and a college student who had gone through the college entrance examination, he still knew some methods of reading comprehension.

Look at the title, look at the data, look at the first and last sentences, find thesis, analyze the evidence, etc. These traditional methods are more or less useful. As for the thesis, the routine is just that routine. Even if Hector is only a half-baked person now and can't understand the superficial things, it's not a big problem to understand the bifurcation of the superficial things. If you want to do magic, you have to do it scientifically.

Take this article,"On the influence of thunderstorm size on the change of animal species in Animagus" Effect", the title reveals the atmosphere of the controlled variable method and the experimental control method. Although there is no such method and it is naturally impossible to put it into experiment, the description of it is so clear and logical that it is irrefutable.

There is also an article entitled"Reflections on Gamp's Basic Transformation Law-The Reasons for the Existence of Obstacles in the Generation of Food out of Thin Air". The whole paper is eloquent and imaginative, but the words reveal the atmosphere of the law of conservation of energy.

Hector shared his thoughts after reading with Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall listened very carefully, and nodded from time to time, which further ignited Hector's desire to share. He listed them incessantly and showed the corresponding articles to Professor McGonagall. After the enumeration was completed, Hector also summarized these articles to a certain extent.

"At present, the research direction of Transfiguration is mainly focused on Animagus.

This mysterious, advanced and dangerous Transfiguration has attracted the interest of most people.

Indeed, being able to switch between animal and human forms at will and in a controlled manner is the dream of most wizards, and it can certainly provide many unexpected conveniences.

However, the steps are too complicated and too difficult, and only a very small number of wizards have mastered this advanced magic - such as you.


Hector glanced at Professor McGonagall, and the smile on Professor McGonagall's face was now filled with an appropriate amount of pride. After a brief pause, Hector continued,

"Most of the current research is devoted to how to simplify the Animagus process, how to shorten the preparation time and steps, and a few are even considering how to control the types of Animagus that they become, and considering personalized services after popularization in advance.

The rest of the attention is on the simplification of Transfiguration spells, the improvement of the Transfiguration casting process and the extension of the effect time.

Human Transfiguration has also received a lot of attention.


Hector put down the"Transfiguration of the Day" in his hand, he took a deep breath, and then said,

"That's about it."

Professor McGonagall showed satisfaction without disguising it. After a suitable interval, she clapped her hands and spoke slowly.

"Your understanding of the article is much better than I thought, Hector. Your ideas are novel, your vision is broad, and you can summarize it easily. It can be seen that you have really put in a lot of effort."

Professor McGonagall did not hesitate to praise her, and her smile was very consistent with her words. However, Professor McGonagall is strict, and she is even more strict to these talented and promising people, which is confirmed by her next words.

"However, Hector, I am actually looking forward to your thoughts, which is also the purpose of letting you read these articles."

Professor McGonagall smiled and had more expectations for Hector. She continued,

"After reading these articles, do you have any ideas about Transfiguration?"

Hector nodded. He did have some inspiration. Of course, this inspiration was thanks to an article hidden in the corner. However, this article was not signed, and the date of the journal became blurred over time.

1944, or 1943? Some of it is not clear.

It doesn't matter. This is what Hector thinks.

"Does the soul exist?"

Hector began his argument with a question. Professor McGonagall just frowned and responded quickly.

"This question is not accurate. First of all, the definition of soul is vague. Is it a person's consciousness, or something like a spirit or ghost? Our knowledge in this area is still very flawed. However, based on the effects of many spells, we can roughly infer that it should exist."

Professor McGonagall's answer was very rigorous and comprehensive. Hector nodded with satisfaction, and then he continued,

"There are many aspects of transformation designed in Transfiguration, from the basic transformation from inanimate objects to inanimate objects, similar to the transformation from a book to a chair, to the more advanced transformation from living things to inanimate objects, such as the transformation of living things into inanimate objects, and the more difficult transformation from inanimate objects to living things."

Hector paused, he took out a pen, pulled out the magic wand, and lightly tapped it, and the magic wand turned into a somewhat stiff and rigid mouse.

"This is interesting - the mouse is alive, and there is no reason why this creature shouldn't have a soul, if that exists. But——"

Hector removed the magic power, and the mouse struggled to crawl a few times, with a look of despair in its eyes, and then quickly turned back into the pen.

"Does the pen have a soul? This question is boring and obvious. What about the mouse? It should have its own soul. Where does its soul come from?

Professor McGonagall fell into deep thought. She noticed the details of the mouse, which was something she had never considered before. Hector continued.

"If we think about it this way, things become much more interesting. Can a dead life be regarded as a dead object? Can the Transfiguration technique that transforms dead objects into living things be used on it to peek into, or even cross, the boundary between life and death?���? What is the essence of Transfiguration? Is it the sufficient change of matter, or the calling of the soul? None of these are known, and these are also worth exploring."

Hector looked at Professor McGonagall, who had changed from seriousness to contemplation and now to shock, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Of course, these ideas are unfounded and have not been tested. They are just my thoughts."

"The rule that magic cannot bring the dead back to life may be challenged."

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