Professor McGonagall's shocked reaction was understandable. Hector was also in a state of severe self-doubt for having such an idea in his mind.

Could a mind"influenced" by university life be capable of such a wild and unconstrained creation? Hector didn't believe it at all, but the complete mental journey and the accompanying causes and consequences made him believe it.

"It's good to be young, to dare to challenge things that are regarded as truth by countless people."

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath, then looked at Hector seriously, and said slowly and firmly,

"I think it is difficult for me to support your idea. To be honest, I hope you can be more pragmatic, or more down-to-earth. Challenging death is too far-fetched for a naive second-year wizard, even for an outstanding wizard like you. But this does not mean that you cannot try it. On the contrary, I think this idea is a bit naive, but very interesting. It is just that it is difficult for Today's Prophet to accept such aIt's a heretical idea."

Professor McGonagall seemed to have thought for a long time before saying this. Her face was serious, but soon turned into a happy smile.

"At least you have your own ideas, instead of just blindly imitating others, which is good - I think you should go eat. After all, the Transfiguration Club's activities haven't started yet, and it's a good idea to fill your stomach."

To be honest, Hector, who had been drinking pumpkin juice all afternoon, didn't feel very hungry now, but he still felt the urge to pee, and he had been sitting all afternoon, so it was nice to go out for a walk, so Hector accepted Professor McGonagall's suggestion very straightforwardly. He went to the bathroom, ate, and waited.

Then it was time for the Transfiguration Club activities to start.

Hector arrived at classroom 32 on the fifth floor on time, and some senior wizards arrived before him.

These seniors, mainly Ravenclaws, quickly accepted that Hector was qualified to participate in the activities, and the surprised expressions on their faces disappeared quickly, especially the Ravenclaw seniors who were surrounded in the middle.

The Gryffindors were much more enthusiastic, pulling Hector to ask questions, and as for some Slytherins standing farther away, Hector could sense the contempt that had not dissipated in time.

"You are probably the youngest member of the club and the first to join."

A senior named Emily (this was not the first time Hector had heard this name) who was standing next to Hector said with a wink, and then another senior named Tom (a familiar name, but not too familiar) took over Emily's words,

"Professor McGonagall must admire you very much. You must have great talent. It's not surprising - after all, your last name is Dumbledore, a great last name."

Tom's words were highly agreed by the others. They immediately started talking about it until Percy walked in hand in hand with a Ravenclaw senior.

"Hey, Hector, why are you here?"

Percy subconsciously let go of his hand quickly, and he looked at Hector with curiosity and questioning, but more of embarrassment.

"Professor McGonagall asked me to come and listen, so I came."

Hector explained. He knew the purpose of Percy's question very well, so he could only try not to look away deliberately - obviously the effect was not good, Percy's red face was the best proof.

Then it was Professor McGonagall who came next. After tidying up the classroom and making enough space, Professor McGonagall also went to the auditorium downstairs to have some dinner. It seemed that tonight's activities would take longer than Hector had imagined.

"The club activities started soon. As usual, everyone sat down in a circle.

The noisy classroom became quiet the moment Professor McGonagall arrived. The seniors used their own methods to quickly conjure up a chair (the different methods here refer to the different materials). Hector followed suit and quickly conjured up a chair that was neither too big nor too small, but looked comfortable enough, and quickly sat down next to Percy.

"Your Transfiguration is even better than I thought."

Percy looked at Hector's chair very carefully, and a look of"as expected" appeared on his face.

"I believe you can learn a lot here, especially in dealing with O.W.L.S and N.E.W.The knowledge required by T is very beneficial to your future development. The Ministry of Magic has very strict requirements for these two exam certificates. If you want to enter the Ministry of Magic, you must get the Transfiguration subject.‘O’of"

Percy's face was particularly serious. When talking about the Ministry of Magic, he always talked endlessly, as if he had endless things to say. Entering the sixth grade, he already had a considerable understanding of the various departments of the Ministry of Magic, and Percy also had a gradually perfect plan for his future.

"I think joining the Ministry of Magic is a good choice."

But Percy, who was always calm, was unusually chatty today. He kept talking to Hector about his plans, without any intention of hiding anything. Percy's eyes, which were the same blue as his brother's, stared at Hector and continued with what he had just said.

"You know, my family situation is not that good, my father's work is often excluded, and the salary given to him by the Ministry of Magic is too meager. It is not easy to support a large family. I have always wanted to be as good as possible, not to let them down, and then share their pressure - just hope that they can have an easier life."

"Why are you telling me this?"

Hector remained faithful to his role as a listener, waiting for Percy to���After he finished his narration, he slowly asked his question.

"I want to thank you for what you did for my sister. Professor Dumbledore told my parents about what you did during the summer vacation. I can't imagine what would happen if such a terrible thing fell into Ginny's hands."

Percy stared at Professor McGonagall who was already standing in the center of the circle. He gradually lowered his voice, but the sincerity in his words did not diminish at all.

"At the same time, I want to apologize to you. I admit that I had some unpleasantness with you last semester. I have always kept this in my mind, but I have never found a chance to tell you."

""What's the matter?"

Hector smiled. His words sounded like a question, but more like a statement. The smart Percy naturally understood what Hector meant. He looked away from Professor McGonagall and fell on Hector. He couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

"Thank you, Hector. I think we can be considered friends now. It was a very familiar question, but Hector answered it a little differently.

"Of course, Percy, of course."

"So friends keep secrets from each other?"

Percy's voice was very low, because Professor McGonagall's eyes had already swept over him, but the slight cunning on his face was very eye-catching in Hector's eyes.

"The answer is the same as mine, Percy, of course."

The conversation between the two ended here, and Professor McGonagall's voice sounded at the same time,

"Welcome back to Hogwarts and to the Transfiguration Club. Today we are discussing the latest issue of Transfiguration Today about the speculation on the application of Animagus."

Professor McGonagall kicked off the club activity, and then the participants who wanted to speak took the stage one by one to express their views and opinions on this topic, and the activity became lively all of a sudden.

However, no one noticed that in this room dominated by books, there was a crystal ball that was neither big nor small, but seemed a little out of place with the overall environment. The crystal ball was located on the window sill, facing Hector and Percy.

There was a pair of eyes behind the crystal ball.

A pair of blue eyes,

"Things are going well."

Dumbledore, who was far away in the headmaster's office on the eighth floor, took out a White Rabbit from his candy jar. This thing has replaced the Lemon Sherbet and temporarily sat on the top spot of"Dumbledore's favorite candy" - of course, it would be better if it was softer.

"Just like I planned, isn't that right, Fox?"

Fox chirped twice, as if to make a positive response.

There was also a crystal ball in front of him, and the position of the crystal ball was facing Slytherin's secret room.

"The little guy is quite calm, and he hasn't done anything bad."

The smile on Dumbledore's face disappeared immediately when he saw the snake monster spitting out its tongue in the crystal ball, and was replaced by a serious look.��,

"It's better to be stable. He doesn't want things to change too much, so let's do what he wants. It's not a skill to change good things into bad things, but it's a skill to change bad things into good things."

Dumbledore's face was full of confidence, and only Fawkes expressed his concerns, which of course was represented by a long cry.

"Don't worry, Fox, I'm still here."

"A Dumbledore, of course, but more than one Dumbledore."

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