There are many more stories about the Transfiguration Club, but they are not as important as you might think, so I won't continue to narrate them here.

Let's continue reading.

The cold wave in October came much earlier than last year, which can be seen from the rapidly dropping temperature and the weather that never cleared up. The wind blowing from afar was wet and permeated the campus, faithfully carrying out the work of infiltration of the cold air.

The cold wave also arrived as expected.

The first person to be affected was Hector. Although his life had improved greatly in the past two years, the impact of his previous wandering days was still very obvious on Hector - whether in height or physique, Hector was much worse than his peers.

Of course, Hector was far more than the only one who caught a cold. Except for a few first-year wizards with excellent physiques, almost all of them were infected. Among them was Colin, who was holding a camera and walking with ghosts all day long. This was one of the few good news.

As for the people around Hector, their situation was much better than Hector's.

The cold naturally had no effect on the two tall men, Ron and Neville.

Hermione was not affected by the cold either because of her proper warmth and strict protective measures.

Even Harry, who was exposed to wind and rain all day, was safe and sound.

You know, Harry's early experiences made his figure not much different from Hector's, but the body of this chosen son was like iron.

With senior Wood's frequent and crazy training, and regardless of the weather, he still maintained an enviable healthy state.

Even Ginny, who was one year younger than Hector, was very healthy. This little girl from the Weasley family had infinite energy, and even the little girl Luna beside her looked much better than Hector.

"Hector, Madam Pomfrey has some stimulants, you can try them, they are very effective for colds."

Hermione looked at Hector, who was holding a box of tissues all day, and seemed a little worried. As for Ron, he didn't take it seriously at all. In his mind, there were only chicken legs, steaks, etc. on the long dinner table.

"I know, Hermione."

Hector blew his nose very hard, his voice was a little strange, but still audible.

"I may have developed drug resistance. Madam Pomfrey's stimulant is obviously not as effective as it was last year. Don't worry about me. It will be fine in a few days."

Hermione looked at Hector with a worried look. Perhaps the serious look on Hector's face worked. The little witch reluctantly accepted his words.

At this moment, the embarrassed Harry rushed into the hall with his wet Nimbus 2000 in his hand.

This was the third expedited training of the Gryffindor Quidditch team this week.

The atmosphere of Halloween did not extinguish Senior Wood's enthusiasm for Quidditch training.

On the contrary, in addition to increasing the frequency of training, Senior Wood raised the intensity of training to an unprecedented level, especially for Harry, the seeker.

The performance of Slytherin's Nimbus 2001 was much better than he expected.

In order to make up for the gap in equipment, he could only improve the level of the players.

Increasing training is inevitable. Senior Wood, who is determined to win the championship, will naturally not let a storm stop his training.

The whistling cold wind, the cold raindrops, and the muddy field, Harry's fatigue is almost written on his face.

"I'm really starving."

Harry quickly sat down next to Ron, with the dripping Nimbus 2000 leaning against the seat next to him. Of course, Harry was not concerned about this, as he only had eyes for the steaming bread on the table.

Hector pulled out his wand and lightly tapped Harry's soaked clothes, as well as his hair on his forehead. Harry felt the change in his clothes, and nodded gratefully to Hector. After swallowing the food in his mouth with great effort, Harry said to Hector,

"Thank you, Hector, I feel much better now. It seems I must learn this spell."

Harry's listlessness completely disappeared after drinking a cup of hot tea. He looked at Hector, who was holding a roll of paper and blowing his nose in a mess, with a concerned look on his face.

"Is your cold still not healed, Hector? Do you want to go to Madam Pomfrey to see her?"

Hector shook his head, rubbed his nose, frowned slightly, and then continued,

"Thank you for your concern, Harry. My cold is almost gone, but I still have a stuffy nose. It will be gone in a few days."

"That's good."

Harry has always believed in Hector's words. He stood up and took another large piece of pudding from the table and put it in front of him.

Then another large piece.

The noise made by the duo opposite was really scary. The combination of Pudding Killer and Chicken Leg Killer could always stimulate the enthusiasm of the surrounding little wizards to eat - but this combination was originally composed of three people. Hector was also a famous steak assassin when he was healthy, but he really had no appetite when he was sick. Even watching Harry eat a pudding in one mouthful and Ron holding a chicken leg in each hand was useless.

After Harry finished eating, he wiped his mouth, looked at Hector and the others very seriously and said,

"There is something I want to ask for your opinion on."

After Neville finally raised his head, Harry continued,

"Nearly Headless Nick invited me to attend his 500th death anniversary party, and he hopes that you can go too - so, what do you think?"

Hermione showed great enthusiasm at the first moment. She was interested in everything in the wizarding world and readily accepted Harry's invitation. She even thought it was a wonderful thing to be able to attend a ghost party. Ron was similar. He would never refuse Harry's invitation, but he was not as enthusiastic as Hermione. On the contrary, Ron even thought that this matter was a bit unlucky.

Hector was somewhat interested, but he still knew something about the ghost dinner, and because of his illness, he thought about it and felt that health was important. Harry expressed his understanding and would convey Hector's apologies to Sir Nick.

As for Neville, he looked at Hector, then at Hermione, and agreed very straightforwardly.

This matter came to an end for the time being. After dinner, they all stood up and walked towards the Gryffindor common room.


Someone called him. Hector turned around and saw two first-year Ravenclaws.

Yes, it was Pan Zhu and Albus.

Hector paid close attention and saw that there was no Wendel behind them.

""What's wrong?"

Hector frowned and asked. The two little guys seemed to have made up their minds, but when they saw Harry and Ron beside Hector, they still showed embarrassment on their young faces.

Hector immediately understood, and he said to Harry and the others who were looking at Albus and Pan Zhu with confusion,

"You guys go ahead, I'll go back later, Professor Flitwick must be looking for me for something."

Harry and the others quickly disappeared into the hall after hearing Hector's words, leaving Hector and the two little guys rubbing their fingers across from him.

""What's the matter? Where's Wendell? Why isn't he with you?"

The two little ones' eyes suddenly lit up with excitement, especially Albus, who spoke very quickly.

"Do you still remember Wendell? That's great!"

Hector's brows furrowed, and he stared at the two little guys in front of him seriously, and then asked,

"Why can't you remember? What happened?"

Facing the serious Hector, the two little ones became timid again. After poking each other for a while, Albus finally spoke.

"HectorThings are very complicated and cannot be explained clearly at once."

Albus took a breath, made up his mind, and then said,

"Wendell is gone, Hector, and nobody seems to remember him anymore."

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