Hector's drooping spirit immediately perked up after hearing Albus' words.

"Follow me."

Hector said this and ran out of the auditorium first.

Albus and Pan Zhu looked at each other and then quickly followed Hector's pace.

"Where is he going?

Pan Zhu looked at Hector's back and asked Albus in a low voice.

Albus shook his head, but his face was serious.

"Come on, Panzhu, we have no other choice."

They soon found out the destination of this trip.

The eighth floor, the principal's office.

The gargoyles at the door moved aside.

Albus and Panzhu looked at each other, and they both saw surprise on each other's faces.

The perspective switched to Hector.

Today was a good day for Dumbledore, who was always elusive, happened to be at school today.

""Oh, it's you, Hector."

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, looking comfortable. When he saw Hector, a bright smile appeared on his face.

Of course, this smile quickly faded when he saw the anxiety on Hector's face.

"what happened?"

"WendellHe's gone."

Hector was a little out of breath after the intense stair climbing exercise, and he finished the sentence in a broken voice.

Hector had never seen the seriousness on Dumbledore's face before.

The person who broke into the principal's office with Albus and Pan Zhu was the Book of Access placed on a high tower. Of course, Albus and the others went through the door, while the Book of Access broke into the office through the window.

"Professor Dumbledore, Wendell"

Albus was about to say something, but after he and Dumbledore looked into each other's eyes, he dispelled the idea himself. What kind of eyes were those?

Deep blue, sharp, and as deep as the sea.

The kind eyes were what Dumbledore showed to his students.

Now, he was as serious as a stone statue, and this stone statue was wrapped in flames, angry flames.

Everyone present knew that Dumbledore's serious anger had nothing to do with them. Even Pan Zhu, who was standing far away and was always worried, knew it very well.

He was angry with himself.

"His name disappeared."

Dumbledore's pupils shrank, and he waved his hand, and the Book of Admission flew out of the window with a big hole in it.

Then, Dumbledore's eyes fell on Albus and Panju.

Hector could feel that Dumbledore wanted to look as kind as possible, but the particularly stiff smile made the two little guys standing opposite him even more uncomfortable.

"Please describe the process of Wendell's disappearance, the more detailed the better."

Dumbledore was such a perceptive person. The embarrassment of Albus and Pan Zhu made him calm down as much as possible, and his tone became as calm as possible.

"As for your origins, there is no need to elaborate on this. I think I already know everything, and so does Hector,"

Dumbledore added, crossing his arms over his chest, waiting for the two little guys to explain.

Albus and Pan Zhu were completely shocked.

They had thought of a story before coming in, but they had never considered the possibility of their identities being exposed.

Is it so obvious?

Albus Potter thought so, raised his head, and happened to meet the eyes of another Albus.

"Please forgive me, child, but this matter is very important to me and the entire Dumbledore family."

Hector saw Dumbledore draw his wand, but put it back.

The old man in front of him did not choose that way after all.

"Please hurry up, time is precious,"

Dumbledore said with a sincere look and as gentle an attitude as possible.

Pan Zhu and Albus looked at each other, but Albus, who was more assertive, spoke first.

"Wendell has a time-turner, and we originally wanted to use it to make up for the homework assigned by Aberforth."

Albus subconsciously snapped his fingers, glanced at the reactions of Hector and Dumbledore, and then continued,

"But that guy is a bit too old, and he got into a big mess. I don't know why he was dragged so long ago."

Albus looked at Pan Zhu, who immediately understood and followed Albus's narration.

"Wendell has been trying to fix it, but the effect is average. The time converter stopped working after bringing us to this point in time.

Pan Zhu shrugged, paused, and then continued,

"Wendell said there was something like a barrier during this time period."

"I know almost all of this,"

Dumbledore interrupted Pan Zhu bluntly, his eyes sparkling and his words revealing anxiety.

"What I want to know is about Wendell's disappearance."

"Relax, Grandpa Albus, listen to them, worrying won't help."

Hector spoke, comforting the somewhat panicked Dumbledore and letting the two little guys take a breath from Dumbledore's pressure.

"Wendell has been tinkering with the time-twister these days. He told us that he was going to find someone to help him and would be back soon."

Albus said, and Hector and Dumbledore, who had already stood up from his chair, took a step closer to him.

After hearing this, the two Dumbledores, one big and one small, could not hide their gleams in their eyes.

The pressure of facing two Dumbledores at the same time was imaginable, which could be heard from Albus Potter's trembling voice.

"But he didn't come back at the agreed time, and we couldn't think of a solution, so I came to you."

"Who did Wendell go to see?"

The grandfather and grandson asked this question at the same time. Albus took out a pen from his pocket, a pen that Hector was very familiar with.

"Wendell said he went to find the original owner of the pen."


Hector and Dumbledore said this almost at the same time, but with different tones.

Dumbledore's tone revealed relaxation, while Hector's tone was full of tension.

"Mr. Flamel now?"

Now it was Hector's turn to become anxious.

"Probably not,"

Pan Zhu, who had the least presence, said, frowning as if he was thinking about something.

"Wendell used a time converter, I'm sure of that. He said it seemed like he went back to the past, but he didn't tell us when."

Pan Zhu paused, and after thinking for a while, he came up with another very useful clue.

"However, the owner of this time converter and the owner of the pen are the same person, Mr. Flamel."

"That thing is indeed mine."

Mr. Flamel's voice rang out in the office, and his appearance was accompanied by a burst of sparks.

Aurora stood on his shoulder.

"Long time no see, Albus."

Dumbledore and the Potter children all looked at Mr. Flamel, who was leaning on his cane and looked simple but elegant.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize there were two Mr. Albus here."

"Nico, why are you here?"

Dumbledore's face was full of surprise. He never thought that Mr. Nicolas Flamel, who was a reclusive man, would appear in Hogwarts thousands of miles away.

"This little fellow brought me here,"

Mr. Flamel pointed to the little fellow on his shoulder, and a smile appeared on his pale face.

"Dumbledore needs help, but the little guy is not strong enough, so he came to me."

Mr. Flamel said as he took something out of his bag with difficulty.

"I think this is what you are talking about."

A brand new hourglass appeared in everyone's sight, and the sand flowing in it was bright golden.

"I hope it can help you."

Mr. Flamel placed the hourglass on the table, and then searched for something in his bag.

Unlike before, Mr. Flamel's smile was directed only at Hector.

"I heard Albus said that you like my pumpkin juice very much."

The large, exquisite, tightly sealed silver jar seemed particularly heavy in the thin hands of Mr. Flamel.

"Don't save it, Hector, just ask me for it."

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