Mr. Flamel's journey has come to an end.

It was a wonderful life, wasn't it?

As for whether he will have a role in the sequel,

I don't know. We have to wait and see.

Without further ado, let's focus our attention on Hector.

Hector, who is traveling against the long river of time, is now in a very embarrassing situation.

It seems that the travel time is a bit too long?

Although the long period of darkness has worn away Hector's concept of time, his intuition tells him that if he continues to wander in the long river of time without any scruples, there will definitely be problems.

However, the compass in Hector's hand is still so tepid. The pointer made of unicorn bones still stays motionless on the scale line of"past". Has this kid walked so far?

Hector muttered in his heart.

As time goes by, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart becomes stronger and stronger.

Could it be that time travel has stopped?

Hector's heart finally had such an idea for no reason.

No, no, no, this idea is too ridiculous.

The idea of refutation was born in his mind almost at the same time.

Is it really absurd?

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they can take root and sprout no matter how difficult the conditions are.

Only by verification can the doubt be eliminated or confirmed.

As for how to verify, Hector already has his own ideas.

""Fluorescent light flickers."

Hector whispered the spell, praying in his heart that the light from the tip of the magic wand would flash and disappear like before.

Unfortunately, it did not happen as he wished. Dazzling light gushed out from the magic wand, covering Hector's body.

However, such a powerful and dazzling light still bowed its head to the endless darkness.

Its expedition was only a few meters. The endless darkness was the theme song of this space.

"You must be kidding me."

Hector turned off the fluorescent flash. His attention was focused on the sudden end of time travel. He was completely unaware of an equally strange thing.

His uncontrollable fluorescent flash had now become unusually obedient.

Emphasize the point. It was unusual.

However, the worried Hector was destined to have no time to care about such insignificant details.

Now, he was worried about something more important, or more urgent.

"Is this a trap?"

This is the sentence that kept echoing in Hector's mind.

Yes, he began to doubt Mr. Flamel.

To be more precise, he began to doubt Mr. Flamel again.

The perfect timing, the perfect compass, the perfect image of an elder, and even the perfect appearance of the children from the future, who were in the long river of time, or stagnant in the long river of time, made Hector have no reason not to doubt Mr. Flamel's motives.

Is all this really a coincidence?

Has Mr. Flamel really been awakened?

Hector's head was in a mess. It was all too complicated.

He needed to calm down. He needed enough time and a quiet place.

Time The long river is naturally not a suitable place to consider.

Hoping to get out,

Hector pressed the button above the hourglass, expecting, but no response.

He pressed it again, expecting again, but no response.

Hector: I have a thousand curse words in my mind, but I don’t know whether I should say them or not.

Suddenly, the space where Hector was located shook violently.

In a section upstream of Hector, a deep vortex suddenly opened and quickly closed.

Hector was destined not to see this earth-shaking scene, but the impact of the vortex, he could naturally experience it as he was in the long river.

There was a roar in the distance, and along with the roar was an earth-shaking force.

Hector's heart was filled with anxiety and fear. Touched, a familiar, long-lost terror attacked him again.

This force was much stronger than the one that Hector had seen before and faded his memory.

It was full of power and had no intention of restraining itself.

Its big hand grabbed the long, still extending river of time.

It roughly stripped it of its original trajectory and placed it on a completely new path.

The river of time twisted in pain and struggled angrily, but all actions were useless.

After doing all this, the river of time regained stability.

The force completed its task and then completely disappeared.

As for the"bent" river of time, it could only silently He silently accepted such earth-shaking changes and the long river of time: Let's just let it go, can we still leave?

The thrilling struggle, the earth-shaking changes, the whole process was a thrilling process.

To be honest, Hector really didn't feel it.

Where was the thrilling feeling? Hector didn't know.

Hector felt the ups and downs of the earth-shaking changes.

It was really thrilling. He felt like he was stuffed into a washing machine and could only press buttons frantically. At that time, he no longer expected to complete the task.

Being able to get out was the only thing in Hector's heart.

Fortunately, the turbulence in the long river of time did not last long.

After the space where Hector was located was completely calm, he could feel

Around him, time began to pass quickly again.

Hector's heart was finally relieved.

It turned out that Hector was too relieved.

Remember that Hector pressed the button of the time converter twice in a row?

Yes, the time converter did not respond at the beginning, but I think everyone is almost clear about the reason for not responding.

The long river of time has changed drastically, and it is reasonable to stop working for a while.

Now the long river of time has returned to stability and everything has returned to normal. The time converter naturally executed Hector's orders very faithfully.

The colorful light quickly occupied the darkness around Hector, and the feeling of time passing around his body gradually dissipated at this moment.

Yes, the time converter took Hector out of the long river of time and came to Hogwarts, who knows how long ago?

Hector looked at the time converter in his hand, and then looked at the dense woods around him. The doubts on his face were hard to hide.

Doesn't the time converter have the ability to change positions?

Then shouldn't I still be in Hogwarts?

Hector looked around again, and after making sure that there was no trace of the towering castle within his sight, an absurd idea came to his mind for the second time.

"Did I go too far?"

Hector put the hourglass into his bag, hesitated for a while, and took out the compass given to him by Mr. Flamel.

As for his other hand, he naturally held his wand tightly.

He opened the compass, and the needle only wandered around and rotated for a while, and once again firmly fell on the mark engraved with"past".

Still in the past?

This kid, did he run too far?

Who is he looking for? Is he really looking for Flamel?

Judging from the situation, he might go directly to find Merlin, right?

However, Hector soon gave up such thoughts.

He cast a"point the way" on a leaf. Then he followed the leaf out, and then he came to a cemetery, a cemetery that looked somewhat familiar.

Hector had very bad thoughts in his mind.

The cemetery in front of him belonged to a A prominent family, this can be seen from the scale, but it can also be seen from the fact that it has not been repaired for a long time that this family should be lonely.

This should not be used accurately, and it would be more accurate to use absolute.

The names on the tombstones are different, but the surnames are the same, a surname that Hector is so familiar with that he wants to be unfamiliar.

This cemetery belongs to the Riddle family.

It must be said that Hector's move to leave the long river of time was wise.

If he continued to stay, he would definitely run into two weird guys who were flying through the long river of time.

The one in front was fleeing madly, and the one behind was chasing him relentlessly.

As for who these two are,

I don't know, but it can be said that the tools they used to travel through time are similar, both of them are hourglasses filled with golden sand.

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