Hector stood in this not-too-small cemetery, looking at the cold tombstones in front of him.

I just said I wanted to scatter Voldemort's father's ashes, but it doesn't mean I really want to do it!

Hector scratched his head, and evil thoughts gradually rose up.

The benefits of doing so are obvious. The most direct one is that it can directly disrupt Voldemort's resurrection plan.

If I remember correctly, the formula of the resurrection potion in the original book should be"father's bones, servant's flesh, enemy's blood."

The latter two conditions are easy to say. Voldemort has no shortage of servants, not to mention enemies, but Voldemort's father, how can you say it, there should be only one?

Even if Voldemort is a god descending from heaven, he should at least obey the basic laws of biology, right?

If he scattered his father's ashes, could he find another father?

Let's not talk about whether Voldemort would use the method of"If you don't abandon me, Tom is willing to be your godfather" to refresh the bottom line and recognize the thief as his father. Even if he kowtowed and called his godfather father, whether the godfather's bones would work is another matter.

Please, if this ancient magic that can bring people back to life doesn't even have this basic ability to distinguish, what kind of ancient magic is it?

Just change the name to Lu Bu's special secret method.

From this point of view, the benefits of just moving the Luoyang shovel are very considerable, so, let's do it?

You see, you're here, just leave empty-handed?

But you still have to be careful. After all, no matter where or when, opening a blind box in the cemetery is not a good thing.

It's impolite, and this is very important.

Hector looked around cautiously at first.

Fortunately, this was the family cemetery of the Riddle family. Other people who came to worship their ancestors would naturally not appear in this place. Hector did not even see the shadow of the gravekeeper.

The timing was also very perfect.

The plan, the benefits and the timing were perfect.

Naturally, there was no reason not to do it.

Since he had made up his mind, Hector was ready to start working.

It was impossible to dig by hand. After all, I, Hector, was also a well-known wizard.

The wand was much more useful than the shovel (except for close combat).

But soon Hector found a very thorny problem.

What was the name of Voldemort's father ? Seeing this, some people would say, is the protagonist stupid? Can't remember the name, and can't you read the date? Those antiques from the last century or even the century before last can't be the physiological father of my Lord Voldemort.

Can't we just find those with similar dates? It's either stupid or stiff.

Ca n't we use our brains? Logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with thinking this way.

Hector also thought of it at the beginning of the search, but there were still problems in practice.

There were too many tombstones in the cemetery in front of him, but the names and times engraved on them were surprisingly consistent.

They were all Tom Riddle.

Yes, all of them were Tom Riddle, and the time was the same.

Even next to each tombstone was a tall, sickle-holding statue of the Grim Reaper, which was eerie and strange.

Even the air was filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

Of course, this was not a ghost movie.

After walking around and understanding the specific situation, Hector's action plan was also very concise and clear.

Dig them all up and save them for the New Year? The weird and terrifying atmosphere soon became heated, and Hector was particularly skillful in this job.

Thunderbolt explosion, blazing flames, and whirlwind sweeping away, these three spells were used to open and destroy, and shattering into pieces was used for marking.

The workload was too large, so it was normal to forget, so every time he finished dealing with one, Hector would be very considerate and destroy the tombstone and the statue next to it together.

Of course , he felt guilty, but Hector's conscience was not extinguished, so every time he damaged something, he would always mutter a few words silently, which were nothing more than 'blame it on Tom Riddle, it's his evil deeds, I have no choice but to resort to this last resort, and disturb your peace.

Then the guilt was much better. After confirming that there was no ashes left, Hector was very considerate and refilled the empty pit.

He even had the evil idea of using Voldemort's unique skill, which was to reappear the bones.

Of course, this was just an idea.

Hector didn't know what time it was now. It was still a question whether Voldemort was still alive.

If he really invited Lord Ludan to come and saw such a scene, it would really be a fight to the death.

However, from the current situation, it can be seen that the Riddle family is indeed lonely.

Large-scale civil engineering work like Hector did not attract anyone's attention.

You know, the Riddle old house is not far from this cemetery. It

's okay for you to dig up people's ancestral graves, but you also started working in broad daylight.

Even if Hector knows some magic tricks, the Riddle family's hunting rifles are not vegetarian.

However, until the entire project was completed, the Riddle family's big house was still dead silent.

This is very good, low risk, high return, it is really the most ideal situation, but I don't know why Hector always feels a little disappointed.

Not enough fun?

What a terrible idea.

Hector shook his head, but the unsatisfactory thought still spread.

Go to the old house?

If I remember correctly, the old house of the Gaunt family is also nearby. The

Gaunt family ring that was made into a Horcrux by Voldemort and was also Dumbledore's life-threatening thing should be in the old house. If he finds it in advance, maybe his dear Grandpa Albus Dumbledore won't have to die?

Or, just fake his death to deceive Voldemort.

Hector thought so, he tidied his clothes a little, swept the dust off his body, and then left the Riddle family cemetery along a trampled path.

Now, it might be more appropriate to say that it is a vacant lot belonging to the Riddle family.

After walking a few steps, Hector suddenly turned back.

He was worried , so he decided to burn it. This way he would feel more at ease. He couldn't let himself work in vain for so long, right?

The Apparition moved, and the Riddle family's vacant lot was ablaze.

The old house of the Gaunt family was not difficult to find.

It was a simple house not far from the Dabieye of the Riddle family.

It was hard to imagine that the old house of one of the twenty-eight sacred families, an ancient and prominent pure-blood family, was so unbearable. It could be said that it was just a small bungalow that could almost be classified as a dangerous house.

Looking at the crumbling house, Hector showed unprecedented hesitation about going in.

Of course, this hesitation did not last long, because the compass in Hector's hand, which had always been cold and pointed to the past, suddenly became extremely hot.

When he opened the compass, the pointer was no longer stable as before. It turned violently, and the logo on the compass also changed significantly.

It was no longer the future, the past, and the present.

East, west, south, and north replaced their positions.

I think everyone should understand that

Hector didn't know where Wendel was before, but now he and Hector were in the same time and space.

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