In this case, Hector decisively gave up the idea of looking for the ring in the Gaunt ancestral house.

After all, the main task of this trip was to find Wendel, wasn't it?

The Gaunt family ring would not run away, but Wendel might.



's figure quickly disappeared in the small village of Hangleton in northern England.

The riot caused by the fire was inevitable.

Such a fierce fire had never appeared in the town for so many years.

Unexpectedly, the terrifying fire did not have a tendency to spread outward.

It seemed to be framed within a certain range. To be more precise, the flames raged mercilessly within the scope of the cemetery, but no sparks stepped out of the scope of the Riddle family cemetery.

The fire burned without any basis, and the arrival of the firefighters only added a few helpless spectators.

The fire lasted until dark, and almost instantly, all the flames disappeared at once, as if they had never appeared.

This matter was investigated for a long time, but there was no conclusion.

In the end, it could only be shelved together with the bizarre death that occurred in this village decades ago.

Until a few years later, more than ten years later to be exact,

Well, let's stop here for the fire incident.

Let's focus on Hector again.

The direction indicated by the compass is east, slightly north.

In addition, Wendel is constantly moving.

In order to prevent mistakes, Hector shortens the distance of Apparition and moves a short distance while attracting as little attention as possible.

The advantage is obvious, and he can correct mistakes in time. However, just like every coin has two sides, the high frequency of Apparition brings him a very strong sense of discomfort. In simple terms, it is dizzy and weak.

The body is still not good~

Hector endured the earth-shaking feeling, and prayed that Wendel, who is this age, must not learn a spell like Apparition, otherwise his workload will increase exponentially.

Aberforth will never teach him, but who knows if this young man will learn it by himself? What if he is also gifted like Hector?

Fortunately, as far as the slight change on the compass is concerned, Wendel should still be a loyal user of bus No. 11.

Speaking of buses,

Hector's mind skipped a beat.

A means of transportation that he was very reluctant to use, but had to admit was fast and convenient, appeared in Hector's mind.

Yes, it was the Knight Bus, which Aberforth was ecstatic about and Hector was furious about, the exclusive bus for lost wizards in the magic world, and the artifact of the travel world.

Hector shook his head, as if he wanted to get rid of the idea that just appeared in his mind, but it was useless. The appearance of the three-story-high, ghost-like large bus was like a nail stuck in his mind.

Since we are talking about the Knight Bus here ,���Of course, there is a reason for the author.

Hector's compass is stable at this time, which may mean that Wendell is staying in a certain place very steadily without moving.

Of course, Wendell may also travel very quickly within a certain range, but the distance between Hector and him is too far, and the compass cannot reflect it well.

Wendell's current situation is almost the same as it is now.

"Ern, can you hurry up? Our little brother doesn't look good."

You rarely see nervousness on the face of the conductor Stan Shunpike. He patted the driver's shoulder vigorously. The bald driver nodded and stepped on the accelerator. The Knight Bus, which was already extremely fast, turned into a flash of lightning at this moment.

"What bad luck! How could I get such a job in the middle of the day?"

Stan stood steadily in the unusually bumpy carriage. He looked at little Wendell lying on the bed, and then looked at the gold galleons that the little guy stuffed into his hands before he fainted.

"If I hadn't given him enough gold Galleons, I would never have agreed."

The gold Galleons made a pleasant sound in his palms, and then slipped into his greasy coat pocket very smoothly, and his pocket was obviously bulging.

"You'd better not die in my car, or I will have to carry you out."

Stan's words were cold, which was very consistent with his bohemian appearance.

However, words can deceive people, but actions are real.

Stan drew out his wand. He looked at the bruised and battered little Wendel, sighed deeply, and then used a spell of"Healing".

Perhaps it has been too long since he used this spell. The feedback from Stan's wand to its owner was too limited. This was also reflected in Wendel's injuries.

Blood was seeping out of the wounds of all sizes, and the terrible scar on the shoulder made the sheets, which were not clean to begin with, stained with blood.

"Now we have something to do."

Stan frowned, turned his head to look at Ern who was skillfully operating the bus, and asked fiercely,

"How long, Ern? Why isn't it here yet?"

"Please, we came from the English Channel. It will take a while even if we fly on a broom."

"I can't control that. If you don't hurry up, Ern, you'll be responsible for washing the sheets!"

"Got it, got it!"

The Knight Bus was speeding on the road. To be more precise, under Ern's control, it was no longer completely on the road.

The Knight Bus was crossing all obstacles and rushing straight to its destination, St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

The compass in Hector's hand also clearly reflected this point.

After Apparating in one direction for a considerable distance, the compass, which had always pointed in one direction, suddenly started to spin rapidly, and then it couldn't stop. It was moving here and there, with no pattern at all. But one thing was certain,

��The young man should have abandoned the No. 11 bus and used a travel mode instead.

Hector suddenly felt like a nightmare had come true.

It was because the trajectory of such jumping and unreasonable movement was too exaggerated.

Muggles would never have such a means of transportation, unless they renovated the old underground track facilities into a roller coaster.

This was easily ruled out because renovation was impossible.

The broom and the thestral were not very similar. Let's not talk about where the little guy got it from and whether he could ride it.

Even these two modes of transportation that seemed to Muggles to have almost reached their limits were only mild compared to the almost twitching rotation of the compass needle at this moment.

Hector could only accept the reality that Wendel not only took it, but also, judging from the continuous and unstoppable rotation of the needle, the little guy took it for a long time.

This was good, at least he didn't have to wander around like a headless fly,

Hector comforted himself like this, and he planned the next action guide in his heart, calling the Knight Public Bus to obtain Wendel's whereabouts, or better yet, directly find Wendel and go home.

Complete the task in one go.

Perfect, right?

Hector thought so too, so after looking around, he was willing to point his wand to the sky.

Things are naturally not going to go smoothly, otherwise what else would I write?

Hector waited for a long time, really a long time, and there was no movement.

According to Hector's past experience, as long as he pointed his wand to the sky, the dusty bus would appear in front of him within one to two minutes, if not immediately.

But today was strange,

Hector waited for a full half hour, and there was no movement at all.

Hector frowned tightly, this was really, too abnormal.

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