Continuing from the previous article, the Knight Bus has always been timely, just as it is described in the slogan.

No matter where you are in the UK, as long as you stretch your magic wand to the sky, the Knight Bus will quickly appear in front of you.

But today's situation is very different from usual.

Half an hour has passed, and there is no movement.

It shouldn't be out of service, right?

However, apart from the suspension of service, it seems that there is no other more suitable and convincing reason.

It is not a good thing to wait like this. After blowing the cold wind for half an hour, Hector decisively gave up the idea of waiting.

A living person can't be suffocated to death by urine. The compass in his hand is not unusable. There is no reason to waste more time in this place.

As if responding to his thoughts, the crazy spinning pointer finally stopped slowly, and finally, the crystal clear pointer pointed to the southeast.

There is no reason not to set off.


Hector's figure disappeared in this remote town in northern England.

Then we can see that a three-story red bus hurriedly appeared on the north-south path.

That's right, it was Stan who quickly welcomed the next business after dealing with Wendell, and the brand new Knight Bus.

The door opened, and

Stan first skillfully read the note with the welcome message in his hand, and then looked at the empty front.

""Where are the people?"

Stan, who was leaning against the car door, first lowered his head and looked around, then he took out a map from the small bag on his chest and squinted his eyes to examine it carefully.

"That's right, it's this location, why can't I see anyone there now?"

The talking head hanging next to the driver Ern, used to convey instructions, warm care and cheer Ern up, interrupted.

"Maybe we were too late, after all, he called us about half an hour ago."

"Why didn't we make it in time and made the customer wait for so long? Don't you know this is a devastating blow to our reputation?"

Stan shrank back and questioned the driver with his eyes wide open. The driver, Ern, spread his hands innocently.

"Aren't we busy with that big client? Why, did you forget?"

The talking head asked back, with an unbelievable tone in his voice. Stan frowned, as if he had no recollection of what had just happened.

"What big client? Why don't I have any impression of him at all?"

Stan thought about it seriously for a while, but unfortunately, his memory of Wendell was gone, even though this incident happened not long ago.

"Never mind, no matter where the next customer is, I don't want to miss any more business, Ern!"

The driver, who was already snoring on the steering wheel, immediately sat up straight, closed the door, and

"Where to, Stan?"

"Let me see, going to Hogsmeade to pick up an old customer."

The accelerator was stepped on to the bottom, and the Knight Bus passed by like a gust of wind. The conspicuous and huge body of the bus quickly turned into a ghost and disappeared into the air.

This very strange thing did not leave a big impression in Stan's mind. The lazy waiter quickly put it behind his mind.

Except for the more than 20 gold galleons in his pocket, Stan attributed it to Merlin's gift for his hard work.

Ern on the side made a silent protest.

The traces left by Wendel gradually disappeared, not only the memory, but even the blood stains on the sheet thrown aside by Stan gradually faded.

Of course, Hector didn't know these, because he vomited all over the place in a hurry, and now he probably knew what he was heading towards. Which direction to rush to?

The sign on the road has clearly told him,


Hector will definitely not be able to use Apparition. If he uses it again, he will vomit tomorrow's breakfast in advance.

Fortunately, the landing point of Hector's Apparition is not that far from the main road, so at least he can still take a ride.

As for summoning the Knight Bus, sorry, his stomach is churning and he really has no desire to do so.

Hector came to the side of the road and stretched out his hand. Soon a car stopped in front of him, a Ford car.

The person driving this car is an old acquaintance, or rather, an old acquaintance of Hector on his own, one of Hector's past dishes in his previous life, a famous car reviewer, the soul of the three villains, yes, it is none other than the gorilla himself.

""Kid, do you need help? You look terrible."

The gorilla's tone was kind, which made him look very kind, at least for now.

Hector nodded.

"Yes sir, I have a stomachache"

"This is obvious," the gorilla said humorously. He got out of the driver's seat and opened the door for Hector himself.

"Where are your parents? How irresponsible to let a child walk alone on the street - Where are you going? I can give you a ride"

"London, sir, please help me."

Hector sat in the car, and the gorilla nodded. The car started moving steadily.

The car was originally playing heavy metal music, but after Hector got in the car, the gorilla consciously turned down the volume.

The air in the car was very quiet, and even the restless background music could not change this.

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, the gorilla took the initiative to speak,

"Where are your parents? Do you need my cell phone to call them?"

"My parents are dead, sir, and I am going to London to visit my grandfather."

Hector's words were half true and half false, but the expression on his face was real.

Well, the atmosphere became more awkward.


The talkative, straightforward, and even somewhat venomous gorilla now didn't know what to say. His voice was very dull.

Then there was silence.

"Sir, your car is really nice."

It was Hector's turn to break the ice. He racked his brains and finally came up with a topic that could ease the atmosphere.

The effect was unexpectedly good. When talking about cars, the gorilla quickly opened up.

"Do you think so? I have to say that you have a good eye. This car is a Ford Cortina 1600E. It is a bit old, but it works well."

When it comes to his beloved car, the gorilla can't stop talking. He talks endlessly about the configuration of the car, and his proud expression is evident in his words.

Hector hums and ahs to show his presence as a listener. At the same time, he tries to extract clues about the time point from the gorilla's introduction. If he asks directly, it would be too weird and he might be mistaken for a psychopath. It's better to be more tactful this way.

"Performance cars have always been my favorite. The power, passion, and roar are just too wonderful. If you are interested, you must come and watch my show, Crazy Car Show. It will definitely become the greatest car review show in history."

"I will, sir. When will the show be broadcast?"

The gorilla showed an embarrassed look on his face.

"This is the year, boy, I bet you'll love it."

"Although you don't know much about cars yet, I believe that a man's nature will make you fall in love with these roaring big guys."

"I will, sir."

The compass in Hector's hand, which was getting hotter and hotter, gave a very inopportune prompt.

The characters indicating the direction were replaced by a huge red exclamation mark.

Hold on tight.

"That's it. Thank you, sir. I believe your show will be a big hit."

Hector left a message and then Apparated.

His figure disappeared in the car.

As for what kind of consequences would happen, Hector could no longer control it.

"I'll give you a good word - where are the people?"

The gorilla looked at the empty back row with a look of doubt on his face.

"How did it suddenly disappear? Is there something wrong with my brain? Or did I fall asleep?"

The gorilla slapped himself and rubbed his eyes.

It was not a dream, and the empty back row could not be fake.

"This is so weird, did I encounter a ghost?"

The gorilla's eyes gradually brightened.

"You guys? That's a good idea. We really need a helper."

"Or, two helpers."

As for Hector, he has now arrived at the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

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