Moody's grip was obviously loosened, and Hector, whose face was flushed, got a chance to catch his breath. He took a few deep breaths and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

A dark-skinned, tall Auror spoke. His eyes were firm and clear, his voice was low and steady, and his whole body revealed a shrewd and capable temperament.

"This is just a little kid, don't scare him."

The tall wizard said, he stepped forward quickly and blocked Moody's wand with his solid body.

"Relax, Alastor. The security situation is much better now than before. It's right to be vigilant at all times, but excessive paranoia is not a good thing."

"You can never be too vigilant, Kingsley. It is this vigilance that allows me to stand here and talk to you. This is something that little guys like you who have not experienced that war find hard to understand."

Moody's words were fierce and his expression was very serious. While he was preaching, the fake eye in his eye socket was still spinning non-stop, and he was always alert and wary of the surroundings.

Compared with Moody's caution, the young people around him were much more relaxed. Facing Moody's preaching, these newly promoted trainee Aurors who had not experienced much wind and rain took a deep breath at the same time. Although they tried their best to cover it up, they still revealed a little boredom in the gap.

Who is Moody? How could the reactions of these young people around him be hidden from the eyes of an old man like him? Looking at the frivolous appearance of those young Aurors, Moody sighed and hastily ended his preaching. He tapped the buzzing mirror with his wand, and the latter soon calmed down.

"Alastor is right. It is never too late to be vigilant when carrying out missions outside.

Kingsley came to the rescue in time. He patted Moody on the shoulder, then turned around and gave Hector an apologetic smile.

"Let's go, we still have tasks to perform. As for the door, just leave two people to watch it."

This treatment was not biased. Moody naturally had nothing to say. He just looked at Hector meaningfully, and then followed the travel rules and took the two trainee Aurors to the elevator to the fifth floor.

Seeing Moody's departure, Hector, who had recovered, naturally didn't want to waste more time in this place. However, just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by Kingsley who was well prepared.

"I'm so sorry, kid, are you okay?"

Kingsley had the same smile on his face, but there was a sense of investigation in his eyes. After all, he was also a senior Auror who had completed many tasks with Moody, and naturally had a very deep understanding of his old friend.

Kingsley believed that Moody would not be aimless, and the previous dissuasion not only had the effect of reducing the impact, but also was a cooperation with his old friend.

One played the good cop and the other played the bad cop. The application prospects of such tricks are not limited to negotiations.

After Moody finished playing the good cop and left, Kingsley continued to perform his work very tacitly.

Without waiting for Hector's response, Kingsley's smile became even brighter, and he continued,

"Please forgive Alastor, he has this kind of temper, and he is always vigilant about everything. If he doesn't catch a few guys who want to attack him in a day, he will feel that the day has been wasted."

Kingsley paused deliberately, with a smile on his face, but his sharp eyes like a hawk stared at Hector.

"I will definitely talk to him when I get back. I need to change this habit - where are you going, kid? Do you need my help? This is my way of making up for you."

Hector shook his head. He looked at Kingsley, who was smiling and narrowing his eyes, and tried his best to look harmless.

"I'm going to the second floor biological injury department to find Mr. Smethwick, the trainee therapist. My father was bitten by a werewolf, and he will be responsible for the treatment,"

Hector fluently said the words he had prepared before coming in. His eyes were sincere and he looked at Kingsley very frankly.

Kingsley narrowed his eyes even tighter, he restrained his smile, and looked Hector up and down seriously. Soon, his face was filled with a gentle smile with apology. He put his hands behind his back, as if gesturing something, and a trainee Auror who followed him quickly understood and turned and left quickly.

"That's too bad, kid, but I believe your father will be fine."

Kingsley put one hand on his waist and touched Hector's head with the other. However, he had no intention of letting Hector go, and of course he had no intention of detaining him. He just chatted with Hector aimlessly. Hector was naturally anxious, but he didn't dare to show it in front of Kingsley. He could only deal with the big wizard in front of him as calmly as possible.

This absent-minded conversation between both parties lasted for a while, until the Auror who had just left returned to Kingsley's sight and nodded at him from a distance. Kingsley then stopped the previous aimless chat and said to Hector,

"Well, I won't bother you anymore, kid, go upstairs and see your father, I think he must be waiting anxiously now."

This is what Hector was waiting for, but he still tried his best to calm his excitement, and after politely saying goodbye to Kingsley, he quickly walked towards the elevator.

"They are all correct, Mr. Shacklebolt. There is indeed an intern therapist named Hebercrat in the Department of Biological Injuries, and a patient bitten by a werewolf did come in this morning."

"Something was wrong. A normal, frightened child shouldn't react like this. At least he wouldn't dare look me in the eye."

Kingsley muttered, his brows furrowed, and he turned to ask the trainee Auror beside him,

"What's the patient's name?"

The trainee Auror lowered his head and carefully looked through the list he got from the front desk, then returned and asked,

"Justin Rivers, Mr."


Kingsley pulled out his wand, pointed it at his throat, and shouted loudly!

"Mr. Crook!"

Kingsley's voice sounded even louder with the blessing of magic. His eyes were fixed on Hector's back.

Hector was startled by the sudden loud voice. He naturally recognized that it was Kingsley's voice, so he turned his head subconsciously.

Kingsley's pupils shrank. After seeing Hector turn around, he drew his wand almost without hesitation.

Moody's intuition was as accurate as ever. This guy who looked like a child was indeed problematic!

"Put down your wand and put your hands up!"

Several Disarming Spells accompanied by Stunning Spells cut through the air and shot towards Hector at a high speed. Hector's pupils constricted. He quickly drew out his wand and skillfully cast the Shield Charm, then cast several equally powerful Disarming Spells in Kingsley's direction.

Kingsley carefully cast several layers of Shield Charm on himself in succession. Facts have proved that such caution is correct. Hector's Disarming Spell is never alone. Casting a spell within a spell is the most basic trick. After all, before this, Hector was either facing dueling masters like Aberforth and Flitwick, or magic masters like the blackened version of Mr. Flamel. If these How can we expect to fight or even defeat them if we can't even master the basic tricks?

Therefore, behind the disarming spell shot from the tip of Hector's wand, a Stunning Spell was very considerately matched, and it was a very powerful Stunning Spell.

Several trainee Aurors who were less skilled than Hector were naturally fooled. Not only did their wands fall into the hands of others, but their heavy bodies also drew a parabola and fell to the side in embarrassment. As for the team leaders who knew the dangers of the world, they were much better. After dealing with Hector's attack, they continued to fight back with fierce attacks.

Hector had no intention of fighting.

While dealing with the attack, he retreated towards the elevator.


Of course, in addition to tirelessly putting the Armor Charm on himself, Hector also borrowed a lot of public equipment from St.

Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

For a while, the scene was extremely chaotic, with shouts, screams, and roars, until a crisp ding-dong sound was heard.

Although the sound was not loud, the two sides of the battle almost paused the fierce magic bombardment at the same time, and the elevator arrived.

The iron gate was roughly pushed open by a pair of rough hands, followed by a thick red light shooting out from it, rushing towards Hector.

Hector's pupils constricted.

The spell was abnormally strong and its speed was also surprisingly fast.

Red light It whistled through the air, and the Iron Armor Charm that Hector had quickly cast was easily defeated by it.

After shattering Hector's Iron Armor Charm, the momentum of the red light did not decrease, and it continued to rush straight towards Hector.

It would be difficult to stop the momentum of the Iron Armor Charm that was cast again.

Hector knew this very well, so he rolled on the ground.

Although he was a little embarrassed, he dodged it.

The spell penetrated the wall behind him, and a burst of white smoke came out of the gap.

Hector already knew who was coming.

The figure of Mad-Eye Moody walked out of the elevator, pointing his wand at Hector who had stood up from the ground, with a playful look on his face.

"Kingsley, what do you think? Is my intuition right?"

Moody's voice was loud and serious, but Hector could sense the relaxation in his tone.

Hector certainly couldn't just sit there and wait for death. He wanted to move, but Moody's fake eye stared at him intently, with no sign of relaxation.

"Boy, if you don't want to suffer, just surrender honestly. Since I'm here, you have no chance to escape."

Moody waved his hand, and the two trainee Aurors who had already stepped out of the elevator immediately stopped and retreated into the elevator.

"His skill doesn't seem like that of a kid, Alastor,"

Kingsley said loudly to Moody as he carefully moved towards Hector. At his signal, the Auror at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, whom Moody called John, stopped and turned to take care of the trainee Aurors who were knocked unconscious by Hector.

"Maybe it's some old guy who drank Polyjuice Potion. Be careful, Alastor, don't fall into this kid's trap."

Hector felt his scalp tingling as he looked at the elite Aurors who were surrounding him from two directions. His eyes quickly swept over the two people and the elevator behind Moody.

Things are getting serious. Hector smiled bitterly. To be honest, he has always been thinking about reducing the impact on the timeline as much as possible and getting things done without attracting anyone's attention.

In such a situation, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to want to get away without making some noise.

With this in mind, Hector immediately took action.

Hector started quickly. The experienced Moody was even faster than him.

Of course, this was also thanks to his fake eye. In his hole, Under observation, every move of Hector was seen by Moody, and the unexpected opening move was naturally not as unexpected as imagined.

The two people have different ways, but they both know the trick of stacking spells. The only difference is that Hector's combination is a disarming spell and a stun spell, while Moody's is more cunning. His combo is to use the stun spell first and the disarming spell later. The spells of the two collided in the air, bursting out with dazzling light.

Kingsley also took action immediately. Although his spells are not as powerful as Moody's, his proficiency is not much inferior. Moreover, Kingsley's tactics mainly rely on sliding, and his offensive is not... It's fierce, but the key is timing. The swift spell can always catch the subtle moment when Hector casts the spell. Hector was tortured by such harassment and had to be on guard all the time.

Maybe someone asked, why didn't Hector pull his hand out first, deal with Kingsley, and then deal with Moody? This is also easy to explain. Let's not talk about whether Hector can quickly deal with Kingsley in the gap and make him lose the ability to fight back. Even if Hector has such ability, Kingsley's duel style makes such an idea empty talk.

As mentioned earlier, Kingsley's tactics focus on the word"slippery".

If it is just the palm mentioned earlier In terms of timing, Kingsley's tactics are mainly based on the word"cleverness".

As for slipping, it means not attacking first, but only assisting.

It is both offensive and defensive.

It is not perfect, but it is all-round.

It takes harassment as the core and assistance as the guideline.

It adheres to the principle of retreating when the enemy advances, advancing when the enemy retreats, harassing when the enemy stays, and attacking when the enemy is tired.

In summary, it is a word of slipping.

Being attacked by two people like this, plus the sporadic attacks of the trainee Aurors, Hector is really exhausted. At this point, the only way is to run away, but what about Wendel?

Hector was very distressed, but a ridiculous idea came to his mind very timely.


Hector called softly, adjusting his pace, suddenly taking a few quick steps, and rushed towards Moody, casting several powerful spells in a row, his desperate fighting style forced him to retreat.

"It's useless, kid. St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries has an anti-Apparition spell. You can't escape!"

The elevator became empty at some point. The two trainee Aurors who accompanied them were nowhere to be found. There was only a huge black box in the elevator, but no Wendel.

There was no time to think about it. A huge flaming bird landed on Hector's shoulder, accompanied by a ball of fire.

It was Fox.

There was curiosity in her eyes. The child in front of her gave her an inexplicable intimacy, but she was sure that she had never seen him before.

"There is no time to explain. Take me away, Fox."

Hector said softly, his words revealing urgency.

Fox nodded, and under the stunned eyes of Moody, Kingsley and others, a man, a bird, and an elevator disappeared in the sparks.


Moody frowned, his eyes full of confusion.

"Why is it her?"

He looked at Kingsley, who had a similar reaction.

"I think we should go to Hogwarts, Kingsley."

Moody put away his wand and looked at Kingsley, who nodded.

"It's more serious than we thought - the time traveler has been taken away too."

Kingsley said, but Moody, who was standing opposite him, shook his head.���,

"No, Kingsley, the time traveler is still here, he couldn't take it away,"

Moody continued, facing Kingsley's inquiring gaze.

"To be precise, no one can take the time traveler away"

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