"Where's your box? Is there anything important in it?"

""Don't worry, Kingsley. The box is empty. There's nothing in it. Of course, the positioning magic on it is quite powerful - the moment the box is opened, I can know where it is."

Kingsley and Moody talked as they walked into another elevator. Taking the elevator, the two of them arrived at the fifth floor of St. Mungo's Hospital.

This is the Department of Spell Injuries, which is responsible for treating those who have been injured by spells, or more broadly speaking, wizards and Muggles who have been injured by magic. This is why the Department of Spell Injuries has the title of the busiest department in the entire St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sicknesses.

The overall space of the fifth floor is also the most spacious of all floors. Both the treatment area and the clinical observation area are difficult to match by other departments. The

Department of Spell Injuries also has the most wards of all departments. Different patients are treated according to their The patients were divided into different wards according to the causes of their illnesses and their recovery conditions.

Of course, the allocation of wards also followed a certain pattern. The wards closer to the elevators usually housed patients with milder injuries or those at the end of their recovery period. Correspondingly, the wards further down the corridor housed patients with more serious injuries or permanent patients like the Longbottoms. The ward that Moody and the others were going to was further down the corridor, even further down the famous Janus Hitch ward where the permanent patients lived.

Moody and Kingsley stopped in front of a cold metal door with runes carved on it.

"This is it,"

Moody muttered. He knocked on the door a few times with his wand in a regular pattern. The whole door slowly vibrated with the frequency of Moody's knocks. With a few crisp sounds, the heavy door in front of them opened slightly.

"You first, Kingsley."

Moody made great efforts to widen the gap in the door a little, and then made way for Kingsley. But before Kingsley stepped into the door, Moody continued to speak,

"Oh, Kingsley, stay alert, there's more going on than you think."

"Don't you still believe me? But thank you for your reminder anyway."

Kingsley's tone has always been calm, but from the solemn expression on his face and the wand tightly clenched in his hand, it can be seen that this senior big Auror is very nervous about what he is about to face.

Taking a deep breath, Kingsley's figure seemed to have disappeared from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sicknesses, followed by Moody who was in charge of vigilance. The heavy door closed tightly with a click, and then disappeared. The original position of the door was replaced by an ordinary wall. The first impression that this mysterious ward belonging to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sicknesses left on Kingsley was that it was ordinary.

The overall layout of the ward is no different from those ordinary wards open to the public, except that the famous sayings on the wall have been replaced by runes that shine with golden light. The whole room was quiet. Strangely, that heavy door not only blocks out visitors, but also those tiny sounds that represent vitality.

In addition, every corner of the ward is filled with timing tools of all sizes, either clocks or hourglasses. There are so many timing tools that they almost fill up all the space in the ward, leaving only a few pitiful empty spaces as a foothold for visitors.

However, these complicated and countless timing tools did not make any sound, there was no ticking of clocks, no rustling of hourglasses, they quietly surrounded the several beds covered with snow-white quilts in the ward.

Most of the beds in the room were empty, but on the bed located in the center of the ward, which was the center of those clocks and hourglasses, lay our poor Wendell.

"Merlin's beard."

Kingsley's sigh had a reason. He swore that he had never seen anything as weird as today in his life - the immature Wendel, the young Wendel, the middle-aged Wendel, and the old Wendel appeared in his sight in disorder, and it could even be said that they appeared one after another.

In just a few minutes, Wendel's life had completely passed before his eyes. And in just a few blinks of an eye, the glory of time once again enveloped Wendel's body, and the buds of life sprouted again in his decaying body, wrinkles faded, hair turned green again, and the loose and weak muscles caused by aging became strong and powerful again. Over and over again

, but endlessly, it didn't seem like Wendel was swimming in the long river of time, but more like the long river of time was flowing endlessly on Wendel's body.

"No name, no historyAnd there is no age,"

Moody's hoarse and firm voice broke the silence in the ward. He stared at Wendell's body with a probing look in his eyes.

"We can't get any clues from him because we can't even search him. No magic will work."

Moody pointed to the dust floating on the floor of the room between the clock and the hourglass. His meaning was very clear.

"At least there is one thing I can tell you responsibly, the destination of our lives is nothing but dust,"

Moody crossed his arms over his chest and did not intend to continue talking. The room returned to its previous silence. It was not until Kingsley spoke that the strange silence was broken again.

"Were there no similar cases before him? For example, are there any similar cases recorded in the Department of Mysteries? You know, those mysterious guys always like to do some weird and extremely dangerous experiments. There is no reason for them not to do experiments like time travel."

Kingsley never took his eyes off Wendel. He watched the magic of time being practiced on Wendel, and turned his head to ask Moody behind him,

"There is no similar case, Kingsley.

Of course, there are people who travel through time among the Unspoken.

For example, we all know the negative example, Eloise Mintab, the unlucky person who died because the time exceeded a few hours.

We all know the impression they made.

This ward is also prepared by the Department of Mysteries for those Unspoken people affected by time magic - but the situation in front of us is different from all the previous cases, and even more difficult than all the previous cases combined.


"That's obvious."

Kingsley nodded, half-jokingly responding to Moody's detailed answer. He finally turned his eyes away from Wendell and turned to ask,

"I understand what you said just now, but what are these clocks in the room?"

"Time converters, Kingsley, all time travelers are filled with time magic, which can provide starting energy for the newly made time converters. In addition, if the time magic of the time traveler cannot be controlled, these time converters can also lock the emergency in the time loop. It is a very smart method, and it has to be said that the effect is very good."

"The emergency you mentioned does not include that kid and Fox?"

Kingsley asked, his expression solemn, and Moody also became serious. His brows were furrowed, and after thinking for a long time, Moody almost gritted his teeth and said,

"Of course including"

————Dividing line————

The sight returned to Héctor.

A man, a bird, and of course a whole large elevator appeared on an empty wasteland quite far from London.

Compared to Apparition, Fox's space conversion magic did not make Héctor so disgusted, but the huge elevator that fell not far from him made Héctor very embarrassed. Is there something wrong with my expression? Héctor thought so. Obviously, I only asked Fox to bring me and the box, why did he bring the elevator as well?

As Héctor thought, he looked at Fox with a cautious eye. This proud and noble elder sister was busy combing her feathers that were a little messy due to the space shuttle. She didn't notice Hector's obscure, questioning eyes, which were like looking at a fool.

But even if she saw it, she would not react excessively according to Fox's character.

Fox: I don't care. Just tell me whether I have arranged things for me in a standard way. I will complete them according to the quality and quantity. Not to mention that I have completed extra tasks beyond the schedule.

Ector: Yes, yes, yes, that's right, elder sister. Can you be a little gentler next time? It really hurts to fall directly to the ground.

It was too late, so he didn't dare to complain. Hector got up from the ground and dragged out the big box that fell into the mud with the elevator.

The reason why Hector asked Fox to take this box was because he had seen this box in the movie in his previous life, that is, the box with seven layers of independent space that Crouch used to imprison the real Moody. This box is extremely heavy, and it will make a heavy sound when you knock on it.

If you want to safely transfer a suspect who may have powerful magical power, Moody's box is indeed a very good choice.

Of course, all this is based on the fact that Wendell can be transferred smoothly.

The objective facts did not proceed as smoothly as Hector expected.

However, Hector, who knew nothing about Wendell's situation, still believed that Wendell was hidden by Moody in one of the seven compartments of the box.

It is more complicated than Hector imagined to open the box safely and quickly.

Simple unlocking spells are naturally difficult to work on Moody's box, and even more advanced cracking spells are difficult to work.

This cautious old Auror even prevented the Muggle's lock picking method.

The high-end and advanced anti-theft locks made Hector, who was not proficient in opening the door with wire, retreat.

What's more cruel is that there are seven locks like this on Moody's box, corresponding to the seven different compartments in the box.

But as mentioned above, if the situation is really as tricky as everyone thinks, the description in the previous article will naturally not use the modification of"more complicated".

Don't forget, Hector has in his hand the gift of Mr. Flamel, the master of alchemy, the nemesis of alchemy products, the master key of the magic world - Mr. Flamel's pen.

Moody's box, very profound, right? After all, it is still an alchemy product. With a light stroke of the pen, it was opened in seconds.

Seven locks, seven locks that troubled Hector for a full ten minutes, just tapped twice by the pen, and one after another, they made a crisp and pleasant sound, and the box opened. However, the seven compartments were empty, and only the innermost compartment had a large mirror.

Next to the mirror, there was a small gadget with a similar structure to the one Fred showed him last time, but it was much larger than Fred's. It was a glass product like a gyroscope. The moment he saw Hector, the crystal clear glass gyroscope spun rapidly, while shining brightly. In addition, a harsh tinkling sound came from the gyroscope, as if conveying something.

Wait, what is it conveying?

Hector reacted quickly. He used his fountain pen to hit the outer shell of the box several times. After making sure there was no other space for people, Hector used a whirlwind to clear it out, and then quickly Apparated away.

Fawkes was stunned for a moment, she cried out in dissatisfaction, but then Hector turned into a ball of fire and disappeared into the air.

Then came Moody and his Auror team. They landed on the muddy ground in the suburbs of London almost at the same time as Hector.

"Very sharp, right?"

Moody limped towards his box. Inside the box, the glass gyroscope that had been spinning rapidly seemed to have lost its source of power. It was spinning slower and slower, and the light and piercing sound it emitted suddenly became much weaker.

"But his sensitivity is limited."

Hector's front face appeared on the mirror lying at the back. Moody frowned, as if he wanted to reflect Hector's face into his mind.

"Who are you, and what is your relationship with that time traveler?"

These are what Moody muttered to himself. The mirror placed at the innermost part of the box naturally could not give him the answer he wanted.

Moody knocked on the box with his wand, and the box closed tightly automatically. However, the seven locks that had always been obedient and provided security and privacy for the box stopped working at the same time. They did not cooperate with Moody at all, but just hung on their own buckles.

Moody's expression became more and more serious, and his brows had never been so tightly furrowed.

"John, you guys go back to St. Mungo's and help Kingsley. I think that kid will be there soon."

"Okay, Alastor, but what about you?"

"I'm going to Hogwarts,"

Moody hesitated, but finally said it.

"It's best to let Dumbledore know about this matter."

Hector reappeared at the entrance of St. Mungo's Hospital for Witchcraft and Wizardry, which was also the entrance of Tao Tao Co., Ltd.

The direction indicated by the compass was still here.

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