With a ball of flame, Fox's huge fiery red body appeared beside Hector. She flapped her wings gently and landed steadily on Hector's shoulder.

Fox looked at Hector with curiosity in her eyes. She cried softly a few times, and Hector's attention was attracted by her.

"Yes, I am indeed a Dumbledore,"

Hector stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Fawkes's bright feathers. Fawkes showed obvious resistance and hesitation. She shrank back and avoided Hector's hand.

But soon, Fawkes seemed to feel something, and her resistance to Hector obviously dissipated a lot.

She changed her previous avoidance style and took the initiative to move towards Hector's hand.

This made Hector, who had given up the idea of touching, a little overwhelmed for a while.

Although he was overwhelmed, Hector quickly and easily accepted the rapid change in Fawkes' attitude.

After all, people were detecting bloodline, and Dumbledore's blood flowing all over Hector's body could not be faked.

The action scenes to bring the relationship closer did not last long.

The anxious After explaining his identity to Fox, Hector immediately began to concentrate on the task of rescuing Wendell.

To be honest, the situation Hector was facing was very difficult.

Everything was beyond his expectations.

After all, before the rescue operation began, Hector had considered that there would be twists and turns in the rescue operation, and that there might be injuries during the rescue operation.

But to be honest, he had never considered the worst outcome of failed rescue.

But now, the fact of failed rescue was in front of him, and he had already alerted the enemy.

Hector didn't even need to estimate how high the security level of St.

Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries was.

Moreover, after he had to summon Fox, this matter, which was originally only related to the Auror Office, the Department of Mysteries, and at most the Ministry of Magic, became a big deal. The situation is very likely to be reported directly to Dumbledore by Mad-Eye Moody. If it is delayed any further until Dumbledore shows up, the difficulty of rescuing Wendell will be extremely high. To be more serious, it may have unpredictable impacts on the entire timeline.

How come Moody's anti-reconnaissance level is so high? How come he was discovered even though he was so careful? Hector thought about it and felt bitter beyond words.

This matter made him feel completely different from the low-key principle that must be followed in time travel from the very beginning, and now there is a risk of being completely exposed.

However, complaining will not solve any problems after all, and Wendell still has to be rescued by himself.

Hector shook his head and took a few deep breaths, forcing himself to calm down his impetuous and panicked heart.

The current situation has actually been analyzed almost completely, and now What needs to be considered is how to minimize the impact on the timeline while completing the plan as much as possible before the worst happens.

The first question is why Wendel was not transferred after Hector failed, but was still placed in St.

Mungo's Hospital for Magical Spells.

Was it for the purpose of fishing for law enforcement? Hector naturally considered this situation, but he quickly rejected this idea.

A living time traveler is very valuable for research.

As far as Hector knows, the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic has been conducting such experiments, but the process of exploring the mystery of time is bumpy, and most of the experiments end in failure. For them, a time traveler like Wendel, who has a long span, a high frequency, and can even be called experienced, is as precious as clean water in the desert.

Using the"Innate Experimental Holy Body" that is already in his hands to take great risks to lure out a dangerous person whose background is unknown may be Moody's style, but this is definitely not the style of those people in the Ministry of Magic who are high up in the temple and only seek safety.

It is the style of those politicians to take the money and go easy on it.

No matter how stubborn the Aurors are, they always serve those politicians. (No innuendo)

Since fishing enforcement is unlikely to be the reason for Wendel's stay, then Hector has to consider another possibility.

Is Wendel's situation so serious that he cannot be transferred?

Hector doesn't want to think about it this way. Compared with the fishing enforcement of the Ministry of Magic, this situation is what he least wants to encounter.

Worrying about Wendel's safety is one aspect. After all, to be honest, Hector's feelings for Wendel are complicated. The reason why he decided to rescue Wendel is more because of his responsibility as a Dumbledore and a father. As for the feelings between father and son, it does not occupy the vast majority as it should.

Hector's feelings for Wendell are complicated, and his feelings for Hermione are also complicated. After getting rid of the overly beautified filters in the movie and the original book, the images of all the characters immediately became fuller. Beauty does exist in their essence, but the negative and insufficient parts that are covered up will be exposed more clearly.

After all, only in this way can they be called people, not roles.

In short, Hermione is now just a close partner to Hector, not a partner, so Wendell's identity immediately becomes embarrassing.

Therefore, in the face of the current dilemma, Hector is naturally concerned about Wendell's safety, but he is more concerned about another thing.

There is a reason why Moody can't take Wendell away. As for what this reason is? Will it cause Hector to be unable to take Wendell away?

If this is really the case, things may really get completely out of control, and the timeline may not escape twists and turns.

So Hector's idea is already very clear.

First figure out Wendell's situation, and everything will naturally come to light.

As for how to find out Wendell's condition, Hector had already come up with a somewhat risky plan in his mind, going back to before the conflict occurred and entering the hospital one step ahead.

Since the disruption of time is inevitable, it is better to muddy the waters a little more, maybe there will be an opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

——————Dividing line——————

Hector first walked to a remote corner a little distance from St.

Mungo's Hospital for Magical Sorrow.

There were not many pedestrians passing by.

In fact, for such things that need to be done secretly, the roofs of various buildings are the best places.

They are sparsely populated and avoid people's eyes, and they also meet the needs of safety.

Even for difficult tasks such as time travel, as long as you make sure that the building is still standing during the time period you want to go, it can be regarded as a good place.

Hector naturally knew this, but this is London, and the so-called secret talks held on the roof are not rare. Exceptions are popular, and there are also many people who fly over the eaves and walls. In order to avoid trouble, and of course because Hector's own forgetfulness spell is only mastered in theory and has no practical operation, the quiet street corner is his favorite choice.

This choice is certainly not wrong, whether in the past or now, but for today, choosing this hidden street alley is not a wise decision.

As for why, it will soon be known.

Let's turn our attention back to Hector.

He had just taken out the time converter from his bag and was thinking about the time point to return to.

Originally, Hector just wanted to go back to the time before Moody and the others entered St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries. After all, his first choice was to find out Wendel's situation and then make targeted efforts to adjust and improve the plan according to the reconnaissance, so as to minimize the impact.

But then he thought, since I have decided to go back to the past and change time, why not do it more resolutely and go directly back to the time when Wendel was just sent to the hospital, intercept Wendel from the healer of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries in advance, and solve the problem from the root.

Isn't this easier than planning for a long time, and how to deal with Kingsley, Moody, and even Dumbledore in the end?

After figuring this out, Hector felt comfortable all of a sudden. He felt that his idea was really too wise and too sharp. After carefully and thoroughly checking the loopholes in the complete plan, Hector put the wand back into his arms and took out the bottle of Felixir that Dumbledore gave him along with the magic enhancer (mentioned earlier). He needed a little luck.

After putting the Felixir back, he took out the compass from his bag and observed the surroundings again.

After confirming that everything was correct, he turned the spring and pressed the button.

Two hours ago, here I am!

The idea is beautiful. If things really went according to Hector's idea, then Moody and Kingsley should have seen a few empty beds in the ward instead of Wendel who was being washed by the river of time.

Since they saw Wendel who kept changing and they were mutually causal, didn't that mean that Hector's plan had gone wrong again?

Yes, Hector's plan had problems again.

To be precise, there was a problem with the time converter.

Normal, ordinary time converters can only take a person back to five hours ago, no more than an hour, and basically right, rarely left. Once the time exceeds the five-hour limit, those ordinary time converters will either lose their effect and be scrapped directly, or will drag the user into the time vortex and randomly drop them to an unknown time node, which is very likely to cause incalculable consequences.

The time converter made by Nicol Flamel himself is naturally incomparable to those ordinary products. The ability to cross time is naturally more than one level stronger than ordinary products, but even the time converter made by the great alchemist Mr. Flamel has its own shortcomings, that is, accuracy.

Of course, this problem exists on all time converters. The so-called predetermined time above actually refers to a threshold, an area. The time converter can take the user back to this time range, but the error exists, and it is not small. The size of this swing area is what we call accuracy.

It stands to reason that Nicol Flamel's craftsmanship is so high that the time converter he built should have absolutely no problem in accuracy.

But the fact is just the opposite.


Flamel's time converter lacks accuracy the most.

Of course, this is not his fault.

For the sake of understanding, we use a measuring cylinder as an analogy here - a small measuring cylinder can measure a small volume of liquid, the scale value is small, and the accuracy will be higher.

A large measuring cylinder can hold a large volume of liquid, the scale value is also large, and the accuracy is naturally low.

Mr. Flamel's time converter is naturally a large measuring cylinder. It runs for more than ten or twenty years, so its accuracy will naturally be affected. Other time converters are naturally small measuring cylinders. If they run for five hours and then have an error of a few hours, then they might as well not go back.

Hector used Mr. Flamel's time converter to do delicate work, which was naturally a bit difficult for the time converter.

But after all, it was Mr. Flamel's time converter. Although it lacked accuracy, it was still done its best and sent it back to Hector as accurately as possible. It was just that the time it was sent back was a bit awkward. It seemed that the Felixir didn't work, or that the Felixir thought that this was the best time to contact Wendell.

As soon as Hector got rid of the effect of the time converter, the warning of the Felixir appeared in his mind, hide quickly!

Hector's intuition gave a quick reminder. Following his intuition, Hector quickly left the place where he was standing, turned a corner, and sat down against the wall.

As for the time converter and compass in his hand, he had stuffed them all into his bag when he left. Now Hector was empty-handed. He didn't look like a wizard who could do magic at all. He was not much different from those Muggles who were active on the streets of the city. That

's right, Hector didn't draw out his wand. To be precise, it was his intuition that didn't let Hector draw out his wand.

Now it can explain why the quiet streets and alleys chosen by Hector were not as perfect as imagined.

Not long after Hector's figure disappeared, the quiet alleys immediately became noisy.

Several tall and well-dressed people, or wizards, appeared out of thin air in the alleys. They were out of tune with the surrounding people in terms of temperament and clothing. The most bizarre one was the sturdy man with a wooden cane, a wooden prosthetic leg and a strange prosthetic eye.

The location of the alley was indeed good, but not just for Hector.

I believe everyone has already understood that the Auror team led by Moody and Kingsley appeared here, and their destination was naturally very clear, at least for Hector.

Moody was the last few to appear in the alley, but he was the most cautious one in the whole scene. From the moment he landed, his prosthetic eye began to work diligently - looking around and finding all suspicious objects. The last two dummies that appeared in the alley were alchemists, to be precise. The two alchemists were carrying a heavy and huge box, so that when they fell to the ground, the box collided with the ground and made a dull sound.

This Auror team did not set off immediately. Of course, most Aurors, especially those young trainee Aurors, wanted to set off as soon as possible, but Moody wasted some time, or a lot of time.

He knocked on one of the seven locks on the box, and the box opened. Moody took out a mirror and a gyroscope from his arms and threw them in. After checking them, he closed the box.

"There's no need to be so vigilant, right?"

Kingsley stood behind Moody and watched the whole process. Although he said so, he was also very vigilant about his surroundings.

"It's better to be cautious, Kingsley, and I feel this operation is unsafe."

"Your intuition again?"

"Yes, this intuition is very strong."

Moody stood up and waved his hand. The two dummies ran towards the hospital first and disappeared into thin air in the blink of an eye.

"All right, time to go."

Moody's fake eye swept past Hector in the corner, then swept past a spot behind Hector, and then stared at the front again.

The Auror team also walked out of the alley, and only after they were far away did Hector's figure reappear in the alley.

There was no need to hesitate, and Hector followed, of course, using the Disillusionment Charm.

After this Hector disappeared, another Hector appeared in the alley after a while, a much younger Hector, holding a slip of paper with the address written on it, looking at the alley with a very complicated look, very complicated.

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